A new study by South African scientists has found that the popular refrain that homos*xuality is ‘un-african’ is wrong, as there’s no evidence to support the fact and it is present in almost every human society.
Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) commissioned the study, and came out with the findings. The purpose was to devise a way of convincing African regimes to be more lenient towards LGBTQ people, and science is a pretty good way of arriving at the right answers.
The study, published in the New Scientist, revealed that s*xual behaviour is naturally varied, and discrimination unjustified. It stated that there is no evidence that orientation can be altered by therapy or that being gay is contagious.
The study also noted that “There is no basis for the view that homos*xuality is ‘un-African’ either in the sense of it being a ‘colonial import’, or on the basis that prevalence of people with same-s*x or bis*xual orientations is any different in African countries compared to countries on any other continent.”
The study set out to debunk many of those infantile arguments Africans use to fight against homos*xuality. The conclusion was emphatically that there is no scientific basis to calling the practices of gay people as unnatural or abnormal and that they should be fully functioning members of society and not discriminated against.
“The panel concludes that there is substantial biological evidence for the diversity of human s*xualities and for s*xual orientations in particular.”
“The panel found substantial evidence that tolerance of same-s*x orientation not only benefitted LGBTI persons but impacted positively on public health, civil society and long-term economic growth in societies across the spectrum of economic development.”
Considering Western scientists have been on this page far longer, and that science is the best tool we have for deducing answers as humans, this should be an open and shut case for African societies to realise the harm we are causing to other human beings who are just expressing their biological urges, something other studies have found is abundant in the nature we are very much a part of.
But why progress when ignorance and oppression is bliss.