We barely hear about it anymore so most of us have moved on from Ebola, but for those living in the epi-centre it is a real battle on a daily basis.
Consider Sierra Leone, where going a week without a new case of the virus being registered is a huge event worth celebrating. It is a statistic that shows how damaging the outbreak has been.
There was no new Ebola infection recorded in Sierra Leone the past week, the World Health Organisation (WHO) has confirmed.
This is the first time since the beginning of the outbreak that a whole week has gone by without a new infection. At the height of the outbreak, 500 new cases were being recorded weekly.
This news marks a move towards eradicating the virus, but authorities are still urging cautious optimism. A country can only be declared Ebola free six weeks after the last case of infection.
But even that can be misleading, as Liberia achieved this benchmark and then regressed again.
Currently in Sierra Leone, two Ebola patients are still being treated, eighty one people who have been in contact with infected patients are being monitored by authorities, and four contacts are currently missing, according to the World Health Organisation.