At times one just despairs of the capacity of the human animal for carrying out horrific, callous acts, and the capacity for sheer stupidity.
Sixteen people have been arrested in Assam, India, in connection with the death of a 63 year old woman. Purni Orang was accused of being a witch in the village she lived in, with villagers saying she cast evil spells on her enemies.
So a mob gathered, they went to her house and dragged her out; stripped her, and chopped off her head.
Another report says her limbs were chopped off as well.
“Purni was a witch and had cast evil spells on her enemies, there is no place for such sorcerers and so her killing is justified”, Kiran Teronpi, a villager, was quoted as saying by the AFP news agency.
The BBC reports this morning that sixteen people, including nine women, have been arrested in connection with the attacks. Funnily enough, a group of villagers have gathered outside the police station, calling for their release.
Of course it’s belief in the supernatural, which then entreats you to root out the forces of evil, which leads to such acts. It’s just our primal fear of the unknown that we project on others and use them as scapegoats for our own ills.
Interestingly, no Christian can actually condemn this act, since the Bible clearly states that ‘suffer not the witch to live’. That should tell you everything you need to know about Christianity right there.