The stupidity of most people, who call themselves religious, especially on this continent, seems to increase exponentially day by day.
Every time some story would come out illustrating the stupidity of religious belief and literally following them, and every day when you think the ceiling has been broached another story comes out to raise (lower?) the bar even further.
There is a video going around on social media of the one and only Bishop Obinim, carrying out a supposed healing. I do not know if the person is impotent or something else, but the guy is flat on his back, with his p*nis whipped out. And what do you know, the good Bishop is down fondling it, claiming to be praying over it or something.
I mean is this where our stupidity has gotten to? Remember Obinim is the same pastor who gleefully stomped on the belly of a woman. Stunts like these are stunning not just in their sheer stupidity, but in the stupidity of those standing around who somehow think what they are watching is an acceptable practice…
People do all these and people get pissed when anyone criticises religion? Are we so loath to see our perceptions challenged that we’re willing to play the ostrich even in the direst circumstances?
Humans are generally a stupid species. We have achieved a lot in our history and continue to do so, but that brilliance is juxtaposed with the sheer stupidity of the masses. For every Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein, or Charles Darwin; you have millions of Ghanaians, Africans, and credulous religious people the world over.
As if that was not enough, we have invented stories to help us along in our stupidity. The greatest con of all time, religion, has actually convinced sane people by the billions of frivolities that otherwise would be markers of insanity.
Let’s take just Chrisitianity, and look at its core beliefs. To be a Christian, you have to believe in a talking snake, men living in whales for three days and coming out alive, people living to 969 years, a 600 year old man and his three kids who built a boat and who was able to get every species of animals onto it and made them have seks, virgins giving birth, people walking on water, a man who died and woke up after three days and then ascended into the clouds.
That wine and biscuits is that man’s flesh and blood, seven headed dragons; I could go on for days.
The point is imagine if someone came to you telling you they believed all these, and they never mentioned the word god, you would book them into the closest psychiatric hospital.
But religion has people believing this crap by the billions, and like I always say whenever you take that first leap of faith, everything is possible after that. What is eating snakes turned into chocolate or having your p*nis fondled on tv in comparison with turning water into wine or feeding five thousand with five loaves of bread?
After this bullsh*t from Obinim, can we rest our case against religion now? You can say all you like, but whichever god allows these stupidities to be committed in his name and makes no effort, is no god worth worshipping.
The video is too graphic for us to post here. But it’s floating around on Facebook and you can find it there if you’re so inclined.
Why was this even allowed on TV, uncensored?
WTF this man deserves to be camped at the mental home. Christianity has become a joke. GC come for your stone
Christianity has become a joke to those who are not Christians because they waste their energy paying attention to the negatives rather than the positives.
There he goes again.Just give us a break on this Christianity bashing nonsense.U who doesn’t believe God exists, don’t u publish lies on this blog all the time?U even support an abnormality like homosexuality.So what makes u think u’re better or different from the so called Christians indulging in whatever crime or sin?You are as guilty as the people u’re pointing fingers at if not worse so spare us.
Abnormality? How did you establish that? You are pathetic ignorant fool.
It is because of fools like you that Obinim is up there and even on TV. Wp Maame twe for supporting this. Why are you obessed with homosexuals? Is that what this article is about? Kwasia
Hahahahahaaa i think Akua has taken it personal on “abnormality” attributed to homosexuals. LMAO
Clear off u lesbian.Can’t u read?Where in my comment did I support this criminal Obinim?What makes homosexuality different from what Obinim is doing?Are they not the same?So why are u here condemning him and supporting homosexuality?If it hurts u that much u can go and commit suicide.U can’t take criticism yet u’re the 1st to throw punches.Nonsense.
sometimes I find it difficult to understand the logic of people like you on this site. Everything the above article said is true and instead of commenting on that you go off target to distort the conversation. Where in your comment did you condemn Obinim? So what Akua said is true.
You are cheap
this feud is soo interesting. i’m not here to support or judge anyone but please lets be polite.the fact is that what Obinim did was wrong, am a Christians and i dont support Homosexuality but i have no right to judge either.
kuul top my sister and next time dont use the word “abnormality” again. it hurts. kwaakwaakwaaaaa lmao
This man is the devil himself.
when you say religion, is islam included? seriously try to condemn islam and you will know whats up…i dont like the fact that people take advantage of others through religion…its really disgusting…but what i hate is generalising and that is what you have been doing….last time i checked…obinim is a normal dude who perhaps is also taking advantage of people with christianity…i am christian and no pastor will come even close in touching my vjay….will smack the hell out of him or her…its like saying every naijaman does 419…this is getting boring….its a free world…if people want to be stupid well let them…if people dont want to be religious let them…its funny how atheist waste their breath and energy on people who are religious…i find it very funny paa
i stand to reason with you on this score. lets have a fair religious bashing or better say rationalization on this platform. Chris don’t worry about the physical attacks that may come your when the islamic folks smell it. just observing and having fun hahahahahaaaa. lmao
You jst hit the hammer right on the nail or however they say it. Lol
Thank you Missy. I stopped reading the article when it started bashing Christianity. No sane christian will support these acts that Obinim has been displaying over the years. I mean this guy has been a suspect from time and he must not be taken serious or better yet paid attention to. I am done trying to convince people to believe in God, man if you don’t want to then don’t. We the Christians will continue believing in the bible and in things that are biblical.
where is the video Chris. I dont blame this man i blame his congregation
You see this!!!! he will never talk about the havoc homosexuals are causing around the world,and yet we have a lot scandal going on everywhere.But rather he will sit down here and talk rubbish about christians.Your stupidity is becoming too loud,is this pastor representative of all christians in this world?you’re accusing christianity as if what he did was biblical.Put some senses in your mind this pastor is entitled to his own actions in front of God,others christians are not and can’t be involed in the judgement ok?we are not responsible for him,so stop being stupid,each person his responsable for his own soul,you can’t take one person to judge the others never this is foolishness.Did Jesus sent him to do so?is it written in the bible that he should be acting like this?if this man decided to sin how does it concern us?please stop being stupid.
First of all i don’t want to judge but with all honesty ,i don’t believe
in this Pastor and self proclaimed Bishop as a true man of God because
his actions speak for it self ,this is practically insane for him to be
doing some things like this in his church and people believe with
absolute Naivety ,And second i think this article writer might be an
Atheist and so he/she sounds very biased about Christianity,very stupid
to compare Obinim and his Antics to biblical happenings,Absolute