Categories: Movie Reviews

TED 2 Review | It’s The Usual Foul Mouth Ted & His Best Friend-Mark Wahlberg Against ‘Political Correctness’

Ted 2

Seth MacFarlane himself wouldn’t dare say TED 2 is anything close to his first installment when it comes to real comedy—but he surely uses TED 2 to clap back at his critics, making TED 2 seem more like a dry spoof.

Of course there wouldn’t be Ted without his best friend-John Bennett (played by Mark Wahlberg) and the two wouldn’t be such great buddies if they did not share the same insane DNA full of foul language—and enjoy the same illicit interest of smoking their brains out.

TED 2 kicks off with Ted, the talking Teddy bear wedding his girlfriend-Tami-Lynn ( played by Jessica Barth) and a marriage hoped to bring peace later turns into constant fights—and exchange of strong language. You may succeed in throwing some few foul words at TED but never expect to win; his character is a legend in that sector and he does not even spare his neighbours…

On the other hand, TED’s best friend-John Bennett is divorced from Lori Collins for six months and has lost interest in getting back into the game—having found deep solace in a new world of adult movies.  But that was short lived when TED stumbled on his thousands of collections—the two then decided to get rid of those movies, in an unexpected way.

The movie fully rolls in when TED’s legal status as a person is revoked, which ended his 3 years of employment even though he had been ‘busting his a$$ up’ for that company all these years. That was just the beginning of TED’s woes—and our journey to catching the not forthcoming laughter.

With all TED’s human rights revoked by the law for the fact that he is just a teddy bear—albeit a talking and foul mouth one, he rally supports from his best friend as the two ‘freely hire’ a young graduate lawyer to help fight their case in court.

Jessica Barth and Ted

Coincidentally or let’s say well intended, the legal novice-Samantha Leslie Jackson (played by Amanda Seyfried) is no different from TED and his friend when it comes to the worship of marijuana. The three had some wonderful times ‘potting’ around while the audience waited to see if the striking jokes would begin to flow once they were high.

You cannot miss TED 2’s punches at the political correctness of today’s society; saying the things many in real life would fumble to say—but these things have been attacked several times on screen by many other comedy movies, making those punches nothing new.

Considering how TED has special interest in taking the piss out of others, it was pretty interesting to see him become a subject of the piss take at one point in the movie when various TV shows cracked their viewers with his fight for human rights in court.

While TED and his friends were looking for justice in court, his number one enemy-Donny was employed as a janitor at the Hasbro Toy Company headquarters—here; he managed to sell a billionaire dollar idea to the CEO on the back of a re-capture of TED, the moment the court officially declares him as a property and not a human.

There was little comedy in the court room, the usual foul language ruled—in fact; TED 2’s attempt to unleash the jokes clothed in strong language did not really work out well.  Mostly, you are left wondering; was that meant to be a joke?

Almost every joke in TED 2 was founded on the premise that, black c*cks are somehow funny. The references to black c*cks and sexual potency of blackmen kept dropping in from the ceiling as though a single reference did not sink in. Even Morgan Freeman’s cameo at the latter part of the movie wasn’t enough to assure the mind that TED 2 had a decent funny purpose, it was raw…


Despite it all, you wouldn’t want TED and his friend coming to your comedy show—because they will certainly ruin it for you and they perfectly did this, sending out some genuine laughter when they made a comedian’s life miserable by throwing out 9/11, Charlie Hebdo, Bill Cosby and other words when the comedian wanted nothing to do with these names.

And there was the various Comic-Con scenes, which were the least funny but crushingly chaotic. However, MacFarlane’s happy ending of TED 2 was made possible by a strange event at Comic-Con.

Surely, TED 2 is an attempt by Seth MacFarlane to tackle the poor moral progression of today’s world built around the increasing political correctness but the man behind ‘Family Guy’ could not beat his own excellence in the original TED.



This post was published on July 9, 2015 8:46 AM

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