
CHRIS-VINCENT: One Key Reason Why WOMEN Should Boycott Christianity | The Bible Says It’s ‘Disgraceful For A Woman To Speak In The Church’


From BrutallyUncensored.Com

Whenever I am asked about my distaste for religion, I summarize it as this; “Religion is violent, irrational, makes absurd claims which it hates to be challenged, allied to racism, tribalism, bigotry, glorifies ignorance and invests heavily in the oppression of women and continues to terrorize children—and I am sure I have not mentioned its hostility to free inquiry,” writes Chris-Vincent on BrutallyUncensored.Com.

The above is true of all religions—name a religion and I will point you to thousands of its doctrines which set forth just to achieve this. The relationship between ideas and actions ought to be looked at but the mere fact that such ideas even exist is a problem.

Today, let’s look at one of the numerous verses of the Bible which clearly marginalizes women—regards women as inferior and unworthy creatures in the house of the Lord. For a minute, I thought God loves everyone—equally, and a person’s sex does not come to play.

But the Christian doctrine does not indicate so—and apart from the many barbaric acts the Bible puts against women in the Old Testament, the New Testament which many regard as reformed and modern also perpetuates chauvinism.  As always, women are placed at the bottom to be discriminated against and treated like animals.

This is why I find it interesting and yet shocking that greater number of women hold religion (here, Christianity) as true and firmly support it—in the face of their entrenched marginalised position in the church.

Perhaps, women do not really read the Bible and I am sure many have not even come across the below Bible verse. This is the only plausible explanation as to why anyone would steadfastly support a system founded on doctrines which mistreats that person. The confusion is exactly like a black person supporting slavery when his kind is being chained.

1 Corinthians 14:34-35-New International Version (NIV) reads “Women[a] should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says. 35 If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.[b]”

I am not fabricating the above—it is in your Bible and every other Bible. It’s not in the Old Testament which many conveniently argue as irrelevant to modern Christianity. This is found at that side of the Bible which applies to today’s Christianity—and do you want to tell me there is nothing wrong with this?

If we take out ‘church’ and replace it with ‘work place’ and implement this as the applicable work place rule—women all around the world will rise and cry discrimination. In fact, they would want to see the head of whoever wrote that on a spike.

However,  this is one of the doctrines you ascribe to by virtue of being a Christian—and the long arm of this is that, the church regards women as deeply inferior.

Of course,  a small number of churches may be applying this today but the fact that such exists in a book deemed as Holy alone means that,  this Book must be well investigated—and honest conversation must be encouraged about the origin, intent and benefits of this book.

A vast number of Christians believe beyond reasonable doubt that the Bible is the word of God—and as such, it’s well placed in their hearts as the guiding principle of their lives. How can this be the word of God? Why would a God want to treat women like this? If I were a woman, I wouldn’t want to date a man who ascribes to the idea that women are inferior, which is grounded in believing that the Bible is the word of God.

Are we blind to see the extensive chauvinism the Bible propagates?  You must be deeply sick to completely accept such a book as coming from a just celestial father…

I will end this by repeating the verse; 1 Corinthians 14:34-35-New International Version (NIV) reads “Women[a] should remain silent in the churches. They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the law says. 35 If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church.[b]”

Do you sincerely think there is nothing wrong with this? And why should any woman be part of an enterprise which is the mother lode of such bad ideas, targeting them?

This article was first published on Chris-Vincent’s blog-BrutallyUncensored.Com Visit the blog for extensive intellectual discussion of this and other related issues. 


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