World News

North Korean Leader Claims To Have Invented A Miracle Drug That Cures AIDS, Ebola, And Cancer!!! Somebody Is Drinking Some Expired Kool-Aid!

North Korean leader Kim Jong
Kim Jong-un

We know you run a Communist regime whose people are oppressed beyond belief but please, give the rest of us some credit of having at least some basic intelligence.

Kim Jung-un claims his scientists have manufactured a miracle drug that cures three of the most feared diseases amongst man. According to the Asian dictator, the cure would be injectable and is called Kumdang-2.

The North Korean regime relies on propaganda so much because their running of the state is so terrible, if people aren’t force fed lies all the time everyone would revolt- it’s why the movie ‘The Interview’ caused so much consternation amongst the regime.

According to the Independent, “The researchers insert rare earth elements (REE) into insam (gingseng) by applying the mico-elementary fertilizers of REE to the fields of insam.

“The injection is made of extracts from those complex compounds. As a strong-immuno-activator, the injection has been recognized to prevent different malignant epidemics.”

They claim a trial was conducted in Africa, and that it cured 54% of those who had AIDS before taking part in the trials. They make other claims of the drug’s efficacy, such that it can cure certain cancers, and Ebola.

Of course, their target for these outlandish lies is their citizens- and if you’re basically cut off from the world with little access to information, the word of the supreme leader, who is worshiped almost as a god, would have immense weight; so people would actually believe this claim.

In the past, other claims made about the demigod Kim Jong-un are that he was born atop a mountain which made a double rainbow and a new star to spontaneously appear, that he has magical powers and so he does not use the toilet; and that he invented the hamburger.

Who comes up with these egregious lies? How can you keep an entire nation so subjugated they would buy into such obvious fabrications? Oh, I forgot, religious people believe outlandish fabrications all the time! No wonder a lot of people describe what happens in North Korea as secular religion.

Someone really needs to stop drinking the expired kool-aid in that country!


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3 thoughts on “North Korean Leader Claims To Have Invented A Miracle Drug That Cures AIDS, Ebola, And Cancer!!! Somebody Is Drinking Some Expired Kool-Aid!”

  1. This is the case of the mice deciding who is going to bell the cat. I will pay to be the fly on the wall at the labs where the North Korean scientists are. I am sure all the scientists are cringing badly but no one wants to be the first north Korean to tell him he is full of beans. We are talking about a country where people got beaten because they weren’t crying hard enough for the dead glorious leader – jong il. Much like Stalin, the first to stop clapping goes to the gulag in Siberia. No on in North korea will tell the emperor he’s a fruitcake. In North Korea, the sick will rather die than admit that the medicine doesn’t work. Dying in your own bed is better than being fed to the dogs for going against your infallible leader.

  2. Is this man really for real? How has he gotten one drug for Ebola, Aids and cancer? Or is it me or didn’t read this right. So why doesn’t he bring the drug so we test and see


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