Let me point you to my last, which may convince you that the senior God has issues before I move to the smaller gods who are lording themselves down here on earth.
Did you know God is a wrestler and a cheat at that? He does not even follow the rules of the game. If He wants to go about wrestling men, at least He should be fair and stick to the rules of the game—and not go about cheating. Despite cheating, God still lost—Hahaha, Dude is not strong at all, perhaps there is no gym in heaven. Here, it is either God is weak or the man he wrestled-Jacob had to be sleeping in the gym, very strong to have been able to beat the hell out of God.
Jacob was travelling his 11 children and 2 women peacefully, without any intention to have any fight. He has sent all his earthly possessions and his family across a river. Then, all of a sudden, some dude came out of the bushes and started wrestling him. Jacob had no signpost on his head that he was looking for a fight. And this dude, which was God, wrestled Jacob all night.
The Bible says, since God couldn’t beat Jacob, he cheated by using his magic powers to hurt Jacob’s hips, removing his hip out of its socket. Even that, he still could not beat Jacob as they wrestled all night…
Day light was slowly appearing and God wanted to run away but Jacob had already spotted that the man he had been wrestling all night was God so he asked him to bless him else he won’t let him leave—-Jacob held God hostage. At this stage, God had no option and He blessed Jacob before quickly running off—maybe to go find another damn fight somewhere as he seemed bored with Himself. (Genesis 32: 22-31).
That is the senior God and I did not make any of these things up. The Bible has them as true—and indeed, God did them all.
Now if you want to know how stupid the junior gods on earth are; check out this. So in a West African country called Ghana, people are seriously dying because of Cholera, caused by filth. Apart from the fact that the last time Cholera was reported in London was in the 1860s, these black people are being killed by their dirtiness and instead of keeping clean, some of they say they won’t. All because, their gods like them to be dirty.
It was reported today that; “residents of Anomabo, a fishing community in the Central Region of Ghana, have revealed that two of their gods require that they defecate at the beaches. The reason, ostensibly, is that the gods use the faecal matter to produce fish for them.
These two gods who love faeces so much, are known as Ekitsaba and Obosanti. If the residents fail to comply, they revealed, these deities would get angry and they either get very low yield after fishing; or even in extreme cases they kill”.
So these people will keep doing this not caring about cholera because their crazy gods want the filth from their butts. Yes, they even have evidence to the fact that, one of their people was killed by the gods for failing to obey this.
Any god wanting this must really be crazy—and as such, these junior gods are crazy, just like the senior God.
I have something which may help; you have two things here; you can accept the above actions which undoubtedly show that God and his bunch of smaller god friends are plainly crazy or you will go for the option; the Bible is full of nonsense and God never did any of those things. Just as the people in Ghana are high on some cool-aid, their gods do not require them to defecate at the beaches.
Decide where you want to belong and while at it, better watch the beaches you visit when you go to Ghana.“
So you see, the smaller gods Nii Dodoo Nsaki II believes caused the flood and fire are no different from your God—they are all totally insane.
Religion is violent, irrational, makes absurd claims which it hates to be challenged, allied to racism, tribalism, bigotry, glorifies ignorance and invests heavily in the oppression of women and continues to terrorize children—and I am sure I have not mentioned its hostility to free inquiry.
For people like me, the world would be much better if we begin to question the many extraordinary religious claims which of course it offers no extraordinary evidence for…
Visit: BrutallyUncensored.Com for intelligent discussion of this and other related issues.
This post was published on June 18, 2015 2:26 PM
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