After several calls in and out of Ghana, a celebrity fan of this blog-GhanaCelebrities.Com and a personal friend has managed to throw a call to those in high position who stand for what is RIGHT—and our journalist has been left out of police cells.
The police was keeping in there because, they claim, those who brought him said even though he claims to be a journalist, they’ve had thieves coming to the Red Row estate in the past and as such, they don’t really believe him.
The police then asked that the journalist to provide an ID, which he did not have on him. Speaking to them as the Editor and wanting to send them a confirmation of his work status on our letter head was not enough.After all, what email address was I going to send this letter to even?
So we asked that, they allow him to go and bring the ID—and they said, Hell No—because he might not come back.
We then asked for a junior police officer to join him so they can go to his house together—here again, the police said, the station has only two officers and one cannot leave with him. Moreover, they do not even have electricity at the station–pretty not a good situation for them.
We sent a second journalist to the police station and even though this journalist confirmed that the arrested journalist is no thief but a colleague, the police insisted on the ID. This second journalist showed the police his own ID, asked that they take his ID and even wallet so that he will go home with the arrested journalist to bring his ID—then when they bring the ID, he will pick his belongings.
Once again, the police said they won’t allow it and if anything, he has to spent the night in cells till tomorrow—when they MAY BE (take note of maybe) able to get a third officer to escort him to his house for the ID.
It became obvious that we have start making calls to those who can call shots and request for the right thing to be done as the law demands, his immediate release—and it happened.
It’s pretty shocking but as another celebrity friend told me; “Chris you are too westernized, Ghana is like a jungle and people do whatever they can without respecting the law.”
Special thanks to this particular celebrity friend who called those at the top who made sure that the right thing was done—and thanks to everyone who called me to show support, wanting to help in the release of your journalist.
In the course of the week, I will write a full article on this—perhaps, I will title it; ‘Ghana, Another Lawless Jungle You Should Avoid If You Can.’
Like they say, if you’ve never been arrested as a journalist, then you are not truly a journalist.
This post was published on May 24, 2015 10:38 PM
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