
British High Commissioner to Ghana Calls On Us to Accept Homosexuals As Part Of Society

The British High Commissioner to Ghana Jon Benjamin
The British High Commissioner to Ghana Jon Benjamin

All he is going to achieve is get people talking about imperialism and white people trying to impose their culture on us, but that doesn’t take away from the validity of his points.

The British High Commissioner to Ghana Jon Benjamin was on the Starr chat on Starr FM, and he made statements in relation to our treatment of homosexuals. According to him homosexuality, like heterosexuality, is natural and innate therefore nobody should be treated badly for who they are.

“I know it is not a popular view in Ghana…but I think it is about consensual relationships between adults. I think that sexual orientation is something that is natural and inborn in people, I don’t think that it is a choice they make and therefore I don’t see any basis for treating people differently or removing any right they have as full citizens.

I think that in a free society and a democracy people have the right to express themselves and be who they really are”

Which is true, but how dare you suggest men who sleep with men are equal to other men who sleep with women! Ghanaians, largely religious, never sees the irony in judging people so much when one of the tenets of Christianity is do not judge.

Benjamin also touched on the perception that the British are trying to force Ghana to accept homosexuality. Aid and inter-relations between the two nations haven’t suffered any glitches, so he doesn’t agree with that hypothesis.

“In what way are we forcing Ghana to accept that…demonstrably not because economic cooperation package with Ghana has continued regardless and increased in recent years but on other hand we are not going to accept any lectures about how we should organise our society”


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1 thought on “British High Commissioner to Ghana Calls On Us to Accept Homosexuals As Part Of Society”

  1. Deport him from Ghana. Could he say the same thing to the Arabs? And the Saudis. Even in his own backyard girls are running to Syria to be Jihadi brides, they can’t even stop them.
    Is he willing to give all GHANAIAN gays asylum in the uk?
    Will he and his government Accra Polygamy in the UK? They would say it’s against British culture, well homosexuality is against Ghanaian culture too. Don’t fotce anything down our troats. Prime minister said Britain is Christian Country ( in front of 45000) redeemed church crusade at Excel LONDON. Ghana will fight any move to depopulate us.


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