Our brethren from east Africa such as Kenyans and Ethiopians are generally known for their extraordinary long distance running abilities. Yet as that famous George Orwell quote goes and as we all well know, ‘all animals are equal but some are more equal than others’
Selassie is definitely one of those more equal than others. The 42 year old announced his retirement from active competition over the weekend after competing in the Greater Manchester Run, bringing down the curtain on an illustrious 25 year career.
It is a career that saw the Ethiopian garner two Olympic gold medals, eight World Championship victories and set 27 world records.
These are the career stats of a definite all time great.
“I’m retiring from competitive running, not from running. You cannot stop running, this is my life” He told the BBC.
“I’m very happy to stop here. I knew this was going to be the last one,”
Gebrselassie once tried to retire, in 2010, but it didn’t stick. At 42, this one has more of the appearance of permanence.
Congrats to the world famous Ethiopian and best wishes for life after athletics.