It is pretty obvious some higher powers are doing everything to sabotage the forthcoming Dumsor vigil. First, planned venues to host the vigil are being denied and now the Ga Traditional Traditional Council have petitioned to stop them because they’ve tagged the demonstration as noise-making activity.
Now folks are asking if the #DumsorMustStop vigil is noise-making, then what about the unbearable sound of generators you hear in every corner of Accra? Would the Ga Traditional Council also put a temporary ban on generator? The answer is NO!
The GTS stated this morning that generators are not included in noise-making ban list. ” …Generators are excluded from the list of noise-making activity…just as thunder and lightning…so we should know and draw the line,” their spokeperson, Nii Tackie Commie told Kwame Sefa Kayi on the Kokrokoo Show.
The former NDC MP added that he doubts the vigil would be peaceful because most protests that were intended to be peaceful ends up quite noisy. He is asking Yvonne Nelson and other organizers of the vigil to postpone it.
SOURCE: Peace Fm Online
A country full of morons, with a moronic populace unwilling to demand accountability from their elected leadership. Fooled into voting for the same criminal cabal masquerade as political parties.
Instead of holding these so called leader to account, rather the populace waste their time on mediocrity and worshiping of none existent God who’s indifferent to your plight and suffering.
Until Ghanaians, and Africans at large wake up and realise that humans are soly in charge of their own future, as a people we will continue to suffer and live like animals and be the laughing stock of the world.
No other civilisations is going back into the dark ages except African.
Instead of the GA chiefs supporting this demo they would rather use their position and this cultural festival to surpress a very important demonstration against a government who do not see the importance of reliable and sufficient electrical Power supply to the development of a poor country like Ghana.
confused souls