
EX-Ghana Actors Guild President Slams #DumsorMustStop Campaign By Yvonne Nelson | He Says It’s Unnecessary & President Mahama Did Not Create Dumsor

Nii Odoi
Nii Odoi

Despite the unbearable hardship Ghanaians are going through because of the current power crisis dubbed-Dumsor, which has pushed Yvonne Nelson and several other celebrities to kick-start a social media campaign #DumsorMustStop—former president of the Ghana Actors Guild-Nii Odoi Mensah has come out to say the whole campaign is WRONG and unnecessary…

Mr. Nii Odoi Mensah in an interview with Starr Fm said; ‘though the celebrities have the right to hold the [upcoming #DumsorMustStop] vigil, it is “unnecessary” in his opinion.’

Mr. Odoi Mensah told Starr Entertainment “that the young members of the guild should have sought advice before starting the campaign. He believes President Mahama is making frantic efforts to bring Ghana back to full illumination”.

He added; “in a society where the young will not seek advice from the elderly, then you know we have a problem.”

“Seriously my sister do you think the present government is happy with the situation in which we are? Or, when his Excellency the president came into power, do you think he went to Akosombo to [shut] the dam off, so that we stay in darkness? Or can’t we understand that there is a problem and somebody must fix it and that we all have to help that person to fix it?” he wondered.

He continued; “Ghanaians must learn to be patient in life. You don’t get things on a silver platter. No condition is permanent. The man said he is trying his best to solve the problem, let’s help him solve it!

“My sister go to Nigeria. Years and they are still in darkness. Ghana has only been in this for one year. If Ghana is fifty something years and for that period we’ve had electricity except for one year, why should we be complaining as much?”

He added “If you embark on a demonstration and you go on a vigil that #dumsormuststop, what have you done? If you have any ideas as to how to stop the dumsor, give it to them. But if you go on a demonstration, you go on a vigil and all that, it won’t solve the problem.”

“All the past governments! They didn’t have vision. So let’s not only blame it on the current government, I mean we don’t have to politicise everything. We must be realistic in all we do. Let’s stop the blame game and help the man to solve it.”

Really? How much is this man being paid for this sort of reasoning?


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21 thoughts on “EX-Ghana Actors Guild President Slams #DumsorMustStop Campaign By Yvonne Nelson | He Says It’s Unnecessary & President Mahama Did Not Create Dumsor”

  1. waaa look…I dididnt even finish reading what this man is saying…too embarrassing…pls oh dont compare Ghana to another country in that manner…and also unless you have something personal against Nelson, then keep yabbing…President did not create dumsor but he is not doing anything to make it better…that is why he was voted to power to make things better…or why do you think a country elects leaders? to symbolize what exactly…mtcheeeewww

    I wished I had the power to turn off power on anybody that says this campaign is crap…our problem in Ghana or africa is when we plan, we do not plan ahead…all we know is suatra….if Africa wants to join the global world then she should be smart

    • Don’t you read news or even listen to news? You should know what he’s doing to solve this problem. Is ur leader a magician to call light into being. Aseey dwen oo dwen ats

  2. If its unnecessary sit there,you think they voted for him to come to office becos he is handsome or be parading his big booty wife around.Even if he did not create it,they made him president becos he promised to end it when voted to power.Why do presidents come to power with full dark hair and leave bald or wth grey hair?Oga pls step aside n leave the demonstrators alone.smh.

  3. These adults are examples of what is wrong with this country because if he had done something in his power when previous governments messed up we will have seen him as a role model. If u didn’t do that please let us the young people steer a new course for our country. You adults sat and watched this country get to this point. Leave us alone to choose a different path for us. If you have any words tell your grandchildren or great grand kids..some of us are not listening.We are fired up to demand a new generation of leaders. We will show them u don’t just open ur mouth and promise. You promise because you are cock sure u will deliver.

  4. See this fooool, he doesnt even know we have bn in this mess close to 4 years now and not 1year.
    With this way of reasoning, u expected them to seek ideas from you before they demonstrate. #SomeOldFool.

    • Well said. This thing has been on for more than a year yet this old fool want to tell us somthing different like we all haven’t been counting……..

    • You do make sense, not surprised is coming from an ex ghallywood president. Do i smell bribery? This man has been bought for real. Mr. odoi please allow them to do their protesting, at least some of us care so much about our mother Ghana if you don’t.

  5. This man paa, 3ny3 s3 me f3re wo paa nka m3 fa wo slap bia,. Really? you call one year of dumsor as nothing? does he have any idea the negative repercussion this dumsor has brought GH? Some have died because of dumsor, some have lost their jobs because of dumsor, houses have caught fire because of dumsor, just to mention but a few and you sit there with your ugly beard and spew this nonsensical effusions. woa b)dwes3 s3 nkwanta.. makaa maka.

    • Aane! Ɔno y3 panyin and he should be advocating for the possible end of Dum Sɔ. He cannot say that Dum Sɔ y3 bibi foforo. Sorry for my poor Twi, I’m still learning how to write it.


  7. Oh this man, because of my respect for you I will not say much. In fact the gray hairs have failed us. If this is the kind of advice you will give us, then we won’t bother at all. The elderly mentality is what is pulling us back; you are young so you don’t deserve to do this and that. The old people are occupying big positions with their old school mentality, not giving room for fresh ideas but suppressing the young into necessary submission.

  8. See this one too. And why is he comparing Ghana to Nigeria? Nigeria has had this problem for a longer period than GH so are we suppose to be happy or what? If you as an elder dont want to do anything about it why dont you just sit and keep quite and let these youth do what they can to help. I dont blame you, I bet you have other source of power so u careless.

  9. When I read this article the only thing I could say was listen to this fool too. God forgive me but I just couldn’t help it. You are older so we should go and buy schnapps and come to you and worship you or consult you before expressing our displeasure about the dumsor situation we find ourselves in? Yen k)t) nsa na yen be som wo? Anyway, why do we even bother ourselves .After all if he is a dead goat then i can imagine what you are. Age does not mean you know it all. #DumsorMustStop.

  10. Sad with Adults, Opinion Leaders, Older Ones in society with such mindsets! No wonder Political parties go to chiefs and queen mothers, bribe their way in, who later just ask their subjects to follow suit!!!!!!
    Who should come and consult who for what? You mean wisdom is only in greys? Then Solomon wouldn’t have been wiser than Methuselah!
    And yet again, Again, NDC propaganda machinery is set in motion, power crises has been there in previous governments, they did nothing to resolve it. only NDC is trying to fix it! indeed! so Ghanaian! Hoe cheap! Ask yourselves, you and your co halts, if power rationing ever became a daily living standard! And for the period of time it’s been with the NDC!
    Sabotage Yvonne, Lydia, Sarkodie or any other who dares to voice out all you want! The truth would always oust! and you with tainted spririts and minds would just perish; like all backward greedy Israelites perished in the desert! mmchiuwww….who should consult you? The chic of that!

  11. Did Yvonne state anywhere that she was organizing the vigil on behalf of the Actors Guild? Sold out fool!!!!! Shut the hell up!!!!

  12. Empty so called adult talk geared towards cowing or intimidating the younger ones into submission! Even if they are so dead wrong in their ways!!!!!!

  13. My team and I went to VRA in the name of my company to conduct a survey. The sitiuation there is vey bad. I even suggested to them to come out publicly to tell Ghanaians what is going on there. Our past governments did not do anything about expansion of the dam or building more dams concidering the fact that our population is growing and more buildings and industries are popping up. Kuffour did the Bui but it is also not generating more power as expected because both Akosombo and Bui dams take their source from the same water that comes from Burkina Faso ( they also use that same lake/ river water to generate their electricity) through northern ghana. I don’t want to say too much. Just visit VRA and see things for yourselves. Thank you

  14. I agree with you former President. It makes real sense. He didn’t create dumsor BT trying his best to solve this problem. Mahama is more like Moses n Ghanaians like the Israelites. If he listens to them he’d do rightly the opposite. We all want it to stop tho. #dumsormuststop and would stop. So help us God…
    Ghana dey bheee keke.. Lolx


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