You might disagree with someone, yet still respect their right to hold an opinion. That flies out the door the moment their belief leads to the harm of an innocent.
People can believe whatever nonsense they want to believe so long as it’s not harming anyone. Religion has harmed and continues to harm people through its clouding of mental reason in support of unprovable faith.
Maybe people have lost their rights to believe these things.
What other force can get normal functioning human beings to starve a child to death, if not religion? The head pastor of a church in Texas, Iglesia Internacional Jesus es el Rey (The International Church Jesus Is The King) Aracely Meza, was arrested by police after they starved a 2 year old child to death because they believed the child had been possessed by a demon.
Meza, whose church members believed her to be a prophet who received messages from God, told the child’s parents that he was possessed by a demon, and that starving the child to death was the way to rid the child of the demon. They starved the child for 25 days, according to MailOnline.
The boy was given only water four to five times a day for the duration of the exorcism, after which he died. Meza then tried a resurrection ceremony, which of course, failed!
The parents were present throughout the entire ceremony, what sorts of parents watch their child starved to death? One of the witnesses’ police spoke to said she tried to feed the boy, but was scolded by the pastors. She also spoke to the mum, who said what was happening was God’s will.
Meza has been arrested, and charged with injury to a child, causing serious bodily injury by omission. Police are also seriously considering a charge of homicide.
Good, everyone complicit in this horrific act needs to spend a long time behind bars, and contemplate their stupidity and outright gullibility. Frankly I’m trying very hard to be charitable here and not use derogatory words against religion.
What I can say though, is that religious belief should have no place in this world. Our sad need to feel someone else is in control of our lives speaks to our weakness, and our unwillingness to face life’s challenges head-on, unless we get some boost from our imaginary father.
Watch the pathetic resurrection ceremony below….
This post was published on April 22, 2015 8:56 AM
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