The above photos is from the 2015 Vodafone Ghana Music Awards—an event Daddy Lumba performed at, and Joselyn Dumas co-hosted.
This photo was taken after Lumba’s awful performance–seconds before his won award was being RE-GIVEN to him for whatever reason.
Just look at the photo carefully and answer this; what is wrong with the photo?
perfect picture… u got to learn how to look & not touch as its pervertism..
i dont see anything wrong here
Nothing wrong with this pic at all
Lumba is like “lemme see you after the show, Kenpong wants to see u”.
Hey Prof Vardis… my Wendy Williams voice, how u doin’…….
Ohemaa Sasha… In da same voice, haaa u duin….
Lumba: I will tear ur fake hip pads
Jocelyn: (smiling) I will rip ur thinning cornrows off