So the two prodigal sons-Shatta Wale and Sarkodie teamed up on Saturday night, the very time the 2015 Vodafone Ghana Music Awards was being held to stage a 10GHS beach jam in Accra for their fans—they called it, for the masses and called the VGMAs for the elites…
The photos below show why these two musicians have balls—they have a huge following. It rained heavily that night and yet, people came out in their numbers to jam to Shatta and Sarkodi; the S&S union.
Maybe Charter House will sit down with these two and settle their differences and then next year, we will have all of them at the 2016 VGMAs.
Flip to the next pages to check the photos…
This post was published on April 13, 2015 6:37 PM
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