You think your boyfriend is a lucky b*stard? Then what will you say about this man?
Adam Lyons, 34, lives with his two girlfriends, Brooke Shedd, 26, and Jane Shalakhova, 25—and the thing is, the two women don’t fight each other, they cooperate for the relationship to flourish.
I can hear the greedy men shouting ‘Amen’ and ‘Why Can’t I Be Adam.’
In fact, Adam and Brooke, the 26 year old girlfriend have just given birth to a baby boy, Danté – and the 3 of them ‘throuple’ hope to raise their child together in Los Angeles.
According to DailyMail, “the trio – who share a super-kingsize bed and take it in turns to have romantic date nights together – insist that they can provide a loving family environment for their newborn.”
The fact that they share a bed together each night means, 3some is Adam’s daily bread, not some fantasy he dare not even mention—now he is a double lucky b*stard!
According to Adam, from east London, ‘We’re just like any other family. Except in ours, there’ll be one dad and two mums who live under the same roof – and there’ll be nothing but love for our children.
Brooke, who already has a five-year-old son, Oliver from a previous relationship who lives with the trio, adds: ‘With two partners, I’ll never have to leave my kids with someone I don’t trust.’
‘Danté and Oliver will grow up seeing Adam, Jane and I being affectionate and caring for each other. I think that’s amazing.’
This sounds amazing but somehow, I feel a disaster is being cooked—human beings are inherently jealous so how is this really going to work when one starts feeling she is being ignored or treated as the second best?
Adam says he did not have success with women when he was growing up—but I bet now, he has beaten most of his friends with his weird achievement with women.
He told the website that ‘at high school, I was voted the least likely to ever get a girlfriend. I believed that no girl would ever want me so I withdrew into myself. I became a nerd who stayed at home all day.’
But at the age of 25 whilst he was working as a janitor, Adam decided to learn how to pick up women…
‘I started reading about pick-up artists and how you can use psychology to make yourself more attractive.
‘I would practice by standing in Leicester Square at lunchtime and after work, trying to get girls’ phone numbers as they walked past.
‘In no time, I was sleeping with amazing women I could only have dreamed of back at school.’
Adam became so knowledgeable at seducing girls that he started a career as a dating coach – running the popular YouTube channel AFCAdamLondon.
Adam adds: ‘After being a nerdy loner all my life, I was suddenly leading this Hugh Hefner lifestyle.
‘It felt like I could sleep with any beautiful woman that I wanted. At one point, I was dating fourteen girls at the same time – it was crazy!’
There is a catch, I now understand why two women will want this—from the photo below, Jane and Brooke are making out and the website that carried the story says the two are bi-sexuals so they do their own things when Adam is not around.
This means that, all the 3 are winners; Adam has two girls to his disposal, and the two girls all have two partners (Adam and another woman) to their disposal.
Now I understand why women will do this—still Adam is a lucky b*stard though!
