When people travel to the West, they try everything to gain citizenship. One foolproof way is to get married to an obroni; enter Liana Barrientos.
The 39 year old New Yorker has been dubbed ‘the serial bride’ because authorities have discovered she has gotten married to about ten men since 1999 without divorcing some of her previous ones.
This led to a point where she was married to eight men at the same time.
Her simple scheme was designed to earn those men citizenship, and she got paid in exchange for her services.
She got arrested when forms she filed for a marriage to one Salle Keita from Mali raised suspicions, according to Raw Story. She stated on the form that Keita was her first and only husband; and she’s being charged with fraud based on the evidence showing she’s married multiple husbands.
Her previous husbands include men from Egypt, Turkey, Georgia, and Pakistan. She was arraigned before court and pled not guilty.
Her record for most marriages in a single year was 2002, when she got married six times.
Woow. Schemes like these are nothing new, but turning it into an entire profession, now that’s something else.