Seems to me as Ghanaians we have a very shallow understanding of the law- if we didn’t we wouldn’t have this disturbing proclivity towards mob justice that undermines all our protestations of religious morality.
Surely these townspeople do not understand what constitutes and does not constitute a crime. Like my perverted friend DB often says, sleeping with another man’s wife is not a crime. And even if it were, it’s not the responsibility of citizens to mete out justice. You cannot lynch armed robbers, rapists, or murderers; much less an adulterer.
Adomonline reports a 32 year old carpenter known as Paa Willie has been lynched for sleeping with another man’s wife at Adansi Anhwiaso in the Ashanti Region.
The incident occurred on Sunday night, when the man went to watch the big game- El Classico. The adulterous couple took advantage to have a quickie, but it all went wrong when townspeople alerted the woman’s husband.
He returned and caught the duo in the act, getting violent and inflicting machete wounds on the victim.
Shockingly, the townspeople weren’t satisfied with all this violence; and they came to tack on their own brand of justice which led to the death of Paa Willie.
The world is moving on and we really should move along with it. Mob justice issues are becoming too much, and it does not speak well of our intelligence as a people.
All because of tonga?!
Jungle justice is no justice at all. I hope they all get arrested and charged with murder. The Irony is that, the adulterous woman is still married to him. And she will definitely cheat on him again with another man. He should get ready to kill many more men. Sigh!!
You just said it all! Killing him will not change the fact that his wife went behind his back, broke their marital vows and laid down with other man.
Absolutely, u said it all, but I wounder what Paa Willie will say when he gets to the land of death peacefully and God asks him “Paa Willie what brought you here” i guess the reply he will give to God will be “because of Tonga my Lord please forgive me” …….RIP. ..
Hahahaha. I can’t stop laughing. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
These wicked people deserve to be treated like the scum bags they are. What right do they have to kill someone for sleeping around? This is why I say there is no god in Ghana. It is a land of devil worshippers pretending to be followers of Christ. In some twisted way they believe they are doing god’s will. Why do religious people always remember the punishment part but not the compassion part taught by their leaders? Unfortunately for the country these murderers will continue to live and go on pretending that they executed gods will. None of the corrupt pastors they worship with will tell them that by their act they are forever condemned to rot in hell. They will continue to go to church and make noises pretending they are praising god. They will claim they are washed clean and that their sins have been forgiven. Now any god that allows such a thing to happen, without paying back the murderers, is not worth worshipping. Only pretenders will continue to worship such a god. But then Ghanaians know the whole ‘Christo-som’ is just a farce and not to be taken seriously. They know there is no god who demands accountability. He’s like an absentee landlord. Doesn’t give a rats tukus about good or bad. That’s why in the ghanaian mindset you can be a Christian without a scintilla of morality. Don’t believe me? Ask a Ghanaian.