Who Was In Jesus’ Empty Tomb?
An angel of the lord with an appearance like lighting, sitting on the stone rolled from the entrance of the tomb. He was seen by Mary Magdalene and ‘the other Mary’ (Matthew 28:1-5)
A young man in a white robe (an angel?) He was found by Mary Magdalene, and Mary the Mother of James, and Salome. (Mark 16:1-5)
Two men, also in shining clothes; they were seen by Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James, and Joanna. (Luke 24:1-10)
Mary Magdalene came to the tomb to find it open and with Jesus’ wrappings lying around without any body. She ran to call Peter and another disciple. Initially they found nothing, and then saw two angels in white. Peter and the disciple left, but Mary hung around for a while and Jesus appeared to her. (John 20:1-14)
Where and When Did Jesus Ascend To Heaven?
At Bethany, on the same day as his resurrection (Luke 24:50-51)
At Mount Olivet, forty days after his resurrection (Acts 1:3-12)
There are many other historical contradictions and omissions in the New Testament, such as Jesus being crucified between two robbers when the Romans only crucified insurrectionists and rebellious slaves, or thirty pieces of silver being weighed for Judas when a there was an established currency at the time Jesus was purported to have lived.
But this is a conversation for another day, and anyone interested in getting some knowledge on that and more can follow the link to infidels.org.
This piece has showed that the story of Jesus contains some key contradictions and omissions that are difficult to reconcile. In any other historical text one might accept it for what it is, but when the bible is held up as the divinely inspired word of an omniscient God, it merits a little more scrutiny. If God told four people the story of his son’s time on earth (there were more, but these are the four the framers of the bible chose, another fact Christians like to ignore) then he did a poor job maintaining consistency from one telling to the next.
Christians would do well to resolve these inaccuracies in their biblical text before coming down hard on others for calling them out on their bull.