The above photo of Juliet Ibrahim and Deborah Vanessa is interesting for several reasons—a part from the fact that Juliet Ibrahim is today ‘bigger’ in size than Deborah Vanessa, there is something really WRONG when you look at this photo in light of how these two look today…
Of course we are not going to tell you—we can’t always be doing the talking so look at the photo and tell us; what do you think is wrong with this photo?
As they say in Akan ‘ we don’t throw a human being away no matter what’. If you are wondering what they were doing—they were MODELS.

OMG Breaching alert. How come they look like white people now?
eerrrmmmmmm……but what is “breaching”? am just asking oooooo
Looool its obvious…breaching bleaching potetoes potatoes…He Hehe
I love old pictures and i always have fun looking at them. i hope Juliet and Deborah V. wont feel embarrassed of this.
They look lighter these days.
They haven’t bleached in my opinion …look at Jackie old pics n now..does it mean Jackie has also bleached. Gc as we r growing we take proper care of our skin dats all…
Oh its filter…we use too much of filter on our pictures in this modern digital Instagram world…I don’t think its bleaching…but then again I don’t know any of them personally
Ewooooo! Ewoooo! Julie has a shirt that says don’t bleach to look like me. Also she insulted her husband’s new wife that she has bleached to be half cast while she Julie is natural white. Boiiiii!!!! Now we know who started obrechiebrechie!
These people are bleach, end of story!!!! We don’t even need to discus it!!!!!!
Eeeeii Togo made paa ni. I beg who are those two chromosomes in da middle. I swear that gal in da middle..Lol.. Ne koomu nkas33. Girls abr3. Apuu whoever says they’ve not bleached is blind. 3k)m 33ya.
Ok u guys should know back then our cameras sucked. It was slowly progressing from black and white to colored.
Deborah V. has not chnged much she was light skinned dadaaada. .. For Juliet she has chnged paaa but i dnt fink is bleaching is jst proper creams usage n favourable conditions. …