From a facebook comment that was posted (see comment below), the MP for Assin Central-Kennedy Agyepong is said not to have been happy with the many media reports which highlighted some of the very things he said; focusing on the insults he threw out, the houses he claimed to own and the drug dealership schemes of Ghanaian business men.
This has started a discussion on facebook in relation to the sort of people media houses in Ghana give audience to—and also, what the media are keen on reporting.
Contributing to this discussion, Dr. Arthur Kobina Kennedy wrote “Afia and others, the problem is broader than it appears here. There are ignoramuses and insulters but that is only a third of the problem. The second problem is that in pursuit of ratings, our media actually prefer these people to sensible, well-mannered guests. Furthermore, in the course of programs, the hosts do not challenge patently false or insulting claims. Many of the nonsense that people spew on air in Ghana will never be permitted in the US, Britain etc. Finally, to be fair to the media, they are, most of the time, giving us what we want. If we want better people and manners, we must demand that, with our fingers and advertising dollars.”
With Ken Agyepong being the subject; we wouldn’t be thinking too far to say Arthur Kobina Kennedy went in on Ken—though he went further to touch on other relevant issues.
Of course it’s not shocking that Arthur Kobina Kennedy went in hard on Ken Agyepong—Ken in his interview literally called all the big NPP ‘men’ stupid…
Watch the full Ken Agyepong interview below…