
PHOTO: Miss Bum Bum Lydia Forson Puts It in Your FACE

Lydia Forson
Lydia Forson

Most African women are blessed with huge backsides—and it gets bigger when the person is a little thick, sometimes called curvy.

Actress Lydia Forson has taken to her instagram to show her fans her bum bum—well packed in a black tight skirt. Of course sexiness comes in different shapes and sizes…

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13 thoughts on “PHOTO: Miss Bum Bum Lydia Forson Puts It in Your FACE”

  1. Looks like mouldy konkonte!! I have seen her real bum bum at Bojo beach when I was visiting Ghana in December. Didn’t know who she was. She was trying to surf using a boogey board. Had to give her some pointers because she was making the mess of things. My driver told me who she was. Ghanaian women need to learn how to dress appropriately. Wearing clothes that fit and are not too tight is the difference between classy and trampy.

    • I don’t know if I should jump or dance!!! Today is my lucky day. Finally I get to put a face to who has been hiding behind this name to spew rubbish. I was there that day, last year in December. And I remember you VERY VERY WELL!!!! I don’t remember you “teaching her lessons” as you would so proudly put. She wasn’t even trying to surf, I mean who can in Ghana? Her friend had a board and she taught her how to use it just to catch waves and have some fun. Sir, before you even came little did you know I was there and had spoken to her, she refused to get into the water at first because she was scared until her friend convinced her to. She invited me and my friends to sit with her before she got into the water. She didn’t come to you for lessons, you were the one trying to be all nice to her( I didn’t know her my foot) !! Was your diver in the water with you?So at what point did he come and tell you who she is? And if you thought she was so ugly why didn’t you tell her to her face, as you have the balls to do so here! COWARD! That’s how some of you confused and obsessed fans behave, you say you don’t like someone, yet don’t have the balls to say half the thins your write here to people, when you see them you start kissing their a$$. The sad part is she was just there trying to have fun like everyone else, she wasn’t even trying to be uptight. When she came back she first thing she said was about how nice some guy had been trying to tell her to how to suf, but laughed at it all. All this while she was being friendly , you with your black no cute body self was faking it. Yes I remember your body paaaaa, and you should hit the gym if you want to comment about someone’s body.

      A grown man like you, always online spewing rubbish and arguing with teenagers. You have too much time on your hands and that’s a problem. In fact this is a GhanaCelebrity EXCLUSIVE!!! And I have pictures to prove it, they are not clear but I have one with you in it and she in the water.

      I dare you to show your face here before I do. Or you have balls only behind a computer. How I wish she had given me her number that day so I can call her right now to read this.

      • You are f**king liar. You weren’t there. If you were there you wouldn’t say the bullshit you wrote. I came on to her? You are f**king crazy.

        I didn’t know who the hell she was. I only saw her struggle with the boogey board. And yes I tried to teach her how to use it. If you were there you would have seen that. Now stop your lying bullshit. Grown man? See? Thats how I know you weren’t there.

        Please post the picture lets see if you were there. My driver was not in the water. He told me after I got out of the water. I am here now lets see if you can put your mouth where your mouth is. I am here. And I have the balls. Post it or keep you stupid mouth shut.

      • Hit the gym? See you don’t know what the hell you were talking about. You weren’t there? Stop lying. Typical Ghanaian bitch. Post the pictures lets see.

      • I will never kiss any no talent Ghanaian actor/actress ass. What they do is not acting. Kwasia!

        I wouldn’t kiss even the big American actors a$$ why would I kiss a poor , no talent Ghanaian actress/actors a$$? Newflash bitch, they have no talent. I have seen puppets with more talent. Since it obvious you have JSS education and have comprehension issues go back and read what I wrote. I said pointers.

        And you claim she told you that right on your posting. Too stupid to know what you just wrote eh? Go back and read it again. You are a liar and have comprehension issues. Now I am here. Let’s see who is lying.

  2. Obsessed fan? You are having a laugh. Why will I obsessed over a Ghanaian so called actress? I don’t obsessed over Canadian or American actors/actress. Why would I obsess over no talent, not platform Ghanaian actress? What do they have?

  3. Eiii this one e pain you papa!!! If you’re not bothered and you’re so sure why so defensive. So let me get this straight the driver told you after you got out , because in such a crowded beach he was standing there waiting to tell you boss, that’s Lydia Forson. Big joke, now which part of my write up said you hit in her? And I have comprehension issues? And yes I saw you, and Sir you don’t have a 6 pack so let’s end that there. If you’re so confident put a picture up. Also you haven’t answered my question,if you have such an opinion about the way she looked or her body why not tell her to her face? Huh? All I see is the ranting of a guilty man . You didn’t need so many posts to make your point. Again cementing my claim that you have too much time on your hands, me I don’t claim to be smart or even have a job. You talk a lot and so you should be able to back that talk up. If you’re so smart and so intelligent why the need to comment about this lady with such vile words. Why be so insulting when she hadn’t bothered you? If you have a problem with her dressing why not simply state with without being condescending about her looks, sadly you may have a girl you address the same way. Or wait maybe you can’t say it to your girls face but send an email with a fake account to say it, and yes I was there, she was in an African print swimming costume and again you are too grown for this Ish. Let’s just say I am personally happy to know your face and that’s all the satisfaction I need, we probably wouldn’t be having this conversation had you not used deragotary words to describe this lady. Since when did making a point have to be backed by insults, you see how defensive you are about someone talking about you when you think they don’t know you or isn’t a true representation of you? See how angry it has made you? Now maybe you will think twice before doing the same to another, Again me I’m not smart oh, so all typos I accept.

    • See you are lying. You weren’t there. I know who you are hajiaseeee or whatever you call yourself. She wasn’t in an African print swim suit. She was in a black and white swim wear and has her hair tied up with an African print. You were not there. Liar. The beach was not crowded that day so you lied again. My driver was watching my clothes under the sunshade. If you were there you would have seen that. Also your idol was with a little boy when she entered the water. Go back and read what I wrote. I didn’t say she was ugly. I said her butt was like kokonte. I have also said that about lots of women. I also said they need to dress to fit their body. I knew like most Ghanaians you couldn’t back up your lies. That is why your country is covered with miasma of lies, pollution and bad smells. What you didn’t see you make it up. My comments were delayed so I had to repost. The insults were not for Lydia Forson. They were for you. I hate liars and false accusers. Particularly women who false accuse men. Defensive? B*tch you don’t know the meaning of the word. As for my body, if you were there you would have known it. It’s not apollo’s body but it is fit. And sorry but you don’t know my face. You wish!!

    • PS: I commented about her butt in the short skirt. Hence wrap the kokonte in a skirt comment. See you can’t read. I didn’t make comments about her face. You are projecting you own vile thoughts on my posting. If you were there you would have seen my white Russian girl friend and my driver. Liar, liar !!!


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