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Panji Anoff Supports Mzbel | Says Jesus is FAKE & ‘Enlightenment Is Frightening For Someone That Has Always Been Told What To Think’

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Panji Anoff

Ghanaiana musician-Mzbel seems to have opened the floodgate of enlightened minds with her Jesus is FAKE comment as CEO of Pidgin music- Panji Anoff has also thrown a full support behind her, saying, Mzbel has made him proud.

Panji Anoff wrote “Mzbel you have made me proud. Enlightenment is frightening for someone that has always been told what to think. Mental slavery cannot last for ever. The Churches fooled the Europeans for hundreds of years and taxed them to the point of starvation, then one day they rose up and said “NO MORE”. Today all those churches are museums, night clubs, libraries, factories or have been demolished. Now, it is now our turn. Thank u for your courage.”

His comment brings into mind an article a GC staff wrote last year titled “How Come There Are More Churches Than Schools & Hospitals In My Little Town In Ghana?” In the article the writer talked about what she encountered during her recent visit to her small town in Ghana.

She wrote “ I was pulled into a pool of shock when I learned that over 8 churches have been built just at our area and total of over 35 churches currently exist in the small town which has just 1 hospital, a non-working clinic and less than 7 schools. I’ve lived in the United States for years and have travelled to several countries in Europe. What I’ve realized is; all of these developed countries place huge importance on education and healthcare. How can we have more churches than schools and hospitals combined in any community seeking for real development?”

Today, it seems the few Ghanaian entertainers who have taken it upon themselves to make reasonable deductions out of the many years of religious indoctrination are finally speaking out…

This post was published on February 17, 2015 10:20 AM

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