Readers Mail

A Disappointed Adom Fm’s Captain Smart Fan Writes: ‘So He is Not All That After All’

Captain Smart
Captain Smart

Dear Chris-Vincent,

I would like to thank you and your team for your recent exposure of Adom Fm’s Captain Smart; I am a big fan of Smart—let’s say I used to be but no more…

Before anything, let me ask this simple question which popped into my head after listening to the various damaging and disgusting audio recordings on activities of Captain Smart and several women.

What moral, legal or ethical right would this same Captain Smart have to be able to sit on Adom Fm in the future and question any individual— be it a politician or a thief on any issue of corruption, thievery, fraud or indecent conduct considering his exposed antics?

I would say, that is his career gone down into the gutter, all caused by women and his disgusting ways of dealing with them.

I am particularly not a saint so I wouldn’t be able to blame him for wanting to sleep with multiple women but ganging up with his mother and taking from these women who have children knowing that he is not really interested in them is pure evil.

And the way he treated these women like rags, even after sleeping with them and exploiting them financially is pretty shocking. Which decent man would do that?

My other question is; the many God praises and mini preachings he does before kick starting his morning radio show are one of those things huh—preaching virtue and practising vice? Who would take him serious or as anyone worth singing praises along with after listening to these audios? So he is not all that after all?

Just like Captain Smart, a lot of people hide behind God and some sort of public image to take advantage of vulnerable women and to these people I say; the judgement day will catch up on you even if you are not exposed before then.

I wouldn’t even bother tuning into Adom Fm to listen to a ‘crook’ tell me how to live a good life or talk about our societal rot again and this is because, he is part of the rot. A big rot himself!

God should have mercy on Ghana and those who are supposed to be custodians of whatever.

From Joseph A. / Tema-Ghana


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2 thoughts on “A Disappointed Adom Fm’s Captain Smart Fan Writes: ‘So He is Not All That After All’”

  1. hmm that’s what they all do. Chris inbox me ur email or number. 1 of the kumasi base presenter is doing the same as what smart is doing.


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