50 Cent has weighed in on the ongoing Beyonce/Beck Grammy Album of the Year controversy. His longtime rival Kanye West stated that Beyonce deserved the highly-coveted award over Beck, the winner.
50 Cent however disagree with the ‘Only One’ artist. He thinks Becks deserves the award because he solely wrote and produced the album while Beyonce had a team of writers and producers on her self-titled album.
“[Beck] produced [his] record, wrote the record — there’s eleven producers on Beyoncé’s album. Kanye being a producer and a writer should see that,” the ‘Candy Shop’ rapper told People.
Despite praising the Grammys for choosing Beck over Beyonce, 50 however thinks the highly esteemed award show is a sham, recalling how he was controversially robbed of the award for ‘Best New Artist’ in 2004.
He said: “I felt that I deserved the Best New Artist for my first album — it’s the largest debut in rap with 13 million records sold and when’s the last time you ever saw Evanescence? Crickets, crickets. It’s just the way it is”
Watch 50 Cent’s interview below…