She may have had an early 2 rolls of weed—but calling Avram Grant a ‘bastard’ for what he did for Ghana in a short period of less than 2 months is pretty uncalled for…
What coach-Kwesi Appiah and the others could not do in 2 years, Avram Grant managed to do that in less than 2 months—and we mean, getting the Black Stars to play as a team.
Discipline wise, the players have showed improvement both off and on pitch—and though they could not win the trophy as many wanted, what has the coach done to deserve being called such a name?
Talking about bastards; it’s obvious who the bastard is here at this stage—surely not the coach in our estimation.
And for Christ sake, when will facebook allow people to take an IQ test before they could have an account—because it’s obvious some people do not deserve to be on such a platform—made worse by their weed and alcohol addiction.
What do you think about Afia Schwarzenegger’s message? Has she crossed the line? And in the same sentence, she is talking about God—has God not become a joke?
Kurasinii baa, there she goes again. Cheap stinking sl*t of a classless lady calling Avram Grant a bastard. Afuom, bra b3n na wo ab)? I don’t know why Despite is still keeping this minus of a sign. Smh..
I dont even understand this Afia woman….
Oh me nua baa, tell me abt that. I’m even thinking of making a video of her. She disgusts me.
ooh not this afia again..aah she’s really really annoying now.
she is damn stupid i hate to see her face
I think she’s going through serious emotional issues…she seems really sad.
You know that feeling when there is something “nasty” in your throat and you want to get it out? That’s how I feel like anytime I hear of this retired prostitute. If I was Gladys, I would have gone to Ghana and drag her sorry behind on the floor and use her skull to crack a coconut.
This is also a radio/TV presenter -but for only in Ghana. Very poor grammar: missing comma’s, incomplete sentences, spelling errors, etc. Some of these people need a semester of ESL class here in America.