From what the charge sheet told us; KKD met the girl at the African Regent Hotel where he claimed he was due to host an event. He then invited the girl-Ewuraeffe Orleans Thompson and her cousin to join him and his cousin in his hotel room—specifically, he asked the girl to help fix his make-up (face powder) as the event he was going to host was going to be aired on TV.
According to the girl, when they got into the hotel suit, they were offered some drinks which they turned down—and after they sat down, KKD called her to the bathroom to help with the fixing of his make-up. It was there that she was raped.
KKD has accepted that indeed he had ‘seks’ with this 19 year old in the bathroom but it was consensual—so it was not rape.
According to information speculating around, sem*n of KKD was found inside the girl when she went for the needed medicals—sort of suggesting KKD did not even use a CONDOM.
If the no condom part is true, is it not shocking that KKD would just meet a girl he does not know from Adam at a hotel—and proceed to have ‘seks’ with her in the bathroom without even a protection?
Wow! Are we that low and careless?

Look at his face, this guy is not innocent. Girls…be smart. Do not go into hotel rooms or any isolated areas with strangers. Dont be a groupie. Dont be bamboozled by fame, lights and the high life. Some of these girls are not innocent either. They want a quick come-up and to have bragging rights. It comes with a huge price. Its not meant for everyone!
This story gets more distasteful and disgusting by the day!
smh, tell me abt it. hmm
Filthy old man ewwww what if she had Aids or he had Aids ,paedophile smh.
But em the question I keep asking is so at 19 years she isn’t even a virgin? A man could easily penetrate her n come ??? Wow!!!!
Hmmmm KKD himself I hv nothing to say to such a useless man
Urmmm she is 19 not 9…The average age males and females lose virginity in the USA is 17 according to the centre for disease control and prevention. What does virginity have to do with him coming in her anyway? Please let us not detract from the serious issue at hand.
And so what? We’re you a Virgin at 19? Who is judging her virginity.? You describe the process like it makes you yourself cum. Pervert! Facts are staring you in the face and you are still blaming this girl who has been shredded ten times in the media. Fa wo ho kankan fa firiha!
This article is just to inflame the masses and has no value whatsoever. We all know there was s*x. KKD has admitted that. Listing the details of what happened is inflammatory and prejudicial. It serves no purpose except as the proverbial red flag in front of the bull. Shame on the writer. If someone on the other side had written that the girl twerked and whirled on KKD’s dick like a dervish and the came like the Ghana Water Works all over KKD, we will consider it inflammatory too. We know GC writers have a hard on fro KKD but come on?? What next? Are you going to tell us how KKD slid the girl thong aside and went in like a submarine? What purpose will that serve?
It has been reported elsewhere that they had two positions. It started as ‘girl-sitting-on top’ session and ended as KKD thrusting the girl from behind. So lets assume the first one was the beginning of the purported rape. What are we to make of the second position? She couldn’t get up and run? She was locked in position? Anyone who has had sex knows you cannot control the first position and then roll it into the second position without the victim getting free. Something doesn’t add up.
@mennesehatsu , I have also been thinking in the direction of your second comment, I feel its not that easy for the old man to rape this lady in a bathroom with her cousin just a room away( but hey I might be wrong and pls am not in anyway supporting kkd or blaming the innocent girl). I think, I repeat I THINK the man might have probably pressurized her (by way of verbal persuasion and tactile stimulation) until she gave in against her initial wish but then after the act she regretted it and reported to the authorities. So Chris assuming it happened that way, wud it still legally fit into the definition of rape? I wud really appreciate if I get a response Chris. Thanks
Consent secured under duress is not a valid consent so that should be rape—if consent was not genuinelly granted but was granted under duress..
Chris how do you define duress? Does smooth talk and fake promises count as duress? Was there any threat or coercion?
Alrite, Thanx mehn
CHRIS JUST SAW THIS on whatsapp and thot to share here since I don’t know ur whatsapp no “DONT ALLOW UR ER**TION TO DETERMINE UR DIRECTION IN 2015 ” KWESI KYEI DARKWAH.
Listen to the holier than thou folks.
The lady in this case is a full blown adult, capable of taking some decisions.
Lets not be quick to jump to conclusions without the full set of facts.
CHRIS u left out one of my two comments I said if we talking about morality its both ways kkd is too old for the girl and the girl too left her boyfriend and went upstair to kkds room. is kissing alone not cheating on ur boyfriend as captured by cctv
I don’t care whether it was a consensual, rape, s**ual assault or whatever the situation may be. My only problem and something I’ve been struggling to come to terms with is the fact that a 49/50yr old man had s** with a 19yr old girl, and to even think of it been KKD is another story. Gosh who would have thought this man is one of those “manthers/pedophiles” living off our streets. 30yrs age gap for Christ EFFING sake mann… and he had no shame admitting and writing bullSHIT afterwards. I understand under age young girls in Ghana don’t act their age this days and behave like h**s and would do anything for money and fame but damn KKD I didn’t think you would stood this low. WOY3 PANIN BONE PAAA, AWINGAA. Why not marry if you crave for s*x, you cheap old manther. And to the hypocrites defending this man, would you have done the same if it was KKD’s daughter that a 49yr old had s** with? I can only imagine what that man would have been through by now. Lord Have Mercy ?
That man is a dog. A filthy dog. Come to think of it, KKD´s 21 year old girlfriend was actually one of the models at the fashion show. She was backstage while he was getting it popping with the 19 year old. After the sex he came to sit on front roll like nothing had happened.