I am back and if you do not like it, just get the hell out of my way—because we definitely need to use of you for experiments in the laboratory, you are no difference from mice when it comes to your abilities to evaluate situations and come to establish the truth.
The past few days have been filled with reports, arguments and opinions on the Kwesi Kyei Darkwah’s alleged raping of a 19 year old girl’s case—following which about 10 more women have come out to state how this notorious se*ual predator took advantage of them when some were as young as 11 and 14 years.
Despite how strange it is that a 50 year old man met a girl as young as 19, capable of being his daughter at a hotel—and instantly decided to want to have seks with her and in fact proceeded to do so, many still seem to believe, KKD did nothing wrong.
Of course he did nothing wrong because many of those defending his actions and failing to take a minute to consider the stories of the various women themselves are no different from KKD—our streets are full of old dirty bast*rds who prey on little girls like hawks.
For Christ sake, which reputable level headed man will meet a young girl at a hotel, take the girl together with her cousin and his cousin into his hotel room—and while there, go to have seks with this newly met girl in the bathroom? Even if you are one of those acute mentally constipated douchebags who believe the girl was not raped, what do you make out of this man’s behaviour, lack of self respect and morals?
The only thing that stops most men from breaking the law or raping women is self respect, morals and decent behaviour—what KKD claims to have happened that night lacks any of these elements and therefore, what makes anyone think he did not rape the girl as she claims or he is not capable of doing so?
When it comes to smart but foolish se*ual predators like KKD, they buy into this conception of delusion fuelled by fame and the stupidity of some people who have no heads to think—therefore would support them no matter what. These predators use some sort of arrogance, self-obsession and several cunning traits like being the finest to cloud the judgement of those who may see through the smoke—and at the same time, to prey on their victims. Notably, predators like KKD starts lying to themselves about their actions that there is nothing wrong with what they are doing—and eventually begin to believe in their own lies.
And if it happens that this ODBs live in societies like Ghana where se*ually abused victims are never the true victims but become the culprits; then they will ride on the insensitivity and stupidity of the society to perpetuate their acts. Because, the victims cannot even go out and say it—the society will slam them, call them all sorts of names and come up with dumb arguments that a man running to the toilet would not even make, just to discredit these women victims.
Our Ghanaian society is pathetic and it came to light at yesterday’s Ghana Movie Awards where almost all the so called comedians who need to find a job at a factory (because they are not funny) for some weird reason thought someone having been se*ually abused/raped should become the theme of their jokes..
A girl as young as 19 years old’s life has been ruined by a deluded predator and you people think it is funny? Shockingly, female comediennes like Afia Schwarzenegger also thought it was funny, reasonable and acceptable to be throwing some non-funny jokes out there about this girl’s on-going rape ordeal.
Talking about delusion; I am more than certain that, KKD thinks he is above the law—all existing laws either legal, moral, religious or personal law. And this became evident yesterday in how he even dressed to court—and the message that was later posted on his facebook page where he pathetically invoked the name of God.
Even if you claim the se*ual intercourse was consensual and not rape, do you think God will be happy that an ODB like you just took a girl from an event at a hotel—a girl younger than your own daughter and took her into his bathroom within few minutes to sleep with her? What has God become these days then?
For many years, women have suffered in shame and silence—and societies like the one we have in Ghana have made it worse—and pitifully this has given people like KKD the perfect opportunity to take advantage, abuse and violate the dignities of girls, including minors without regret or an attempt to watch their backs.
It would be unfair on his daughter or else, I would have said; life is definitely a bytch, married to karma for many years and they never fail to show their faces when you least expect them…

Exactly my point Chris…well said. I’m shocked to extent hw ppl who are supposed to know better are defending such act. I mean let’s assume he did not even rape her. How the f*ck would u meet a 19 year old girl (a girl younger than ur daughter), have sex wf her the same day in a room with ppl around? Can’t some ppl just sit think/reason for once..??
Ghanafo)..y3gyimi too much.
Hmm, Quite strong Chris….
Agree with some of your thoughts though….
You should just read some of the comments on his post on facebook, people telling him that God will see him through….Really? I wonder the kind of God they serve….if it is wrong, then he should be told the truth that it is wrong, not what he wants to hear…
I got sooooo pissed reading at those comments…hypocrisy is even an understatement
For once, I agree with Chris. Folks should get rid of sentiments and speak objectively about KKD. We read about ordinary men defiling and raping girls all the time. Why can’t it be so with KKD?
Do cover both ends of the spectrum. We can both agree this guy is not innocent. Also, put the girl in the spotlight a bit. What business does she have in his hotel room? Correct me if im wrong.
Is she a friend/acquaintace of this guy?
I am not the author but I have added the charge sheet to this post which explains how the girl got into the hotel room so please read it. Hope your question is answered! Thanks
Let say the girl agreed to s*x but changed her mind and said NO it means NO. You stop it. If he found quality hope they deal with him accordingly.
Being in a hotel room doesn’t mean rape me. Ghanaians have associated hotel with s*x for so long it’s abt time we stop. We can meet FRIENDS in a hotel room, change our clothes in hotel rooms, s, hit in hotel, take a nap in a hotel room. Going to someone’s hotel room should mean u r entering a dungeon with erect dicks waiting.
Yes KKD is a douche bag! But even douche bags deserve their day in court. Being a douche bag shouldn’t necessary send you to jail as some will have us believe. The writer seem to absolve the girl from any personal responsibility. Which is a tad insane. There are certain natural or biological facts in life. When we see a car coming at us we move out of the way. When we see a dangerous animal we run. Kids as young as 2 are told not take gifts or rides from strangers. These are simple things every decent human ought to know. Going to a hotel room with a man you just met and then leaving your only backup in the living room to enter the washroom with him is a extremely naïve or poor judgement. Having s8x against your will without fighting back is beyond belief. Especially when your limbs were not tied, your mouth was not taped and you are 30 years younger than the man and therefore physically stronger. No struggle, no screams and no attempts to scratch your rapist? Wow! So what form did your resistance take? These are the question Akosua Abrebese should be asking. But she won’t because it doesn’t fit her feminist narrative. It is all the man’s fault. Even if its proven that he didn’t rape her. Akosua will continue to blame KKD because he has a d8ck. That is what the feminists kool aid is all about. Once you drink it common sense goes out of the window and men are the only predators walking the planet. Even in nature the prey just don’t roll over for the predators. She should be asking serious questions from the girl. Rather she’ll will like to accuse those trying to seek true justice by asking these questions as perverts or closeted rapists. Who only support KKD because that’s what they do too. She will not address issues of personal responsibility and the likelihood that this may not be a rape case at all. No! Once there is a cry of rape it ought to be a rape. Jettisoning any common sense and any need for critical analysis of the case. Using KKD morals to judge him is a cop out. It is an appeal to the emotional rather than the rational. Just like Chris ‘disgust factor’. Yes he may like to eat from the tail end of the spectrum but does that make him a criminal?
Lol such nonsense. SMH. I’m just baffled by the boldness of your idiocy. Good God. Soo.. the girl was naive so deserved to be raped. Because her protests were not heard by the cousins in the living room, she indeed consented to the heinous act by having a one night stand without protection because KKD is such a god. Fuckin retard. THINK!
Your name says it all. No need to proceed to anything with you. Smithsonian will like to have a word with how on how you manage to survive all these years you f**king Neanderthal!! You can’t think outside of your rape obsession. I never said she deserve to be raped a**hole. I said there was no rape based on the facts. Not f**k off knuckle dragger.
F**k off knuckle dragger. The Smithsonian will like to know how you’ve survive this long you f**king Neanderthal!!. I never said she deserved to be raped you pathetic excuse for evolution. I said there was no rape base on the fact leading to and during the so called rape. Learn to read and comprehend. Now f**k off with your bone in the nose nonsense. Even chimps and gorillas are evolving. Except you.
Mr chris..no man willl dare to support him “if and only if “it is truly a rape case..neither it is right for a 49 or 50 year old man to sleep wid a 19 year old lady…but my question is do u or do u nt believe that this same lady agreed to ve s*x wid him.?..let us nt be quick in judging..whteva triggered the lady to file for a rape case is smfn we shd all be fnkn of……alwyz. rmbr innocent until proven guilty thus says the law…wht if this man is innocent of the rape accusation? The fact dat he has sin against God by committing adultery does nt mke him guilt in law court..i jus pray that he change..thus all..but I personally fnk the lady gve in to him..n she shd be ashamd of herslf…God frgve her too!
With strangers?
effe too has been exposed this is not the first time she is cheating on her boyfriend david .this time the boy has found out and she is saying its rape . u come to an event with ur boyfriend and leave him and follow anoda person to his hotel room
You are right
Yes they are never guilty. they are all the same the celebrity mafia. KKD KOD Reggie Rockstone Nana bediatu Kwame akuffo all of them. they have to protect him because if he falls it will give other victims coruage to come forward. a bunch off sick ass men. Reggie your own is next.
Has REGGIE raped any one u know ? Smh
Three young girls. And we are finding more. Watch this space. Smh. I am one of the girls. I was on 17. He is a dirty piece sh*t. I am putting stuffs together.
Three young girls. And we are finding more. Watch this space. Smh. I am one of the girls. I was on 17. He is a dirty piece of s*#*. I am putting stuffs together.