Yesterday, a photo of a certain girl was being circulated on social media as the 19 year old girl KKD is alleged to have raped—a case which has landed KKD (Kwesi Kyei Darkwa) in police cells. But it later emerged that was not the girl contrary to the social media speculations…
It seems we have the right girl standing next to KKK without spectacles in the above photo—the picture was taken on the night of Saturday, 27th December, 2014 at the African Regent Hotel where the alleged rape is said to have taken place in the bathroom of KKD’s room.
The fact remains that, the girl is 19 years old—and from this new picture, there is no doubt she could be 19…
Dirty old man.Your cup is full.How would he feel if some old man like him did what he did to his daughter? Bill Cosby the second. Shameless man!
His cup is really full…
wats ur email ? 🙂
[email protected]…are you sending me a love note? lol
This is a very disturbing development in Ghana entertainment and I hope it is a lesson to all the celebrities. You are never above the law. Sooner or later you will be shamefully exposed.
Ah…why is everyone jumping to the conclusion he is guilty. We don’t even know the full facts. is it true they had drinks and watched a movie after the alleged rape? Are they dating? Did KKD ignore her or hit on another girl….could this be revenge? Let’s keep an open mind till we know all the facts.
The big point you seem to miss is that the girl is a TEENAGER! Whether consent or not, shd tht vulnerable age range be considered acceptable especially if the man involved has been vocal against acts like that? How can you write articles about men taking advantage of vulnerable women meanwhile in reality you are having sex with teenagers and can even admit it to the public without shame.
@ calute…You sound very shallow minded & foolish, what has the girl’s age got to do with this…and you dont even know that the constitution of ghana pegs the age for consensual sex at age 16 thus even if she was 16 and fully gave her consent, kkd cant be held for sleeping with a minor which is the path your argument seems to be heading toward…i think your eagerness to have say in this matter, made you lose sight of all these uncontrovertible facts…now to your teenager argument, that’s extremely laughable, you also dont seem to realize that anyone from age 18+ is considered an adult by the supreme laws of the land which is the constitution..at 18 one is considered matured enough to gain a franchise to vote in public elections, so there is no law and i repeat no law on our status that classifies a 19 year old woman as a minor…your IQ is very low and your analysis on this matter lack intellectual depth ….i guess instead of making desparaging remarks about people you might.not know a hoot! about, go grab some useful text books and you might be able to get rid of those cottons in your head…and to the almighty Mr. Vincent you seem to have a special interest in this matter any reasons?
I think you are the one that lacks understanding my friend. Clearly you have not followed anything kkd has written and expressed in the past. HE PROMOTES FEMALE PROTECTION when it comes to sex and rape. If you think it is sound for a 50year old man to have sex with a 19 year old girl because you can hide behind legalities then u are just as dirty as him. KKD is a hypocrite.
Can use your previous legalities to defend him when there are now 10 reports against him ranging from girls with ages from 9 years old to 14 years old.
Shame on you and may you also be exposed just like kkd. God deal with you!!!!
Kwasia fool. You see the judge has remanded KKD in cells till Jan 8. Use ur stupid legalities to get that dirty old man out now.
The person is sick and twisted with fascination for girls btn ages 9 to 19 and u want him to find loopholes in the law to be protected? You are a sick person. Pray that he doesn’t meet you adolescent daughter too!
You think all girls are hungry for love from a sleazy old man?look at the shit you are asking. Did he ignore her? Could it be revenge? Where the f*ck has your brain been since all the evidence? Or you don’t have one? I don’t blame humans like you . Thank God we don’t have you reasoning for people in court.
Its strange because the girl he allegedly raped bears a striking resemblance to his daughter Ohemaa who attends St. Mary’s University in the Uk. KKD is full of crap…… coming from someone who have had an encounter with him. His so called lawyer is also not exempt from crap. I have always said their crazy lifestyles will one day land them in hot waters. I hope my uncle who is a close friend of them both is paying attention. Like it is being said it is an allegation for now. But i have no doubt on my mind we will hear a lot of stuffs if this case goes to trial. And shame on those who are victimizing the girl. Whether she is lying or not, please let the court decide.
Hmmmm u spent time with him in his hotel room and u say rape…? U even spent more time relaxing with him after d “so-called” rape…? How come this is rape?
You’re 19 years and he isn’t d one that even disflowered you… Now tell me if this 19 year old girl was raped or not…Hmmmm trap trap trap
And the others too, are the all traps?
The ladies are not asking for money, some don’t even want their identities known so this is not about blackmail or fame.
The man clearly has a sexual fascination for adolescents and teenage girls which is very disturbing and disgusting.
Though he’s not my man, I still belief he did not rape her. Maybe, what was promise to the girl was not fulfilled. And you know what “some” women are capable of. The girl might issue a threat but he didn’t take it seriously.
As much as GC wants to raise awareness, I would love if you keep the supposed victims anonymous, i.e try not to post any pictures of who you suspect the young girl is or name names. Complaints and defendants also, have the right to anonymity, it hurts when you are being dragged into such an allegation if you have nothing to do with it.
Before u open ur mouth think twice.what was her business on the 3rd floor n since when did she become a makeup artist to be powdering people’s faces.i would rape her again and again.foolish Ghanaians who don’t think before saying things.this is not done in European countries.did u hear that bill Cosby was arrested?idiots.u need evidence not mere accusations.bullshit.