Apart from the reported rape case and the many allegations flying im which sort of taint KKK’s (real name Kwesi Kyei Darkwa) reputation and paint him a serial sexual assaulter, KKD insists his intercourse with the 19 year old was consensual.
When it comes to rape, it is always one person saying the sex was consensual and the other saying it was not—mostly the woman takes the latter stand and the man the former.
KKKD is reported to have asked when the police visited the crime scene that; if he indeed raped the 19 year old girl as she claims, why didn’t she scream for anyone to hear her? Legally, this is a stupid question but in our Ghanaian setting, most people seem to think rape comes out of struggles or using force.
But if you put a woman under duress to secure her consent for sex or force her in anyway (though she did not scream) that still may amount to rape. Screaming or fighting back is the indicator of whether rape took place or not—rather whether the woman granted the needed consent.
Currently, KKD is being held at the Airport Police Station and so far GhanaCelebrities.Com has heard of four other people alleging some sort of sexual abuse from KKD in the past. These claims remain in the allegation box though…
Out here at GhanaCelebrities.Com, we cannot just get our heads around why KKD—a man of his age would even want to have sex with a 19 year old girl. That is really a shock!
And he is not even ashamed of himself for having sex with a girl in the same age group as his kids. I rest my case, my the law deal with him.
Ask again…hmmm
Why should he be ashamed to have s*x with a 19year old?
How different is that from having s*x with his age group?
Morally, we are not suppose to to have sex outside marriage; and yet how many people really do that? It seem to be the norm these day to be having s*x with whoever we deem appropriate, provided it is consensual and the other person is not a minor nor a mentally challenged. Cause we are not breaking any laws here.
Fucking Pedophile
Are you serious or joking? For f**ks sakes, f**king a 19 year old has nothing to do with being a pedophile. Illiterate.
There has always been something about this man which looks fishy. In London he uses a walking stick sometimes and in Ghana he walks freely.Hes just full of mysteries.
why on earth would u want to have sex with a girl under 21? How do u look into her eyes knowing ur ddaughter is about the same age as her?
And to the gurl; how did u end with him in a bedroom? When did this happen? Did he probably promise U something which he couldn’t fulfill so u decided to bring it to the limelight? Where’s remaining of the truth behind this story?
Bottom line:the law must be dealt with him and kwaw kese must be left free.
I am not surprised at all!! i knew one day his cup will be full and he will be caught. Because some people didnt report he thought he could do it to every other girl….well KKD, you should not mess with some girls…
Kwasia kwa!
lmao….”Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.” says Abraham Lincoln….KKD silence would have been the best option for you.
When was sex with 19 year olds a crime Ghana? 19 year olds have been having sex with older people for ages in Ghana. It was en voque in Legon for years. Fucking sugar daddies for fridges, stoves and trips was common. PV Obeng use to fuck Temasco girls for $5000 cedis a pop. And they were all not 19. The hypocrisy of Ghanaians on this issue is galling. Across Ghana 19 years olds are fucking older men. At times older than their fathers. They do it for money, gifts and other perks. It’s nothing new.