KKD who was arrested earlier today and currently in police cells over rape charges may be Ghana’s own version of Bill Cosby—that is if we are to go by the mounting allegations which are coming in to GhanaCelebrities.Com…
KKD’s lawyer-Nana Asante Bediatuo has come out to say his client-KKD had sex with the woman who brought the charges (19 years old girl) but the sex was consensual and as such it cannot be rape.
As we explained earlier, when it comes to rape—CONSENT mostly becomes the determinate of whether an intercourse amounts to rape or not and if you have the woman saying she did not grant consent at all or the consent was not genuinely granted, then you may be in for a big trouble with the law.
Just few hours after KKD’s rape accusation, 2 Ghanaian women have alleged they were also sexually assaulted in 2009 and another has said, KKD tried taking her on a date when she was just 12 years old, GhanaCelebrities.Com has heard.
One of the said women is Malaka Grant who took to her facebook to say when she was 12 years old (far below the age of consent for anything adult), KKD tried taking her out on a date but her mother came to her rescue and slammed KKD for this attempt.

GhanaCelebrities.Com has been told that two other women called ‘Sonia Lee’ and ‘Mama Pearl’ are also alleging that KKD took them to his office when they were 12 and 13 years old in 2009 under the disguise of going to give them an opportunity to appear in a TV advert—and they were sexually assault. We cannot confirm the authenticity of these accusations/allegations but they are flying around.
Currently, the woman who claims she did not give consent to the sexual intercourse with KKD is reported to be just 19 years old—and considering KKD’s age, this begs the question; what the heck?
Apparently, KKD’s sexual intercourse with this 19 year old took place in the bathroom—and for a 19 year old to bring such a claim against a ‘very’ old man like KKD, we just don’t even know what to say at this point.
We are told rape is one of those offences which bail cannot be granted in Ghana and as such, KKD remains in police custody. Unless the 19 year old girl in question decides to drop the case or the police decides there isn’t sufficient evidence to prosecute, KKD will be locked until a court says otherwise…
masa whats going on in our society.KKD or what u dress like the world is yours kwasia kwa.look at how you are disgracing men .Chris this year u deserve an award. .
am so ashamed of him, how can u sleep with a girl old enough to be ur child.
That’s the thing oh! He has two children; the son is 23 and the daughter 18/19! So he’s okay sleeping with his daughter’s age mate?
SMFH..So disappointing…KKD how old is ur daughter again?
I thought it was someone older bi koraa…so after ur divorce or w.e u call a marriage u’ve decided to turn into a pedophile…u guys act all holy on social media & stuff but see ur life now..hmm
So this guy is not even ashamed to say he slept with a girl of 19 years? either consent or no consent you are a rapist and you deserve to be in jail. Foolish man like you. This man is like 55 years old sleeping with 19 year old in a hotel bathroom. fuk you man
It’s such a shame. When will some men learn/remember to be more careful when it comes to who they decide to have sex with?
Hm asem , these so called celebrities they are all the same. KKD KOD Reggie Rockstone all paedopiles. Reggie is the king of defiling young girls smh. your time is coming
say that again ooooo ….. one day one day their cups will be full this is just the beginning .
K.K.D the too known man. He’z got it in his head, that he’z the only educated Ghanaian who lives in Kensington…… He brags abt everything n anything thinking that his children are the only Gh kids educated privately with a British passport. K.K.D u came to England like every ordinary immigrant trying to make it. infact He behaves as if He arrived at Gatwick airport with an indefinite visa and or a British passport and an MBA, and started working at Canary Wharf or the city. What is wrong in living in Southwark…. and who told you told that all people living in Southwark are broke… stop all this boasting on T.V(P.M express), and radio stations-Social media… Be humble. If u get out of this ordeal change your attitude……. at this point i will not pass on any judgement until u r proven guilty……and indeed if u really did it then shame on u………….
I can tell you that he really did!