
Arrested Ghanaian Cocaine Girl Saga | FRIENDS Who Took Photos With Her Are Now WORRIED & Want All Photos REMOVED

Nayele Ametefe aka Ruby Appiah (middle)
Nayele Ametefe aka Ruby Appiah (middle)

For many people, being friends with someone does not go beyond what they can obtain from the friendship—and as such, they do not even evaluate the person who they term as a friend, especially when it’s all flourishing.

We take photos with friends when we step out together—and at public places, we may just call some good friends together to share a Kodak moment. But if your friend is a cocaine dealer-Nayele Ametefe aka Rubby Appiah who was recently arrested in London with 12.5 kilos of cocaine and you have a photo with her, then surely you must be worried if you have something to hide.

Since Nayele Ametefe was arrested in London, we’ve heard several of her friends who may be part of her network of cocaine dealers—or who may be completely innocent have all taken to social media to remove several photographs they have with her so that they can distant themselves away from her.

I understand that it is not ideal to be friends with such a character but to be frank, if you have nothing to hide—why the fright and attempt to hide whatever relationship you had/have with the person?

If my friend is arrested for cocaine possession with intent to supply or murder in Columbia today, I would not necessary remove pictures I have with such a person, though his actions may have disappointed me—that is if I have nothing to hide in relation to his activities.

Yet several of Nayela’s friends think otherwise and they are going through every means to disassociate themselves from her.

Few minutes ago, GhanaCelebrities.Com received a call from one of such friends in the above photo who wanted to end her association/friendship with the arrested cocaine girl- Nayele Ametefe—and she sought to do this by asking that, the above photo recently shot at KOD’s wedding of the arrested cocaine girl which she stands by her side should be pulled down.

The question is; why the worry if you have nothing to hide? And is this not betrayal of friendship?

I guess we ought to be careful who we take photos with—and more importantly, who we be-friend, instead of demanding to have photos removed when certain truths come out.

It definitely looks like observers are WORRIED! And if friends are this much worried, then the police must start asking why or start watching them…They may probably be hiding something interesting.


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8 thoughts on “Arrested Ghanaian Cocaine Girl Saga | FRIENDS Who Took Photos With Her Are Now WORRIED & Want All Photos REMOVED”

  1. waa see oo .is she trying trying to say she didn’t know she deals in drugs
    me if i don’t know koraa, i will be suspicious esp with your dealings mtcheww fake fake people all over .
    they all know shes is cocaine dealer.
    esp that Kod guy aka my brother from another mother,sister from another mother , auntie from another mother ,uncle from another mother. wen u want to be a local champion,jus talk to him and ur good to go .
    Ahusheshe s))) 24 7 … they will catch dem 1 by 1 starting from dat Sandra ankobiah nu start dey suspect am already .

  2. So she has the balls oh she is a woman so no balls to call GC and ask for photos to be removed? lol. Now she ends up here again. So people are denying their friend now. Human beings for you

  3. Chris,in my opinion,I think the two ladies in the picture deserve that right.The news is not about them,it’s about som1 else.So u shld have covered thier face b4 publishing the story.

    • Why must their faces be covered by Chris? It is only minors whose faces are covered in such photos not grown adults. Friends are not loyal and this will hurt the atreated girl even more. Her friends are denying her when they hVe to support her

  4. Taking a picture with a criminal will not automatically land you in jail if you have no hand in his/her shenanigans. That’s why the police always conduct proper investigation to unravel the true identities of the people involved. By the way, the most ridiculous allegation I’ve seen on this blog is that, just because Sandra Ankobiah and Kwame Sefa Kayi appeared at the background of Nayele’s picture, they must have been friends hence involved in the drug trade too. Really??


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