Hey Guys,
We’ve received several complaints from readers about their inability to comment or access our commenting system in the last few days—-and as such, we’ve just brought back our old commenting system.
The reason why we went in for the change was the fact that you could comment without having the page refreshed with the new commenting system we implemented. But the feedback has not been really great.
Many have said they are unable to access the comment area on their phones and it loads pretty slow at their ends…
Also, automatic censoring of swear words with *** has been ineffective which meant that most of your comments were going into moderation when any of such words appeared in them. And therefore, we are back with our original commenting system.
Let’s know how you get on at your end with the commenting and reading—from your tablets, phones and computers.
Happy Commenting!
Chris-Vincent Agyapong Febiri
I like this one than the old one which is really confusion so good you have brought this one back
This works better for me because I could not comment using the old one on my BB. I had to always use my ipad or my laptop. I hope my comment count has not disappeared Chris
okk, ma first time commenting. lol
better now
it did stop me from commenting a lot cos i use my fon a lot than the pc and the tab.Happy days are back again.Thank you
Oh i miss commenting on here!
Opinions are like noses everyone has one. In my opinion the disqus comment page was much better and user friendly.
The only reason i like this old system is the fact that it shows the number of vote downs a comment gets. lol
But both system works perfectly for me.
Thanks for fixing it and to all those who send those emails big up yourselves. The commenting system actually made me stop coming to GC because after reading an article, I would have an opinion and after writing it I would forget my Diquis password. What’s the fun in reading when you can’t share your opinion about a post. I’m back now and it feels good.