It seems women are always taught and told to be good wives. A man is not taught how to be a good husband and as women, good is not enough for us – perfection is our watchword. A good wife wants a perfect husband and it doesn’t take a lot to be that perfect husband. I don’t think a man will pay bride price (not forgetting the ‘I dislike you’ looks they receive from the in-law) and sit back for his home to rot. Whatever the case may be, you should be a perfect husband if you love your peace of mind.
Love the woman as Jesus loves the church (even if you’re anti-christ). Show love even if you don’t mean to…it’s a hallmark of a perfect husband. After childbirth, still love her folds and excess skin. It’s your fault her Coca-Cola body vanished! You should be very sensitive when ‘fat and stretch marks’ becomes her portion. Her good heart is still intact – her body just betrayed her.
When she’s tired and you need sex, please let her be because a woman’s job is never complete. She’s genuinely tired. On the other hand, if she’s in the mood, you dare not be tired. Try and give the needed satisfaction otherwise you’re calling for trouble. If you don’t want to be accused of cheating or not desiring her anymore, give satisfaction – anyhow and anyway possible.
Dear husband, a wife is supposed to be the helper and not 50/50 housemate or the ‘breadwinner’. The last time a woman fed the man (Adam and Eve), we all (new-borns inclusive) became automatic sinners so under no circumstances should the wife be a breadwinner – if you don’t want to create another generation of sinners for someone to die on the cross for them. Forget equality and modernity. You are the head so be the head and let the woman be the neck. The equality women are fighting for is in the area of house chores, bed chores (don’t be selfish in bed), baby changing and feeding duties. Anything apart from these is a big NO!
Respect is a two way street. To be the perfect husband, you have to first respect yourself and the marriage and the wife will automatically respect you. She talks, you listen and do! If you want to put your home on fire, demand to be respected. To be forewarned is to be…..
As a single guy, you didn’t mind eating overnight food but since your exodus to married hood, your tummy detests overnight food; only freshly prepared meals – this is a clear case of 419. As a perfect husband, smile and be thankful you’re being fed. Your single pals are still filling their tummy with junk. Cooking in large quantities for later is a very good way to save money too….
Since men are poor managers when it comes to finances, it is highly advisable to hand ALL monies to the lady of the house. Women are very wise with money (undisputable) and you’ll be very glad you did. Women work miracles with money so you need to keep your mind at rest. A woman will say she is broke but can ‘pray into being’ a new outfit/hairdo/accessories et al when attending an occasion. Why do you need Jesus when you live with a miracle worker? Allow the woman to manage the cash and it shall be well with you.
When your wife is crying, it’s your legal duty to wipe the tears off her face (be it real or fake). Your shoulder should always be ready and alert for such occasions because women sometimes ‘cry’ their way out of troubles especially when they can’t account for monies meant for the home. Even if the money grew wings and flew out of the window and transformed into a new hairdo, keep mute and let peace prevail. If you can’t be a shoulder to cry on, don’t let her cry!
You should do well to read romantic novels and movies. A woman believes anything done in movies is real. Even though someone used his/her imagination to write a novel to make money, your dear wife thinks it’s the gospel according to how to show love, so please read and learn.
Above all, be dedicated and obedient and you’ll have the peaceful and loving home you’ve always longed for. All the bedmatic and acrobatic styles you only watch in ‘that’ movie (sorry, you don’t watch) but imagined will be added unto you in hundred folds. All the headaches and I’m tired excuses will be no more and you’ll smile every morning.
Finally, stop saying you don’t understand women because you have BLATANTLY REFUSED to understand them (us)!