Microsoft Co-founder-Paul Allen Pledges $100 Million to Fight EBOLA

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Paul Allen

Microsoft co-founder-Paul Allen has joined Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Mark Zuckerberg and the many others who have donated huge sums of money to help fight Ebola.

Allen has stated he will contribute at least $100 million to the fight against the deadly disease-Ebola, which has so far killed over 4500 people in Africa.

Yesterday, the billionaire mentioned that among the initiatives he’s supporting is the development of two medevac containment units that the U.S. State Department can use to safely evacuate health workers who become infected.

According to Allen, he is currently working with the World Health Organization to increase its capacity for handling the logistics of transporting international aid workers, and he’s establishing a fund to help cover the costs of emergency transportation of the workers.

Paul Allen’s foundation previously pledged $26.5 million. He’s urging people to give to the cause at

The website aims to direct small donors to projects that need financing, like 6,000 hand-washing stations or beds for a center treating patients infected with the virus, and he is underwriting the administrative costs of the highlighted projects.

Allen who is worth more than $15billion has also donated $2.8 million to the American Red Cross for its work on the outbreak.

This post was published on October 24, 2014 9:04 AM

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