Lots of people have asked this question, and finding an answer to it can have a deep impact on our lives. We came into this world knowing nothing. Knowledge acquisition was through agents like the family, schools, and largely the society.
Our hollow heads were filled with lots of things pertaining to this world, one of which is religion. We have been taught that God created this world and everything in it. Though we may occasionally ask paradoxical questions like, “who created God, how does He look like and who are His parents?”, not even the wisest men and scholars of high repute have provided answers to these questions.
Even Jesus Christ, His only begotten son, as recorded by the Bible, said he has never seen God before. That is why many find it puzzling that people still go ahead and worship God with their heart, soul and mind as mandated by His guide book, the Bible.
Many scientist and evolutionist have argued that there is no God. The likes of Charles Darwin, Sigmund Freud and Friedrich have all shrouded their philosophies in science and have consequently dismissed the existence of a supreme God.
Others also see little practical value in religious teachings, or at any rate, fail to practice what churches preach. This is partly blameable on the perceived disconnection between Christians and their way of life. Pastors and their extortion in the church coupled with their opulence have further deepened the belief that even if God was alive, he is now dead.
Many who claim to believe in God make decisions as though he did not exist. Suffering and unprecedented calamity have befallen mankind. “If God really exists and he is all powerful”, the sceptics argue, “why does he permit suffering and doesn’t do anything to get rid of it?”
Some also equate faith or on a broader scope, believing in God with gullibility. They say that people who resort to faith do not want to think for themselves or allow hard evidence to influence their beliefs. Such infidels imply that those with strong religious faith ignore reality, making the subject of God and its related theories a mere myth. The foregoing scepticism surrounding God and religion is by no means new.
In order to provide answers that will change our perception and embrace the idea of God and his existence, let’s consider some hard probing facts.
Take a good look around you. What do you see? Cars, skyscrapers, computers, mobile phones etc. Who made them? Yes, all these items did not evolve from something; neither did they suddenly appear from a magic book. They were actually made by people.
So is it not logical that if someone produced all these, then a more powerful force created this world and all the things in it? Paul wrote in Hebrews 3: 4 thus, “for every house is built by someone, but God is the builder of everything.”
Admittedly, it is very hard to believe something that you cannot see with your eyea. Many of us do not believe in things that we cannot see, but it is only rationale people that will look beyond the scope to have a deeper understanding of things that surround them. The wind is a perfect example of something we cannot see with our eyes. Yet we know it exists. When it blows, we do not know where it is coming from or where it is going, but we “feel it”. This therefore explains that the fact that we can’t see God doesn’t mean he doesn’t exist.
Another example is the universe. Many people have sought to find out how our universe got here. Many scientists believe the universe, by some mechanism, created itself out of nothing. However, astronomer Edwin Hubble (18889-1953) realized that a red shift in light from distant galaxies showed that our universe is expanding and thus had a beginning. Many other scientists have come to a unanimous consensus that life couldn’t have arisen on its own because of its complexity, not in an organized laboratory nor any environment whatsoever.
Charles Darwin and his group of sceptical scientists could not offer any explanation for the complex biological design on earth. Darwin in particular has not been able to explain how life began or what meaning it has for us. Scientific theories, as proven, only tend to explain how? But the key question centres on why? Doesn’t the mystery of life, including the universe (and its billions of galaxies) indicate that a higher intelligence or power is behind it, and that person is God?
Suffering in this world is not enough evidence to renounce God. Long time ago when Satan challenged God’s authority by telling Eve they can do without his rulership, God could have quickly destroyed him. But that would have cast doubt in the minds of the other angelic beings that were present, so in order to prove the truth or otherwise of Lucifer’s assertion, God granted Adam and Eve their independence and in effect allowed Satan to govern them. Thus, the real ruler of this world is Satan and NOT God. It is written in 1 John 5:19 that, “The whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one.” And since Satan is a wicked, deceitful and a cruel creature, the world is merely reflecting his personality. It’s evident that God does not cause suffering.
Why then does God allow suffering to continue? Does he lack the capacity to deal with it? As clearly stated God wants humans to experiment with their own form of governance to see if they could be better off without Him. And what do we see? Humans tend to struggle, trying with much aggression to dominate and scramble for space which results in wars, oppression and suffering. Despite strides humans have made in science to improve their living condition, poverty, pestilence and injustice pervade the earth, making nonsense of human “self rule”.
God really exist and the earlier atheist and pagans re-examine their belief system and allow simple logic to influence their outlook, the better. If all man-made products have a maker then it is not out of place to think that the world equally has a designer and consolidates the fact that God really exists.
Earlier on, I talked about the fact that many non-believers equate the belief in God (faith; knowing without direct observation, based on indirect evidence) to somewhat, stupidity. The Bible thinks otherwise.
In fact the Bible does not encourage people be gullible or naive. On the contrary it admonishes people to check facts and make discerning views out of issues. (Proverbs 14:15, 18; Romans 12:1; Romans 10:2) You don’t have to believe in God, all for the matter, His existence just because someone one tells you to. You have to observe the signs critically which abounds around us and are so explicit.
Whether you are educated or a layman just like me, examine this theme subjectively and draw a firm conclusion yourself. Perhaps Professor Michael J. Behe sums it up intelligently and eloquently. He stated: “To a person who does not feel obliged to restrict his search to unintelligent causes, the straightforward conclusion is that many biochemical systems were designed. They were designed not by laws of nature, not by chance and necessity; rather, they were planned……..life on earth at its most fundamental level, in its most critical components, is the product of intelligent activity.”
Gabby, let me commend you for an attempt to take on the ontological question—does God exist, stating a case for God. A lot of religious people do not have the ‘man power’ and knowledge to be part of the discourse, so welldone for walking into the slaughter house.
Before the coversation starts, let me just ask one simple question based on your statement that; since everything in the world we see around us was created by someone ( I mean the cars, laptops and others), its logical extention is that, the universe was also created by someone and that person is GOD.
The premise here is; everything that exists must have been created, and the conclusion is; therefore, since the universe exists, it must have been created (or have a creator) and the creator is GOD.
Now my question; since GOD exists too; he must have been created (or must have a creator) so who created God then? And who created the other entity that created God—and then it goes on and on into infinity. Anyone who is familiar with infinity will understand that, there can never be infinite regress of events—that is absurd.
To go around this who created God question; believers like you mostly come by saying; though everything that exists must have been created, God was not created and he just came into being…
So if God can just come into being (pop up from no where); what stops the universe from coming into being too (pop up from no where)? You can’t say Ama can eat banku and Abena cannot eat banku—without any reason except that one is Ama and one is Abena.
So can you tell me; who created God then since he exists, using your own argument?
The mystery of God is a mystery so i can’t readily give an answer to his origin. Like i said, people of high repute and scholars are yet to demystify this puzzle. i am not the type who is easily brainwashed or susceptible to gullibility so before i accept something wholeheartedly it means i have taken all aspect into consideration.
Chris, you have done little to tell me how life got started. You will agree with me, without recourse to any science book, things, things becomes higgledy-piggledy if not organized.They break down or disinter grate. Abandon your car (the one that was hit by the goddamn hit and run driver on the street of London) or say leave your laptop untouched for ten years. what will become of it? it will become a ruin! this what scientist call ‘the second law of thermodynamics.”
Correlate this analogy to the universe. The universe is in definite order and has been like that for ages. Who determines its precision and orderliness?
masa, come again!
God’s identity is unknown but he does exist
And what is your proof? Share your data with us please and let us have independent analysis. You cant just say he exists and expect us to accept it.
Gabby, let me commend you for an attempt to take on the ontological question—does God exist, stating a case for God. A lot of religious people do not have the ‘man power’ and knowledge to be part of the discourse, so welldone for walking into the slaughter house.
Before the coversation starts, let me just ask one simple question based on your statement that; since everything in the world we see around us was created by someone ( I mean the cars, laptops and others), its logical extention is that, the universe was also created by someone and that person is GOD.
The premise here is; everything that exists must have been created, and the conclusion is; therefore, since the universe exists, it must have been created (or have a creator) and the creator is GOD.
Now my question; since GOD exists too; he must have been created (or must have a creator) so who created God then? And who created the other entity that created God—and then it goes on and on into infinity. Anyone who is familiar with infinity will understand that, there can never be infinite regress of events—that is absurd.
To go around this who created God question; believers like you mostly come by saying; though everything that exists must have been created, God was not created and he just came into being…
So if God can just come into being (pop up from no where); what stops the universe from coming into being too (pop up from no where)? You can’t say Ama can eat banku and Abena cannot eat banku—without any reason except that one is Ama and one is Abena.
So can you tell me; who created God then since he exists, using your own argument?
The mystery of God is a mystery so i can’t readily give an answer to his origin. Like i said, people of high repute and scholars are yet to demystify this puzzle. i am not the type who is easily brainwashed or susceptible to gullibility so before i accept something wholeheartedly it means i have taken all aspect into consideration.
Chris, you have done little to tell me how life got started. You will agree with me, without recourse to any science book, things, things becomes higgledy-piggledy if not organized.They break down or disinter grate. Abandon your car (the one that was hit by the goddamn hit and run driver on the street of London) or say leave your laptop untouched for ten years. what will become of it? it will become a ruin! this what scientist call ‘the second law of thermodynamics.”
Correlate this analogy to the universe. The universe is in definite order and has been like that for ages. Who determines its precision and orderliness?
masa, come again!
God’s identity is unknown but he does exist
And what is your proof? Share your data with us please and let us have independent analysis. You cant just say he exists and expect us to accept it.
Gabby he doesn’t exist but the spaghetti monster does exist. He created the universe and everything in it. It’s surprising that no one worships him. Perhaps Ghanaians should start worshipping him instead of Yahweh. It wouldn’t make a heck of a difference because they both don’t exist. The worshipping of a supreme being is a human creation just the same way a hamburger and the way to eat it is a human creation. After all that you’ve observed in the world if you believe there is an oldman sitting on his throne(how a spirit can sit on a throne is beyond me) and getting offended by our acts and that he allowed his only son to be slaughtered just to prove that he loves us rather than wave his wand and make us good and better persons, remove famine and suffering, remove sickness and death and give us paradise, then my brother I have a bridge to sell in Brooklyn. Wouldn’t it have been easier for him to create a perfect world to begin with? His “creations” are thinking of just that. Why can’t he?
how wrong u are my brother! just read the article again! u will catch my drift
there is no drift mate, only inaccurate dogma.
Gabby he doesn’t exist but the spaghetti monster does exist. He created the universe and everything in it. It’s surprising that no one worships him. Perhaps Ghanaians should start worshipping him instead of Yahweh. It wouldn’t make a heck of a difference because they both don’t exist. The worshipping of a supreme being is a human creation just the same way a hamburger and the way to eat it is a human creation. After all that you’ve observed in the world if you believe there is an oldman sitting on his throne(how a spirit can sit on a throne is beyond me) and getting offended by our acts and that he allowed his only son to be slaughtered just to prove that he loves us rather than wave his wand and make us good and better persons, remove famine and suffering, remove sickness and death and give us paradise, then my brother I have a bridge to sell in Brooklyn. Wouldn’t it have been easier for him to create a perfect world to begin with? His “creations” are thinking of just that. Why can’t he?
how wrong u are my brother! just read the article again! u will catch my drift
there is no drift mate, only inaccurate dogma.
Chris don’t get it twisted! i am not in anyway changing the topic. The central theme of my argument is God and his existence. And since am of a firm conviction that he created everything, including the universe and the fact that quack scientist like Darwin have done little to actually convince you about how the universe and life began, am doing everything possible to narrow it down to these two faculties.
Chris don’t get it twisted! i am not in anyway changing the topic. The central theme of my argument is God and his existence. And since am of a firm conviction that he created everything, including the universe and the fact that quack scientist like Darwin have done little to actually convince you about how the universe and life began, am doing everything possible to narrow it down to these two faculties.
Gabby, a commendable attempt but it looks like you are trying to convince yourself more than us mate. Sometimes people think that the human being is a finished evolutionary product, that is far from the truth. The human being keeps evolving. What separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom is our intellect and my friend our intellect is on an evolutionary highway going at a 1000km an hour.
What man has achieved is unprecedented. when you look at our intellectual evolution, we have moved on from explaining everything by Gods influence and giving evidence as to why certain things happen. That is a shift from religious dogma to science. The Holy Church persecuted and burnt people at the stake for believing and teaching science. the church single-handedly dealt a massive blow to science that we have never recovered from, by killing its early supporters, burning books and instilling the fear of the pursuit of knowledge into the normal man. We have come far and now we can question not only ourselves but the environment around us without fear.
Hypothetically speaking if the bible is the absolute truth and evolution is garbage spewed by infidels, then man should still be living on the outskirts of the garden of eden after adam and eve were put out, because there would be no intellectual evolution of any sort. We would be living by the knowledge we came out of eden with, and my guy, that aint much. Evolution is change, evolution is growth, evolution is moving from a physical or mental state to a much better one. So doubt evolution all you want but instead of looking for answers from a relic that has no place in society anymore, look at yourself in the mirror and look at your environment and see the evolutionary ‘miracle’ all around you.
The laptop evolved from being a massive computer occupying three blocks of apartment space to occupying that little space on your desk. The car evolved from a cart being pulled by horses to the engine in a metal cage that makes your commute so easy. The list goes on and on and on… Look up the definition of horsepower will you. You doubt and belittle evolution because you have been brainwashed to think that its only about Lucy the ape evolving to the present human, my friend it is more than that.
You say we do not see the wind but we know it is there.That is a lie. We do not see the wind with our naked eye, same way we can not see X and gamma rays but we know they are there because we have created instruments that can see and measure these forces and energies. We might not see the wind but when it blows through the fields we see how the physical elements react to the passing of the wind. Show me an instrument that can measure the presence of God, show me other things that react to the passing of the energy the makes up your God and please do not mention your prophets and your priests because they have no proof nor data to back their claim, that is the difference between faith and fact.
You wrapped your so called facts in a sugary coating of faith to make it easier for your fellow like minded colleagues to swallow. That is the only way you can make any argument but unfortunately for you, some of us do not move by faith anymore, we have evolved to guard our steps by fact. It is sad that people refuse to question, to ask the difficult questions and seek knowledge regardless of what that knowledge might be. Without asking ‘why’ we as a species would not be here. It was the questions we asked ourselves that created religion when we had no knowledge to properly understand nor explain what we were witnessing. We are still asking the same questions but now we have the freedom and the tools (which we created by the way) to answer those same questions.
I do not begrudge you your faith mate, whatever floats your boat. But do not try to shove it down our throats. Some of us ask questions and expect sensible answers not contradictory assumptions. You can not run religious experiments but you can run scientific experiments and get the same results that Newton and Einstein had decades ago. Until religion can prove otherwise i, as a homosapien with intellect will stick to science and its imperfections rather than a religion and a god that claim to be perfect but is full of perplexing imperfections.
On a last note, why would you follow a God that punishes knowledge? When adam and even ate the apple in your bible, they realized they were naked and tried to cover themselves. Your book interprets that as them being sinful that was why they realized they were naked when the simple explanation was that they gained knowledge of their utter nakedness and vulnerability in a bush full of wild and dangerous animals. They were right to hide from your god, because he was the most dangerous of them all. They were proven right when he immediately threw them out like they owe rent and subsequently went on to punish and kill their descendants, sometimes without any provocation at all.
An all knowing god will not put a tree in the middle of a garden in full view of his creations when he knows perfectly well they will eat it. That is a conniving and dangerous individual indeed. The snake did nothing wrong by tempting eve when god himself tempted them by putting that tree there in the first place. You see Gabby, these are the things you should ponder in that holy relic of yours and be brave enough to ask questions.
If you have ever had a child like some of us, you will know you dont put dangerous objects lying around when you know your innocent child will definitely take it and hurt himself. Tell me Gabby, will you punish your child for that or blame yourself?
Your god is not a loving god and if he really exists then i am sure he adopted us. He is vengeful (he said so himself), jealous (also said so himself) and sometimes acts like a total psychopath, wiping out whole races and species.
Come out of the dark son, its a brand new world!
Gabby, a commendable attempt but it looks like you are trying to convince yourself more than us mate. Sometimes people think that the human being is a finished evolutionary product, that is far from the truth. The human being keeps evolving. What separates us from the rest of the animal kingdom is our intellect and my friend our intellect is on an evolutionary highway going at a 1000km an hour.
What man has achieved is unprecedented. when you look at our intellectual evolution, we have moved on from explaining everything by Gods influence and giving evidence as to why certain things happen. That is a shift from religious dogma to science. The Holy Church persecuted and burnt people at the stake for believing and teaching science. the church single-handedly dealt a massive blow to science that we have never recovered from, by killing its early supporters, burning books and instilling the fear of the pursuit of knowledge into the normal man. We have come far and now we can question not only ourselves but the environment around us without fear.
Hypothetically speaking if the bible is the absolute truth and evolution is garbage spewed by infidels, then man should still be living on the outskirts of the garden of eden after adam and eve were put out, because there would be no intellectual evolution of any sort. We would be living by the knowledge we came out of eden with, and my guy, that aint much. Evolution is change, evolution is growth, evolution is moving from a physical or mental state to a much better one. So doubt evolution all you want but instead of looking for answers from a relic that has no place in society anymore, look at yourself in the mirror and look at your environment and see the evolutionary ‘miracle’ all around you.
The laptop evolved from being a massive computer occupying three blocks of apartment space to occupying that little space on your desk. The car evolved from a cart being pulled by horses to the engine in a metal cage that makes your commute so easy. The list goes on and on and on… Look up the definition of horsepower will you. You doubt and belittle evolution because you have been brainwashed to think that its only about Lucy the ape evolving to the present human, my friend it is more than that.
You say we do not see the wind but we know it is there.That is a lie. We do not see the wind with our naked eye, same way we can not see X and gamma rays but we know they are there because we have created instruments that can see and measure these forces and energies. We might not see the wind but when it blows through the fields we see how the physical elements react to the passing of the wind. Show me an instrument that can measure the presence of God, show me other things that react to the passing of the energy the makes up your God and please do not mention your prophets and your priests because they have no proof nor data to back their claim, that is the difference between faith and fact.
You wrapped your so called facts in a sugary coating of faith to make it easier for your fellow like minded colleagues to swallow. That is the only way you can make any argument but unfortunately for you, some of us do not move by faith anymore, we have evolved to guard our steps by fact. It is sad that people refuse to question, to ask the difficult questions and seek knowledge regardless of what that knowledge might be. Without asking ‘why’ we as a species would not be here. It was the questions we asked ourselves that created religion when we had no knowledge to properly understand nor explain what we were witnessing. We are still asking the same questions but now we have the freedom and the tools (which we created by the way) to answer those same questions.
I do not begrudge you your faith mate, whatever floats your boat. But do not try to shove it down our throats. Some of us ask questions and expect sensible answers not contradictory assumptions. You can not run religious experiments but you can run scientific experiments and get the same results that Newton and Einstein had decades ago. Until religion can prove otherwise i, as a homosapien with intellect will stick to science and its imperfections rather than a religion and a god that claim to be perfect but is full of perplexing imperfections.
On a last note, why would you follow a God that punishes knowledge? When adam and even ate the apple in your bible, they realized they were naked and tried to cover themselves. Your book interprets that as them being sinful that was why they realized they were naked when the simple explanation was that they gained knowledge of their utter nakedness and vulnerability in a bush full of wild and dangerous animals. They were right to hide from your god, because he was the most dangerous of them all. They were proven right when he immediately threw them out like they owe rent and subsequently went on to punish and kill their descendants, sometimes without any provocation at all.
An all knowing god will not put a tree in the middle of a garden in full view of his creations when he knows perfectly well they will eat it. That is a conniving and dangerous individual indeed. The snake did nothing wrong by tempting eve when god himself tempted them by putting that tree there in the first place. You see Gabby, these are the things you should ponder in that holy relic of yours and be brave enough to ask questions.
If you have ever had a child like some of us, you will know you dont put dangerous objects lying around when you know your innocent child will definitely take it and hurt himself. Tell me Gabby, will you punish your child for that or blame yourself?
Your god is not a loving god and if he really exists then i am sure he adopted us. He is vengeful (he said so himself), jealous (also said so himself) and sometimes acts like a total psychopath, wiping out whole races and species.
Come out of the dark son, its a brand new world!
Chris sorry ohh, next time i will write an article and send it to you.
Yeah an article for publication will be great. But the discussion is also important. Gabby has failed on his own logic and he has not by argument or data shown that there is a God or at least, there is the need for there to be God yet he says we should accept or believe it.
He wants us to dig into the concept of believing without evidence (faith)—and we all know the problem associated with this concept.
Chris sorry ohh, next time i will write an article and send it to you.
Yeah an article for publication will be great. But the discussion is also important. Gabby has failed on his own logic and he has not by argument or data shown that there is a God or at least, there is the need for there to be God yet he says we should accept or believe it.
He wants us to dig into the concept of believing without evidence (faith)—and we all know the problem associated with this concept.
Of course there is God. And both you( the OP) and atheists have a limited understanding of the concept. A good attempt but your premise or argument crumbles the moment it is dissected.. asserting the “creations”of cars, laptop as ample evidence of the existence of a supreme God shows low level of intelligence. That will always create a never ending set ” then who created ” questions, and rightly so…
It is also foolish to assert or believe a supreme being God exists because some ” intelligent” or learned person says or thinks so… It tells me you hardly reach your own conclusions but swallow up gospels of so called “intelligent” minds…
Understand that God/she is all things in existence…ALL THINGS IN EXISTENCE…The All that IS… The INFINITE ONE… There is no room for A Supreme entity in an infinite entity …. Something cannot be all things in existence( both seen and unseen ) and be supreme..
I can’t say this enough but there. Is no such thing as a supreme being anywhere in existence. .
Let me put it simply in a way where most of you can understand..
What religion calls God is nothing but what science has termed ENERGY.. Everything is made of God/energy /spirit… It is all there is, all that was and all that will ever be…
Humans like every MATTER is a manifestation of this entity- Energy/God…
There is no such thing as a supreme ENERGY or GOd just as there is no such thing as a supreme Air..energy or GOd is all there is…
Yes there are different Degrees or manifestation of entity -Energy/God..but one is not anymore supreme than the other…
Most people see a separation between them and God just as they see a separation between ENERGY AND MATTER.. But the truth is there is no separation.. They are one and the same.. Only deep minds get this but The Creator and the CREATED are one and the same… ” I (the son )’and the father are one” (immutable truth spoken by one who understood)…. at the core everything is God/energy..
It is (ENERGY/God/Spirit/universal mind/ force) neither created nor destroyed … It SIMPLY IS. THE ALL THAT IS..
YOU AS GOD IN FLESH IS MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU THINK… Because you do not believe in yourself or the power of your mind and do not remember where you come from It is ok to “create” gods and that you think are more powerful than you… But remember this that these gods are nvothing but creations of your mind/imagination ….
GOD is exactly where you and no where else.. Your world/everything is a manifestation of your mind…
Of course there is God. And both you( the OP) and atheists have a limited understanding of the concept. A good attempt but your premise or argument crumbles the moment it is dissected.. asserting the “creations”of cars, laptop as ample evidence of the existence of a supreme God shows low level of intelligence. That will always create a never ending set ” then who created ” questions, and rightly so…
It is also foolish to assert or believe a supreme being God exists because some ” intelligent” or learned person says or thinks so… It tells me you hardly reach your own conclusions but swallow up gospels of so called “intelligent” minds…
Understand that God/she is all things in existence…ALL THINGS IN EXISTENCE…The All that IS… The INFINITE ONE… There is no room for A Supreme entity in an infinite entity …. Something cannot be all things in existence( both seen and unseen ) and be supreme..
I can’t say this enough but there. Is no such thing as a supreme being anywhere in existence. .
Let me put it simply in a way where most of you can understand..
What religion calls God is nothing but what science has termed ENERGY.. Everything is made of God/energy /spirit… It is all there is, all that was and all that will ever be…
Humans like every MATTER is a manifestation of this entity- Energy/God…
There is no such thing as a supreme ENERGY or GOd just as there is no such thing as a supreme Air..energy or GOd is all there is…
Yes there are different Degrees or manifestation of entity -Energy/God..but one is not anymore supreme than the other…
Most people see a separation between them and God just as they see a separation between ENERGY AND MATTER.. But the truth is there is no separation.. They are one and the same.. Only deep minds get this but The Creator and the CREATED are one and the same… ” I (the son )’and the father are one” (immutable truth spoken by one who understood)…. at the core everything is God/energy..
It is (ENERGY/God/Spirit/universal mind/ force) neither created nor destroyed … It SIMPLY IS. THE ALL THAT IS..
YOU AS GOD IN FLESH IS MORE POWERFUL THAN YOU THINK… Because you do not believe in yourself or the power of your mind and do not remember where you come from It is ok to “create” gods and that you think are more powerful than you… But remember this that these gods are nvothing but creations of your mind/imagination ….
GOD is exactly where you and no where else.. Your world/everything is a manifestation of your mind…
Patience- Damian Marley ft Nas
lets just wait in Patience
When our lives end, we’ll have the answers or not.
Cos despite all the arguing with logic and all, our belief or disbelief is rooted in experience. Think about it.
I’m on a search myself. I’ve listened to Dawkins, Harris, Hitchens (atheists) and I’ve also listened to Zacharias, Polkinghorn, Lennox (Christians), I’ve read Darwin, Jastrow (agnostic)
and believe me, those atheist are super mean, calling people fools and all, not nice. I lie between the agnostics and christians. So I am naturalistic Christian who believes un exceptions
Patience- Damian Marley ft Nas
lets just wait in Patience
When our lives end, we’ll have the answers or not.
Cos despite all the arguing with logic and all, our belief or disbelief is rooted in experience. Think about it.
I’m on a search myself. I’ve listened to Dawkins, Harris, Hitchens (atheists) and I’ve also listened to Zacharias, Polkinghorn, Lennox (Christians), I’ve read Darwin, Jastrow (agnostic)
and believe me, those atheist are super mean, calling people fools and all, not nice. I lie between the agnostics and christians. So I am naturalistic Christian who believes un exceptions
Fellas, well it’s crystal clear that your analytical reasoning is fraught with lots of ‘deficiencies’ it will be quite difficult to convince you despite the considerable evidence I have raised. Like I said I don’t have any data to prove the origin of God. This does not anyway mean my argument is weak like your utterances tend to depict. Before I further my points, let me examine some of the point the your raised that I want to vehemently refute else people will swallow every hook, line and sinker you spew here which will inadvertently be construed as the truth.
I don’t blame you for your stubborn and rigid stance. I blame some of the
religious teachers whose way of life and the concept of Christianity disconnects. I have been using the universe to form the bases of my argument since I believe someone designed it and that person is God, so in effect he does exist. Most science theories focus on the adaptation and life forms instead on the more central question of the very origin of life.
In the 17th century Italian physician Francesco Redi proved that maggots appeared
in rotten meat only after flies had laid eggs on it. No maggot developed on meat that flies could not reach on it. Do you want to imply in the presence of energy form the sun, lightening and volcanoes some lifeless matter moved, became organized and started living- all without any assistance? What can you deduce from this?
Another scientist called Professor Dean. H. Kenyon also said,” it is fundamentally implausible that unassisted matter and energy organized themselves into living systems.”
And you are wrong to brand God as a wicked person when you said he knew perfectly well that Eve and her husband will disobey him by eating the apple but he still went ahead and placed the forbidden right there.
In a footnote on this, the New Jerusalem bible (1985) comments on what this
knowledge represented: it is the power of deciding for himself what is good and
what is evil and of acting accordingly, a claim to complete a moral
independence by which man refuses to recognize his status as a created being.
The first sin was an attack on God’s sovereignty.” We need God for good
direction, to get answers to life’s problems and most importantly his help
So in a nutshell, I still maintained that God is alive and he is
responsible for the complex design of life and the universe as a whole.
Fellas, well it’s crystal clear that your analytical reasoning is fraught with lots of ‘deficiencies’ it will be quite difficult to convince you despite the considerable evidence I have raised. Like I said I don’t have any data to prove the origin of God. This does not anyway mean my argument is weak like your utterances tend to depict. Before I further my points, let me examine some of the point the your raised that I want to vehemently refute else people will swallow every hook, line and sinker you spew here which will inadvertently be construed as the truth.
I don’t blame you for your stubborn and rigid stance. I blame some of the
religious teachers whose way of life and the concept of Christianity disconnects. I have been using the universe to form the bases of my argument since I believe someone designed it and that person is God, so in effect he does exist. Most science theories focus on the adaptation and life forms instead on the more central question of the very origin of life.
In the 17th century Italian physician Francesco Redi proved that maggots appeared
in rotten meat only after flies had laid eggs on it. No maggot developed on meat that flies could not reach on it. Do you want to imply in the presence of energy form the sun, lightening and volcanoes some lifeless matter moved, became organized and started living- all without any assistance? What can you deduce from this?
Another scientist called Professor Dean. H. Kenyon also said,” it is fundamentally implausible that unassisted matter and energy organized themselves into living systems.”
And you are wrong to brand God as a wicked person when you said he knew perfectly well that Eve and her husband will disobey him by eating the apple but he still went ahead and placed the forbidden right there.
In a footnote on this, the New Jerusalem bible (1985) comments on what this
knowledge represented: it is the power of deciding for himself what is good and
what is evil and of acting accordingly, a claim to complete a moral
independence by which man refuses to recognize his status as a created being.
The first sin was an attack on God’s sovereignty.” We need God for good
direction, to get answers to life’s problems and most importantly his help
So in a nutshell, I still maintained that God is alive and he is
responsible for the complex design of life and the universe as a whole.