Most people would admit that the myriad of problems plaguing Ghana now is unprecedented, at least since the inception of the Fourth Republic. Complaining about how things have taken a turn for the worse is now the norm, and unsurprisingly a poll of some Ghanaians has reflected this sentiment.
Afrobarometer conducted a survey of 2,400 Ghanaians, and 76% believe this government has failed. To further compound woes, 82% felt the country was moving in the wrong direction.
Approval ratings is a big deal for politicians in advanced countries, unfortunately it has never really taken root here. A poll like this can serve that purpose and I can confidently say it reflects the feelings of majority of Ghanaians.
Widespread corruption, management of the economy, ‘dumsor’ and the like are just three big issues I can call of the top of my head.
Just this week as much as eight labour organisations have announced a simultaneous strike in a move that’s as unprecedented as it is indicting.
Other notable results; 18% believe economic mismanagement is the most important problem which should be solved, 12% going for education and electricity whilst 10% went for health.
Their last poll held in 2012 had 57% as the figure for those feeling the country was moving in the wrong direction. Fast forward to now and it’s a whopping 82%.
Other ones include 72% wanting an improvement in living standards of the poor, 76% favouring job creation, and 81% hoping for price reduction across board.
If these approval ratings are anything to go by, this government would not survive the next election. Maybe that’s the kick up the backside needed to start taking things seriously.
This post was published on October 22, 2014 6:03 PM
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