Ghanaian actress Juliet Ibrahim recently took on two fans on social media who threw at her some unpleasant words.
After posting a photo of herself and a certain gentleman, the fans had something to say to Juliet Ibrahim—and she did not let them go free, she came back HARD as a counterattack.
Increasingly, celebrities regularly put photos and messages online, expecting fans to love these materials—but once a while, it gets BRUTAL and Juliet seems to be one of the few Ghanaian Celebrities who have had to deal with it.
Considering the messages and Juliet’s reaction; what do you think?
This is modern day Ghana where nonentities out of nowhere rise to popularity by mediocre standards and bestow upon themselves the title ”celebrity” with no credibility whatsoever. As usual their shallow-minded Ghanaian fan base will jump to defend and cover up for them in every instance. Truth is our so called female celebs of today are nothing but hookers who cleverly disguise themselves as public figures travelling overseas almost every month to do what God knows best and yet have the impudence to attack or insult anyone for exposing their slutty lifestyle.
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A decorared bush pig will always go back to da gutters n dirty itself,dats wot k legs juliet is.desperate for attention
This is modern day Ghana where nonentities out of nowhere rise to popularity by mediocre standards and bestow upon themselves the title ”celebrity” with no credibility whatsoever. As usual their shallow-minded Ghanaian fan base will jump to defend and cover up for them in every instance. Truth is our so called female celebs of today are nothing but hookers who cleverly disguise themselves as public figures travelling overseas almost every month to do what God knows best and yet have the impudence to attack or insult anyone for exposing their slutty lifestyle.
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A decorared bush pig will always go back to da gutters n dirty itself,dats wot k legs juliet is.desperate for attention
Why is she behaving like this? “the truth hurts” #notclassic.
Why is she behaving like this? “the truth hurts” #notclassic.
She needs to be able to ignore things like this and be classy.
She needs to be able to ignore things like this and be classy.
Juliet is just bush to be on instagram replying to fans this way. What a bush celebrity most of these Ghanaians are
Juliet is just bush to be on instagram replying to fans this way. What a bush celebrity most of these Ghanaians are
Juliet is such a homophobe & it’s a damn shame. No wonder she made that ridiculous anti-gay movie. So funny how people like her who break every rule in their Bible (dressing immorally, getting pregnant outside wedlock, divorcing) can fix their mouths to criticize LGBTs for being ‘immoral’ & use it to insult others. In this day & age where every scientific organization has realized that homosexuality is normal & innate it’s only an uneducated person who will make such statements. She should be ashamed of herself for picking on a group of people who are maltreated daily for who they are. These are the people who incite others to be violent against LGBTs.
Why emphasize only on her anti-gay stance and ignore the bigger picture? The issue at hand is, that irritating self-imposed celeb called juliet ibrahim is nothing but an uncivilized and rude to the core imbecile who needs to be kept in check and restrained from further damaging the reputation of Ghanaians being a intelligent, well-mannered and friendly people. On a different note, i’m afraid you’re also one of the blindly indoctrinated Ghanaians who are normalizing homosexual marriage and pushing the western gay agenda in our society which frowns upon such absurdity.
@RAGE:uggh, if I hear one more African claiming that homosexuality is ‘Western’ I will scream. Really? Please do your research well, several ethnic groups on our beloved continent used to have customs embracing LGBTs. Read about the Azande warriors (Central Africa) & their ‘Boy Wives’, the Yan Daudus (Nigeria), the Dagara priests (gay) who were considered as having supernatural powers etc . Interestingly, people like you have no qualms with several Africans practicing Christianity which was introduced to West, Central & Southern Africa by racist white missionaries. You also have no qualms with the homophobic laws introduced by the colonizers. Where do you think Africans got our current ‘sodomy’ laws from, from our ancestors? Leave homosexuals alone. You don’t have ANY right to tell 2 consenting adults what to do or whom to love. By the way, I’m a Ghanaian, Fante woman born & bred in Ghana & I have known I’m bisexual since age 10. No white person taught me how to be ‘bisexual’. So spare me please
thanks for the info but I’m sure most of us here are not interested in ur stance on homosexuality. keep it for Chris
don’t try to steal the attention from Juliet or else she ll fire back at u.
Why don’t you spare us your LGBT nonsense? There’s no way we Ghanaians are going to integrate that crap into our society. Please take your book long and tedious lectures on gays and lesbians elsewhere because Ghanaians simply won’t condone such insanity!
@Sista Yaa & RAGE: Lol, I know it pains you that I even have the courage to speak up but I won’t stop talking about this until Ghanaians & other Africans stop discriminating against LGBTs. So sad that there’s so much ignorance on our continent!
Dummy, you’re an odd to the Ghanaian populace! People of your type are considered a waste on African soil. How can you stand against a majority which opposes your nonsensical gay / lesbian ideology? Irritating noisemaker!
Juliet is such a homophobe & it’s a damn shame. No wonder she made that ridiculous anti-gay movie. So funny how people like her who break every rule in their Bible (dressing immorally, getting pregnant outside wedlock, divorcing) can fix their mouths to criticize LGBTs for being ‘immoral’ & use it to insult others. In this day & age where every scientific organization has realized that homosexuality is normal & innate it’s only an uneducated person who will make such statements. She should be ashamed of herself for picking on a group of people who are maltreated daily for who they are. These are the people who incite others to be violent against LGBTs.
Why emphasize only on her anti-gay stance and ignore the bigger picture? The issue at hand is, that irritating self-imposed celeb called juliet ibrahim is nothing but an uncivilized and rude to the core imbecile who needs to be kept in check and restrained from further damaging the reputation of Ghanaians being a intelligent, well-mannered and friendly people. On a different note, i’m afraid you’re also one of the blindly indoctrinated Ghanaians who are normalizing homosexual marriage and pushing the western gay agenda in our society which frowns upon such absurdity.
@RAGE:uggh, if I hear one more African claiming that homosexuality is ‘Western’ I will scream. Really? Please do your research well, several ethnic groups on our beloved continent used to have customs embracing LGBTs. Read about the Azande warriors (Central Africa) & their ‘Boy Wives’, the Yan Daudus (Nigeria), the Dagara priests (gay) who were considered as having supernatural powers etc . Interestingly, people like you have no qualms with several Africans practicing Christianity which was introduced to West, Central & Southern Africa by racist white missionaries. You also have no qualms with the homophobic laws introduced by the colonizers. Where do you think Africans got our current ‘sodomy’ laws from, from our ancestors? Leave homosexuals alone. You don’t have ANY right to tell 2 consenting adults what to do or whom to love. By the way, I’m a Ghanaian, Fante woman born & bred in Ghana & I have known I’m bisexual since age 10. No white person taught me how to be ‘bisexual’. So spare me please
thanks for the info but I’m sure most of us here are not interested in ur stance on homosexuality. keep it for Chris
don’t try to steal the attention from Juliet or else she ll fire back at u.
Why don’t you spare us your LGBT nonsense? There’s no way we Ghanaians are going to integrate that crap into our society. Please take your book long and tedious lectures on gays and lesbians elsewhere because Ghanaians simply won’t condone such insanity!
@Sista Yaa & RAGE: Lol, I know it pains you that I even have the courage to speak up but I won’t stop talking about this until Ghanaians & other Africans stop discriminating against LGBTs. So sad that there’s so much ignorance on our continent!
Dummy, you’re an odd to the Ghanaian populace! People of your type are considered a waste on African soil. How can you stand against a majority which opposes your nonsensical gay / lesbian ideology? Irritating noisemaker!
This is disgusting…she don’t need to be talking like that….OMG….
This is disgusting…she don’t need to be talking like that….OMG….
See nkurasesem!!!!!… Money doesn’t buy class.. She’s not enlightened with all that travelling and exposure.. What exposure am I even talking about
.Abuja-Naija I guess. Or visiting Chris in London. .Chris this one na your own lol..cussing be what!!!
Juliet America wonder lol
See nkurasesem!!!!!… Money doesn’t buy class.. She’s not enlightened with all that travelling and exposure.. What exposure am I even talking about
.Abuja-Naija I guess. Or visiting Chris in London. .Chris this one na your own lol..cussing be what!!!
Juliet America wonder lol
Juliet, Juliet, Juliet. How many times did i typed your name? If you don’t behave and stop this profanity would personally deport your as…s back to Liberia your homeland. I am not surprised at all. Truth hurt and a guilty bitttch would forever be a maaf@…ker. I woke up just to entertain my self and now this silly behavior from someone who claims to be a star. I don’t blame her maybe her divorce is getting into her, an early detection wont be a bad idea at all. Shameless hoe, ashawo
Are you now the head of Ghana Immigration Service? I thought Juliet is a Ghanaian with a Ghanaian passport so how are you going to deport her?
Jesus she’s not a ghanaian. The girl said in her interview she’s liberian and some other mixed. She just wish she’s a ghanaian, they only moved down here before the war started.
No am not the head of Ghana immigration. This girl is no where close to a Ghanaian. Her homeland is Liberian and Lebanon
And we hope chris would deport your useless a s s from this website first! Ghanacelebrities A S H A W O! f u c k i n g with every article! It’s me STRIPPED&RAGE. Get back at me if you can!
hello juliet, u are welcome
Juliet, Juliet, Juliet. How many times did i typed your name? If you don’t behave and stop this profanity would personally deport your as…s back to Liberia your homeland. I am not surprised at all. Truth hurt and a guilty bitttch would forever be a maaf@…ker. I woke up just to entertain my self and now this silly behavior from someone who claims to be a star. I don’t blame her maybe her divorce is getting into her, an early detection wont be a bad idea at all. Shameless hoe, ashawo
Are you now the head of Ghana Immigration Service? I thought Juliet is a Ghanaian with a Ghanaian passport so how are you going to deport her?
Jesus she’s not a ghanaian. The girl said in her interview she’s liberian and some other mixed. She just wish she’s a ghanaian, they only moved down here before the war started.
No am not the head of Ghana immigration. This girl is no where close to a Ghanaian. Her homeland is Liberian and Lebanon
And we hope chris would deport your useless a s s from this website first! Ghanacelebrities A S H A W O! f u c k i n g with every article! It’s me STRIPPED&RAGE. Get back at me if you can!
hello juliet, u are welcome
Juliet you are totally bush and you will not go to the Kingdom of ALLAH for insulting fans like this. That is if there is any such Kingdom.
Juliet you are totally bush and you will not go to the Kingdom of ALLAH for insulting fans like this. That is if there is any such Kingdom.
Juliet did nothing wrong….should she keep quiet just b’cos she’s a public figure and allow people to throw insults at her, hell no…..I would have done worse tweaaaaa…..kudos Juliet……
Juliet did nothing wrong….should she keep quiet just b’cos she’s a public figure and allow people to throw insults at her, hell no…..I would have done worse tweaaaaa…..kudos Juliet……
Jesus Christ, was she drunk when replying back to those people? Wow didn’t expect such words to come out of a lady’s mouth.
Jesus Christ, was she drunk when replying back to those people? Wow didn’t expect such words to come out of a lady’s mouth.