Growing up and being faced with numerous challenges, we tend to feel lonely at times and think no one understands us and what we are going through. Catching up with a few teenagers, they shared some difficult times with me, including how they overcame them:
I was a very pretty and well-endowed teenager and this was not always a plus. Too many guys want to be with you and too many girls hate on you. You tend to feel you are such a ‘diva’ and that the whole world revolves around you. You get approached by so many guys and you are on top of the world. The funny thing is, you are actually more prone to vices and heartbreak. What helped me out of that life was listening to sermons and remembering bible verses from my daily devotions. I learnt to stay at home and not always rely on guys to have fun. M.C
Being from a not so rich home, I had to deal with segregation in school where I sometimes felt looked down upon. Being a bright student allowed me to excel at my studies thus earning me respect amongst my peers and as a result downplaying the class effect. B.S
As a teen, my biggest challenge was finding someone I could get attached to and share my problems or secrets with. I therefore learnt to keep things to myself and fight my own wars. Growing up, I’ve become much stronger, more mature, and an independent thinker and I think it’s all because I started doing things on my own at a tender age. F.K
My parents kept me close as a kid and as a result, I hardly got to hang out with my mates and sometimes felt lost when they discussed their escapades. Everybody called me ‘dadabee’ and I hated it. I utilized my God given leadership tendencies to draw those I could into watching the game of soccer (analysis and all), making them think it was the ‘in’ thing. Those I couldn’t convince, I cut off. Looking back, I realise that was one of my protective mechanisms and it really worked for me. S.S
When I was younger I thought I was pregnant because my stomach was bigger than my boobs. I overcame it by researching and finding out it takes 9 months for babies to come out so I waited for those 9 months to ensure there was no baby inside. It was a very challenging time indeed. L.A
As a young boy growing up, the younger crowd expects you to be cool and fly and the older crowd expects you to be well-behaved which is a real struggle as you also just want to be yourself. It can be very confusing when you are being pulled in all directions. The ‘barbies’ want you to have ‘swag’ and break all the rules for them, your parents want you to excel in school and abide by the rules, your teachers want you to be responsible and stay away from girls, and half the time you probably don’t know what you want yourself (that is being yourself by the way). With time I became the ruler of my own world with the right priorities set and that gave me the right balance for life. A.A
I struggled with understanding my Mum (we are very similar…both stubborn and like to have our own way) and that’s an ongoing battle lol. I guess what I have learnt is that it is easier for me to change my approach to dealing with her and controlling my perception of her and our relationship than vice versa. So even though we still argue and have our moments, I am doing better at just sucking it up, taking the initiative and trusting God to grow our relationship. S.B
There was once I fell short of an important cut off score for an important exam and that was a pretty hard time. I was really embarrassed at what my classmates would think and had pressure from my Mum as well because she was so disappointed. My brothers helped give me perspective. I knew I had studied for those exams and wanted my papers graded again. My brothers urged me not to get caught up in the past, but to learn from my mistakes, move on and do better in the future. B.G
My big ego almost caused me my life.
It was one of the first times that I was going out to party all night with my friends. I met this cute woman who was a really good dancer. Yes, she had danced with a lot of men in the club but she had taken a certain interest in me. Maybe because I was the most handsome lad out there or probably because my body was banging (that’s what I thought anyway).While we dirty danced, she suggested I take her out of the club so I rushed to inform my friends of my luck. They quickly passed me a condom after trying to persuade me not to go but to no avail. I got into the car with this woman and she drove us off in into the dark night.
I was very scared but wanted so bad to prove to this woman that I was a big man and a monster in bed. We got to her apartment and things got all wild and nasty. I asked for condoms and she told me she did not have any so I grabbed the one I had but she refused to use it, saying she preferred it raw as that was the sweetest. At that point I got upset but I was still adamant at having sex with this lady and making her remember me as the best in her life. It was a big dilemma.
Either I had sex with her and be declared as the beast of her bed and probably protract an STD, or miss out on this glorious opportunity and be called a kid and lose my dignity. The temptation was strong and leering as she was evidently the hottest woman I have ever seen walk on this planet. My mind drifted to my future, my brother and my mom and in that split moment my decision was made. I started dressing up as fast as I could with this woman seductively begging me to take her to bed. But I walked right out with not a second thought.
Looking back, I realise that I probably avoided all kinds of diseases as she was a loose cannon who cared nothing about her sexual health. Thank you Lord. M.B
Can we identify with any of these stories or do we have any of our own. Kindly share your story with our readers and let us be inspired.