
Is It Not EVIDENT that Prayers Do Not Work & There is No Need for Them? | God Only Answers to Sign Language Because He Has Become DEAF & DUMB


The common statements; God knows it all, he is the alpha and the omega—and believers must pray to ask the Father and it shall be given to them, contradict each other but many do not still see it.

There is not strong evidence that prayers work and that there is any God sitting up in the sky with billions of ears listening to the long prayers of believers, who are mostly poor. And yet these believers spend almost half of their lives praying to a deity who does not exist or does not answer any prayer.

As Albert Einstein rightly said, if people talk about a God that answers prayers, takes side in wars (supports the Israelis and others to massacre thousands of others which He himself had created), then he does not believe in such God.

Just this immediate paragraph makes me wonder if indeed the many attributes we give to God, specifically by the many “Monotheism religions” are well thought through. A God that knows what will happen before someone is even born, goes ahead to create thousands of people purposely to connive with others to kill these same people he has without any choice of these people placed on here. Yet, some silly believers will say, this may not make any earthly or logical sense but it makes celestial sense to the Father.

Let me not digress; if prayers indeed work, then how come Africans (undoubtedly the most prayerful people on the planet) are those with countless problems—and on a smaller scale, believers are those with dozens of baskets full of problems and continue to live in abject poverty? I know there is a biblical defence for this absurdity and illness, Job’s temptation or the path of the righteous is thorny but God delivers him from it all. But the truth is, God is not delivering today’s righteous from any of the hardship they continue to pray about and the sad truth is, they do not see the handwriting on the wall.

Perhaps, God has become deaf owning to the loud shouting of many years by change seekers and he is currently finding his way around sign language—so he cannot hear the many cry of his people. This better be the reason why there is no evidence that prayers work, because the alternative is; God is long dead. The problem is, even if he dies out of old age sitting in that golden chair, who will come and tell us on earth? The distance is too far and we cannot pick his death up from the nasty smell.

As one of my favourite reggae musicians-Senzo once said, the prayers of the poor are long, than the prayers of the rich. With such long prayers all geared toward making life changing request as the situations many of these believers find themselves are unbearable, why would God not stop listening or answering, that is even if you believe He exists?

The prayer delusion is so obvious and yet a lot of people continue to waste their time speaking into the air. Your prayer does not go beyond the ceiling and your next door neighbour cannot even hear you, so what makes you think some God sitting somewhere busily watching the Israelis and Palestinians throw rockets at each other to kill innocent children will be listening to you?

What is even the sense in this; God knows it all and He knows what and when you will get what—he won’t change things around per request. Meaning, if you will win the lottery at the age of 22, he knows that and by the fact that he is a truthful God, I believe he won’t change that, else he is not a certain God. Yet, you continue to pray about hardships and troubles that this same God has bestowed on you, or was the master architect, asking him to destroy the problems he has created. He allows the problems to set in, and then goes back per request to delete the problems. God is bored, confused or totally insane, playing pingpong with people’s lives then.

When you talk about the fact that prayers do not work and therefore people should get busy—and get real with things by accepting the obvious, they cite many individual examples when they have prayed about something that did happen and therefore, God answered the prayers. Yet, they forget about the millions of things they’ve prayed about that did not happen (God has not answered)—as evidence that prayers do not work.

Subjective or individual positions cannot be taken for evidence, because most believers are deluded and have adopted many false concepts that weaken whatever they claim. Therefore, any proper evidence for prayer must be on a large scale, we must witness a group having had their group prayers answered—at least that will be clear and we will have some sort of consistency in the story.

More recently, a group of believers who follow one of the most powerful men of God in Ghana sat down (or stood) up and shouted to the dislike of the neighbouring residents, commanding the Ghanaian cedi (praying to God) to stabilize and after the prayers, the cedi started falling more faster than before. What happened to God and this prayer? He must have been sleeping.

Each day of the week, millions of believers in Africa go on their knees and speak in all sort of languages asking God to change their lives (in short, move them out of poverty and just give them something a little deserving as His sons and daughters), this I believe is not a lot to ask from a merciful God, and yet, Africa remains the poorest—and most of these people die, and will continue to die in poverty. Indeed, God is merciful and He answers all prayers.

It does not even make any sort of sense, be it deep reason or common sense that, you have to continue nagging your Father over something which he already knows it is a problem in your life and you wish for it to be solved. Before you even closed your eyes to pray, God already knew what you were going to say, so what is the point? Can’t HE just fix the problem—which HE himself planted in your life or allowed the “illusionary” devil to plant? Why must you keep asking him over and over again?

People pray for all manner of things and if the “to be taken” evidence that prayers work is; because the thing prayed about has happened on a subjective level, then God must have answered the prayers, then I believe the last time I prayed to God to help me win the heart of a girl who I did not love, God gladly did that so I can hurt this innocent girl. What a God we serve!

Despite the various layers of indications that prayers do not work, believers continue to pray tireless, out of their laziness to go out and tackle or find real solutions to their real problems. Instead of most Africans getting things FIXED, they will pray for a divine fixing, an all knowing God will come down purposely for them to fix their problems—they believe. IKEA even wants you to fix your own stuff you bought from them, how much more a busy old God?

Maybe prayers work and it is just that the jobs are too many for one God to do and this is why many people die before it is their turn. I could accept this supposition but if that is the case, then God better creates more Gods to help Him, or at least, robotic Gods to take charge since millions of innocent children continue to die in Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Gaza, Syria, North Korea, Israel, Nigeria, Ghana and many other places.

What am I even saying? God himself is the architect of these deaths (or has allowed the deaths to happen) so why will he intervene? I see no cosmic sense in just creating a child or sitting in heaven to watch less than one year old pure and innocent children being bombed daily despite many of your worshipers having begged through prayers to ensure that this ends? If indeed there is a heavenly Father who watches over all these, then I do not want to have anything to do with such a wicked character.

I wouldn’t waste my one minute praying to a God who has bad track records of answering prayers when it really matters. And I can’t see the sense in holding on tight to such a God who watches in full glory for innocent children and their mothers to be massacred, and mostly, this God and his army of people do the massacring.

Even as a mere mortal human, I know children and women must be treated with dignity, must not be subjected to inhumane and degrading treatments but the most intelligent person in the multi-verse who created us all does not know this and he takes part in doing this to his own creation. What kind of a punk is this God?

To be frank, I hate him for being so cruel to innocent women and children, all around the world. And on judgement day, I will rather ask him questions…

All the same, if you want to continue praying each day to a God who is busy and does not answer prayers, instead of putting in critical thinking—and taking steps (even baby steps) to finding solutions, be it permanent or temporal to the many problems created by this same God to hover over your head, then go ahead and do it with all your strength.

Now to establish if prayers indeed work, since believers claim to be tired of my anti-religious posts, why don’t they pray for me to stop? Then we will all have a clear evidence on our table, that prayers work!


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75 thoughts on “Is It Not EVIDENT that Prayers Do Not Work & There is No Need for Them? | God Only Answers to Sign Language Because He Has Become DEAF & DUMB”

    • Maybe you don’t have anything to say against what Chris said that is why. The guy just told you there is no God or he does not answer prayers which is the fact. Instead of thanking him you are asking for mercy from God? Does God not know we need Mercy already?

      • u could have just written ur comment without responding to mine…I dont know what to tell Chris becos it is obvious that he does not understand Christianity and i believe strongly that nothing or nobody will make him understand it….

      • Is Christianity the only religion you know of? Why do you keep taking shots @ Christians? Try making such statement to mulisms in nigeria and you’ll get Beheaded in public. The fact that you throw shots @ only Christians show that you actually believe in Christianity but blinded by anger. I know people like you who later converted and became real Christians (like Saul in the bible). I hope you and Chris never get married in a church cos people like you always do

  1. Chris you killed it this morning. Only fools waste their time praying to some God. Don’t the God have eyes to see himself? Look around the world and you will see that prayer is a waste of the foolish person’s time.

    • Ah massa, you are saying this and you have given yourself a nickname Jesus? Eiii !! Please change that name wai because it is even an insult to Jesus himself who is in Heaven. Are you even serious? Oh my God! Lord have mercy!

    • Only the st.upid beings believes there’s no Good. A fool for that matter. May our maker have mercy on you. You are lost.

  2. Dude. Shut up. If someone wants to pray how does it affect you. You are getting really getting annoying with these anti-religion articles you spew out every couple of days. I wonder what psychological damage has happened to you in your life for you to hate God so much. Fine if you are an atheist but most atheists I know don’t act this way to gain attention. Stick to reporting about celebrities. You have a limited understanding of how this world works bro. God does not answer every single prayer in the way we want. For example, we might be approaching him in an unacceptable way and not from our heart. The bible mentions if we have something against our brother we must first settle it before we approach him. Husbands who do not love their wives risk getting their prayers blocked. Sometimes Gods answer to our prayers is no because what we want might be detrimental for us. Most of the time when we pray God gives us the strength to deal with the trial.

    • My point exactly! I come to GC to read celebrity news but of late it has turned to a blog dat only publishes articles and instagram pictures of celebrities. It’s very frustrating at times.Chris,seriously this blog is surviving on past glory cos the GC i knew 4years ago isn’t what it is’s a shame i keep coming here half expecting dat things have improved but i always leave disappointed.I’ve always known u to be an atheist but now you’ve taken it a notch higher which makes your blog very boring!

      • Honey, we are proud with the direction of the blog and personally I love it this way. However, if you don’t like it, I am sorry about that and you can to try find an alternative—better luck with that though. Let me point you to where you can start from; Google.


        • This is why i love Chris. I have not seen this name her before but she says she has been here for 4 years. lol. Better still start your own blog if you think it is easy.

          • I started reading GC long ago but never commented for a while.and when i started commenting,it was under a different name ‘maame Ama’.Dr miyagi can testify to that.the fact dat people do not comment doesn’t mean no one is reading

        • You really think everything is about you and your little army who support you, those who agree with you on everything you put down. #wiseUp

        • Chris, i don’t think she mean anything bad by what she said, though she could have said it in a nice way.Me myself i always come here to read celebrity news but these days i don’t see any and the blog has become so boring. The only interesting news i was glad to read was Sonnie Badu and Becca’s. You should know that this is networking and the more you get people to read and like your blog, the better off you are in the sense of making more money and stand the chance of winning an award. Please make this blog interesting instead of making it boring. I trust you and i know you can.

          • Sure, what you said is good but I really don’t need an award or want to write purely because of money….I only need to be happy and that is by doing what makes me happy or writing about my interest.

            You love gossip and you got one as you mentioned, that does not mean everyone should love or write on gossip each day if the person does not feel like doing so. We have enough gossip on here for you so please check them out. Don’t always think awards or money is everyone’s prime target in life. Some of us, enjoy good discussions and being able to share our opinions than any of the two…

          • Okay boss, you are telling me I love gossip but that’s cool I accept it. You are Don’t u think the job you are doing makes u more gossip than me? Hm! I don’t think if good discussions and being able to share opinions is this blog all about, I don’t think there would have been lots of people viewing this blog because not everyone is interested in some discussions. Lastly and being honest, Chris tell me the primary reason u first created this blog was not about how to put gossips up here so that u would get more viewers and make money. Who would start something without thinking about its benefits or what would come out of it especially financially? That’s the first thing every one thinks about before starting anything that has to do with their profession. Please do not pretend saying money is not the reason why, or feel shy saying it because it’s normal okay!

          • James 4:2 NLT

            You want what you don’t have, so you scheme and kill to get it. You are jealous of what others have, but you can’t get it, so you fight and wage war to take it away from them. Yet you don’t have what you want because you don’t ask God for it.

            James 5:16 NIV

            Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.

            You may not receive when u ask bcos u don’t believe when u ask or bcos of how u ask.
            However, the fact that u pray& don’t get answers d way u like doesn’t mean God doesn’t exist.
            Also, saying a million times that He exist won’t make him vanish either.

            Its ur choice to be an aethist but d fact u keep having to discredit religion or Christianity means even u don’t believe ur lie.

        • Pray Persistently

          About twenty years ago, this next sentence changed my life: “You do not have because you do not ask God.” This short verse opened a door for me to discover the life-changing power of persistent prayer.

          At that time in my life, I was stressed out about a lot of different things. I was trying to make my ministry grow, trying to make my husband do this or that, trying to make my kids act a certain way, trying to make other people do the things I wanted, trying to basically do absolutely everything on my own. As you can probably guess, it wasn’t working!

          As a burned-out, frustrated young Christian, I realized one day that living in my own strength was useless. I needed to take my problems to God. In other words, I needed to pray more!

          When we understand God’s love for us and His plan for us, then we can begin to realize the doors that He wants to open for us. But we’ll only realize these things when we’re constantly talking with Him, listening to His voice, and growing deeper in our relationship with Him.

          In Matthew 7:7 (AMP), Jesus tells us, “Keep on asking and it will be given you; keep on seeking and you will find; keep on knocking reverently and the door will be opened to you.”

          So many times, when we reach the end of our rope, we turn to prayer, but when our prayers are not instantly answered, we give up. Today, I want to encourage you to not only pray, but to pray persistently. Don’t stress out trying to make things happen on your own. Give it all to God as you pray.

          Remember, He promises that when we seek Him, we will find Him. Let’s pray and seek Him with all our hearts.

          Prayer Starter: God, remind me to bring my problems to You. I’m tired of living in my own strength. I need Your guidance and Your direction. As I seek You daily, I will put my trust in You.

  3. We live in the era of Grace where people can blaspheme and blab and not get smitten , that’s why a lot of people are able to say things against their creator , did u create urself! why should u doubt the existence of God, when He created the world He put down rules but we have not been living by them,we sin against Him everyday and go to church on sundays like we re pure( am included),even some so called Christians don’t live right and u want him to bless u!, Look at some other people in the Bible like Enoch, he lived so right that he didn’t even taste death! This modern day Christians are not what God really want us to be so we don’t expect Him to bless us abundantly, its by Grace that we re even still alive and breathing!

    • am sure if u ask Chris if he created himself, he will tell you all about the reproduction system and how a sperm and egg fertilized for him to be who he is…there are people who do not believe in God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit…Chris is one of them

  4. The devil is preparing ur mansion for u in the hottest part of hell except u apologise to GOD, already we re all sinners and its just by grace we r alive, and u re still able to open ur bucal cavity and spill out thrash!

  5. i guees this guy has no wisdom…with all your degree look at the rubbish you are spilling…do you think GOD jst answers prayers like that..if you are not obeying his commandments how do you expect him to answer your prayers..his word makes us understand that he knows what is best for us so what if most of us dont pray for the right thing..his ways are diferrent and far better than ours who gives you the air you breathe into your sick system…have you ever heard that scientist or naybody is responsible for the air we breathe…do better thinking bro before releasing such nonsence from your senseless u think he answers stupid prayers for some1 to pray so that u stop this rubbish…get a better understanding of how the world is and how God works..may God have mercy on u…

    • REALLY? Tell us what possible wrong could the milllions of
      children under 3 years old who have been killed in Iraq, Gaza, Somalia and
      others done that God has not answered their innocent prayers for better life?
      Or the prayers of the righteous asking God to protect these children?

      And don’t tell me because their parents did something wrong—because
      that does not make God a just God and believers say, he is JUST. SMH

  6. Chris definitely knows how to get under people’s(christians) skin.

    Some few weeks ago people dared him to write about Allah/Mohammed/Islam but he never responded and am yet to read such an article.

    Y’all should know Chris is out here for christians so my suggestions is, dont click on any related christian article if you will feel offended and if you do click on it, just dont comment.

    And dont bother insulting/preaching Chris, he surely knows what he’s doing.

    • It is obvious what he is doing, the site is suffering so he is trying to boost traffic by being provocative. Desperate times for Chris.

      • Chris has always been provocative and almost all his articles are though provoking even though I don’t agree with almost everything he says so what are you talking about

    • I wrote about God so why is that Christianity? I said ‘monotheism religions’ and surely, every educated person will know that applies to Islam too so don’t mind whoever has decided to stay uneducated. And the reason why I am replying you, is because you are an avid reader.

      Why should I write a lot about Islam in particular when majority of my readers are Christians? Why don’t they ask me to write about Buddhism or Hindu? Those making that request are just being ignorant and they do not deserve an answer.

      Also, I am not one of those who will jump to write on a subject when I do not have enough knowledge about—and to be frank, my knowledge on both new and old islam is not persuasive. Sam Harris and the others with in depth knowledge on Islam write on that so people want to read on Islam, there is a lot of materials on the web. I don’t need to do that because they are asking.

      I surely won’t write on Buddhism too, because majority of my readers are not Buddhists and I am intelligent enough not to write on subjects I am not well informed on.

      Don’t worry yourself about certain people on the web who among all the things they can become on the web, they have decided to be trolls. If people want to hold intelligent discourse on religion or any other subject, I will gladly engage them but if they have no plausible arguments and will insult or just say, God have mercy on this person and that, then I will just ignore them…

      And let me chip this to you; the comments do not make GC any money. It is just an option for people to also express their opinions. In the past, we have even contemplated on totally closing the comment session…And surely, we trash/ban more comments than those that are allowed to come through so we can all have a decent platform to hold discussions.

      Anyway, hope you are doing good!

      • ”Anyway, hope you are doing good!”? I expect a law graduate to write better english like: ”Anyway, i hope you’re doing well.” Doing good means doing acts of good such as feeding the homeless, donating money, and other charitable acts.

        • Seriously? So you want to mark my english and you did not mark the over 1500 words article above…Rather, a casual sentence I threw at the end of my comment? LOL. I can’t write comments on a free range anymore simple because I am a law graduate…right? LOL. What if I studied my law in Chinese? You know what, I love you for this! When you have no plausible arguments to contribute to a discourse, I guess this is what you look for.

          Thanks for commenting!

        • hahaha…..this guy attended NEWHAM COLLEGE OF FURTHER EDUCATION, NEED I SAY MORE. type the school and search for Newham and you are understand why u shd never take this guy’s qualifications seriously…..newham is equivalent or akin to Sisala college in Ghana …hahaha….its the most deprived area in london and the school does not even feature in any league table………its surviving the UK gov’ts donated funds so my dear his English is understandable……..i would reluctantly put that college on a CV let alone brag bat it on a blog

        • hahaha…..this guy attended NEWHAM COLLEGE OF FURTHER EDUCATION, NEED I SAY MORE. type the school and search for Newham and you are understand why u shd never take this guy’s qualifications seriously…..newham is equivalent or akin to Sisala college in Ghana …hahaha….its the most deprived area in london and the school does not even feature in any league table………its surviving on the UK gov’ts donated funds so my dear his English is understandable……..i would reluctantly put that college on a CV let alone brag abt it on a blog


  8. I thought u were cool Chris but now I no u r ignorant. The bible says ‘my people perish for lack of knowledge ‘ indeed. If u read the bible u wl definitely know that in the last days all this will happen. Am not judging u but u need Jesus, Really.

  9. Colossians 2:8New International Version (NIV)

    8 See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces[a] of this world rather than on Christ.

  10. I’m not even going to bother myself to read the whole story….clearly, those who don’t believe in God has never had any personal encounters with him…read about Paul and u’ll know u’re not far from what u’re believing now…also God is a God of truth, the only true God that exist…even in this article, there were several contradiction but we won’t even go there now…Also everything that is happening on this earth is something that has already been predestined in the bible…FOR THE LACK OF KNOWLEDGE, PEOPLE PERSIH…a thousand years is like a day for God…things are happening as predestined to fulfill God’s plan and purpose (THE END OF TIME)…if God does not exist, or God is no God, how come at the mention of his name, every knee truly bows…His spirit is a holy one…and no other spirit or power can contend with him…he has giving us the free will to come to him or choose otherwise…but I am telling u today, it’s better to give ur life to him than to condemn him…DONT be fooled by the enemy…he is only using u to PERSIH…u’re his slave and his only goal is to destroy Gods kingdom…again, at the mention of his name every knee bows (don’t doubt the Holy Spirit), and even satan and his cohorts know that FOR FACT…..

    • Whose knees are those? Believers or non believers? The Chinese civilization existed before the scripts were written but nary a word or an epistle to the Chinese. How about the Americas? Nary a word about the Americas in the bible. In the bible Saul/Paul never met Jesus. He didn’t know him. He claimed he saw the light on his way to Damascus so he changed. No witnesses. Only him. And yet he became an apostle? Why? A more plausible theory is that after persecuting the followers of Jesus and failing, he decided to destroy them from within. It is why he enlisted pagans to join the movement. When Jesus himself kept to the Jewish base. Jesus said he did not come to change the law(Torah) but to fulfil it. Paul through force changed the laws by allowing pagans to participate in a Jewish movement. Emperor Constantine’s recognition of Christianity as the religion is just like what Paul did. He also claimed to have seen the cross so he converted. Infused the new religion with pagan rituals and festivals and voila, modern Christianity if formed. Jesus was Jew and remained a Jew. Which in a sense means he doesn’t know those prancing about calling themselves Christians or his followers. But Paul/Saul will recognise his handiwork. Funny how the man who was against women to the point of asking people not to marry and stay like him is quoted at marriage ceremonies. It tells you how convoluted the whole movement has become.

    • FOR THE LACK OF KNOWLEDGE, PEOPLE PERISH. Exactly why Africans are perishing in droves. Be it diseases or starvation. Lack of knowledge of the world is killing Africans. Without antibiotics and various vaccines, black Africans would have been an endangered species. And yet there is isn’t a single formula for these life savers in the so called world of god. Here is thought, how come the most religious nations are also the most poverty and disease ridden nations? Why is god not answering them?

  11. Brilliant article Chris!! One suggestion is in the future preface all the religious articles with a warning such as “ignorant people or “flat-earthers” may be offended with this article”. That will save you the hustle of having to reply to all the ignorant religious nutters on your blog. One thing you have to note is, you cannot speak the truth to those who believe man and dinosaurs co-inhabited the planet or men rode dinosaurs to school. You cannot speak the truth to those who believe the earth is a about seven or eight thousand years old. Or those who believe that in the vastness of the universe, man is the centre of it. Most believers suffer from cognitive dissonance. Because reality is always giving them the middle finger on their fantastical delusions. If there is a God, I doubt it that it gives a rats ass about the wants and requests of Ghanaians. After all he’s all knowing so why will he make Ghanaians miserable and await for their prayers in order to change the miserable state? It is also important to note that Ghanaian minds are timid in their thinking. They have boundaries they refuse to cross in their thinking. That is why they cannot think of their god as vindictive and cruel by his actions or inactions. That will overload their senses. The historical facts that disproves their beliefs are mere inconvenience. What is sad is the African mind is stuck in the quagmire of superstition and fantasy which renders it infantile in its thinking.

  12. Most of the comments here are insulting. 1,665-word article debunking the power of prayer. I expected those who disagree with the writer (Chris) reason with him, citing examples that lay emphasis on how prayer works.

    Did throwing insults at him make him change his mind? It will rather make him stick more to what he currently believes in. If he’s given 1,000 years, he will stick to the same opinion because nobody has taught him anything new through the discourse. The “God will punish you” and “lack of knowledge my people perish” comments will not bring about any positive impact in anybody’s life.

    As an example, how do you expect me to change from believing that my dad is a fool when after making such a statement, people keep insulting me? Will i not accept the fact that my dad isn’t a fool when people reason with me in a calm way, explaining vividly step by step (with facts) why he’s not a fool?

    I laughed at the comments because majority of those who commented did so out of emotions (cursing and so on)

    It is like insulting me when after coming to my house to preach to me I tell you I don’t believe in God (with reasons) so leave my house. I will continue not to believe in HIM because you kept affronting me rather than peacefully reasoning with me with facts and examples.

    In debates, a person is either for or against the theme. I’ve taken part in some debates where after the event, a person who was against the theme switched mind and rallied for the motion instead. This was because the debator who was speaking favorably about the theme was able to convince (with relevant info) the one who wasn’t on his side. What would have happened if the speaker speaking for the motion used all the debate’s time to insult the one who was against the topic of discussion? At the end of the day, the one against the topic under discussion would have carried the day; with the one debating in favor of the topic not been able to convince anyone present at the event.

    Ouch! Let me end it here before my laptop goes off. ECG again. 2x today. lol Let’s please stop the insults and make meaningful arguments (with facts) whether for or against.

  13. Eiiiiii chris why are u so much against God! pls I want to beg u in the name of God, even if u dont believe in God n His deeds pls keep it to urself. Today is my first day commenting on any of ur articles although I always visit this blog. You seem to have a very high level of disrespect n disregard for God which is not good for u. I am a testimony of the great works of God but I will keep that n pray for you that u experience the holy spirit soon and then u will appreciate Ur maker. Stay in the love of God chris for no matter what He always loves u.

  14. Chris you got this one wrong brother. Prayer always works. In fact every prayer gets answered. Every prayer! We are all always praying not just Christians or religious people.

    Prayer simply is an intent. when you pray, you are intending, when you intend, you are praying. Prayer is nothing more that a fervent statement or what is so or intended..

    every prayer (every thought, every statement, every feeling) is creative and gets answered. to the degree that a prayer is fervently held as truth, to that degree will it be manifested in ones life or experience..

    Your truths are your beliefs and your beliefs creates your reality..

    When it is said that a prayer has not been answered(which in reality is not true), what has actually happened is that the most fervently held belief- thought, word or feeling has become operative or been answered.

    If you pray for riches everyday and yet have a poor man’s mentality(feel or believe you will always be poor, undeserving of riches) or have negative connotations towards money( ie money is the root of all evil; vanity etc etc) or feel unworthy of such blessings then the reality that you will continue to experience will be exactly what your beliefs are..

    your words do not create your reality, your beliefs do. it has always been and will always be..

    Also wanting something to happen creates exactly that experience for you.. WANTING..Wanting is a feeling so if one WANTS to be rich then they experience exactly that feeling-WANTING TO BE RICH..

    wanting denotes lack. wanting something means it is not there. so how do you expect to have something that is not there.. why it is said that you cannot have that which you want..

    supplication which most Christians and religious people do is the same thing as wanting.. when you supplicate and beg you cannot have not which you beg for because the dominant belief or what you are telling the universe/God is that you lack or do not have now what you wish for…..That dominant thought or belief BECOMES YOUR REALITY and thus the universe has no choice but to grant you exactly that experience of lack..

    We cannot have that which we ask for no can we have anything we want. this is because our very request is a statement of lack. and the reality is that we cannot have something that is not there or lacking.. The correct form of prayer is not of supplication but actually of gratitude…

    When you thank God/universe in advance for that which you choose to experience in your reality, you, in effect, acknowledge that it is there… in effect. Thankfulness is thus the most powerful statement to the universe; an affirmation that even before you ask, the universe would have answered.
    We should never supplicate but be appreciative.. The carpenters son Jesus like many ascended masters did this perfectly..he always gave thanks to the universe before any “miracle” or prayer..

    we create our realities and we can only have what we choose and likewise choose what we cannot have or choose that which is not there..

    if ones aspires to be rich or wealthy and at the same time believes they are poor or will never be rich then no amount of 40 nights and days prayer will make him or her rich.. The foundation or belief/worthiness of being rich is not there. They only aspire or want to be rich but the belief of being or becoming rich is non existent in them..

    so on the surface it looks like their prayers are not being answered but the reality is that it has always been answered..

    P/s @ Chris send me an email if you would because will like to discuss the concept of God with you. your idea of God seems to based around the christian God and the bible which is the least purveyor of truth on anything God.. by the way my observation has nothing to do with this article..

    • I will definitely drop you an email to discuss the various ontological questions. Anyway, by referring to prayers in this article, I am talking about the christian, Islamic and the other monotheism religious concept of prayer and the answer being the divine response or intervention from a God relating to them. I can see you are looking at prayer (something else that you call prayer) alongside some other line, perhaps philosophy or something close to that…

      What you described as prayer may not actually pass the christian and Islam’s idea of what prayer to a celestial God is and as you noted, I am talking about the latter…

      It seems you are talking alongside self believing and taking actions to go with what beliefs—mindset and reality!

      • ok i will look forward to that.. i wish we can do it here for others to probably contribute but unfortunately there is too much “noise” and i believe most of your readers here are not ready for such discussions that will actually help them to be emancipated from the grips of the beast called religion…

        on the topic of prayer.. i knew you were looking at it from that monotheism religious concept of prayer..but the point that i wanted to establish was that no matter the concept of prayer, it always get answered..

        The problem is that most religious people do not understand the concept behind their own “form” of prayer- communication with a higher power(their god)..

        i wanted to underline the fact that no matter the form or view on it-prayer– it follows the same process.

      • Hey Chris, are you able to discuss via Skype. Not a fan of typing especially for the last couple of years. I usually like face to face discussions but since you’re in London Skype will probably do for now.. I know you’re always busy just as I am but we can pick up a day to talk about various topics concerning “GOD”, existence, being etc
        Spirituality is one of my interest and I feel there are a few distortions about your view on God that I might probably be of help to steer you towards the “right” path.. who knows..
        I usually enjoy the ontological discussions with atheists more than theists since from my observations “atheists” appears to be more open minded in such discussions from my experience..

        —– Reply message —–

        • No problem, I will pick your email from your comment at the backend and shoot you an email by Sunday with my skype ID. I am open for all intelligent discussion on anything—religion, cosmology, philosophy, law and to some extent physics, specifically string theory, parallel universe/multi verse.

          • Ok i will look out for that. i believe we will have some interesting discussions. we will start with God and religion and move from there. and speaking of string theory and the universe/multi verse i will want to hear your view on it because it ties in actually to a lot of the things that i will hope for us to discuss about concerning “God” and other things..

    • listen to MARY K BAXTER.oh my lord,my king.I pray and thank you for this day I thank you for all the beautiful things you have done and yet to do. king of glory,aba father,majestic king, lion of the tribe of Judah, the I AM THAT I AM merciful king.may your name be exulted you live and reign forever. may your glory be seen. I PRAY YOUR WILL BE DONE! HAVE MERCY OH LORD GOD OF HOST. HAVE MERCY VISIT EACH AND EVERYONE OF US AND TEACH UR WAYS AMEN!

  15. I find it funny that there are many atheists who condemn religious people for being bigoted, arrogant, PRAYERFUL and judgmental then they say that anyone who believes in a God has a mental disorder or like this blogger who continuously mocks God and believers. sorry but you sound like a bigoted arrogant disrespectful and ignorant person….in other words an utter fool, excuse my language

    now this is concerning why God chose Israel in the Old Testament of the Holy Bible:

    Deuteronomy 7:7-9 tells us, “The LORD did not set His affection on you and choose you because you were more numerous than other peoples, for you were the fewest of all peoples. But it was because the LORD loved you and kept the oath He swore to your forefathers that He brought you out with a mighty hand and redeemed you from the land of slavery, from the power of Pharaoh king of Egypt. Know therefore that the LORD your God is God; He is the faithful God, keeping His covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love Him and keep His commands.”

    God chose the nation of Israel to be the people through whom Jesus Christ would be born—the Savior from sin and death (John 3:16). God first promised the Messiah after Adam and Eve’s fall into sin (Genesis chapter 3). God later confirmed that the Messiah would come from the line of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Genesis 12:1-3). Jesus Christ is the ultimate reason why God chose Israel to be His special people. God did not need to have a chosen people, but He decided to do it that way. Jesus had to come from some nation of people, and God chose Israel.

    However, God’s reason for choosing the nation of Israel was not solely for the purpose of producing the Messiah. God’s desire for Israel was that they would go and teach others about Him. Israel was to be a nation of priests, prophets, and missionaries to the world. God’s intent was for Israel to be a distinct people, a nation who pointed others towards God and His promised provision of a Redeemer, Messiah, and Savior. For the most part, Israel failed in this task. However, God’s ultimate purpose for Israel—that of bringing the Messiah into the world—was fulfilled perfectly in the Person of Jesus Christ.

    All I can say to you now is that sorry you are not experiencing the wonders of prayers and what God can do for you…perhaps that is why you always sound so bitter. no one is going to pray for you to stop writing your articles, after all, it’s your blog and there are people who agree with you but don’t turn this to a place of mockery of other people’s beliefs. you may be an atheist but at least have a conscience. and to my fellow Christians: PRAY ON!

    • And you know all this how? You have God’s facebook, twitter or skype account? Have you met him/her? Or we are suppose to take your word for it? This is exactly the problem with you Christians. You quote the bible but do not know what your bible says. You are selective literalists. If you take the whole bible in its entirety you will not be able to defend it with a straight face. And if you are part of the race, african, that received this information second hand, from Europeans who had their own agenda for introducing it to you, then you are even worse off. For those who have studied the texts with its footnotes and supporting archeological texts, the bible is a different thing from what you ‘johnny just came’ people are espousing. Any seminarian who is honest will tell you the bible is not the word of God but any stretch of the imagination.

    • Beautiful! Stay in the immense Blessings! We shall be rewarded here on earth and then move on for the greatest in our eternal Home, Heaven!

  16. Wow chris, you are pushing it, i dont agree with u though. A lot of people including myself have had our prayers answered by God. The God that i pray to is a good good kind God who answers prayers according to God’s will.

  17. LOOL i´m jst here for the comments..cos i stopped arguing with this issue long ago..all u hv to do is just ignore this article n read something else cos oooh boy if u do,u´´ll get High BP!

  18. listen to MARY K BAXTER.oh my lord,my king.I pray and thank you for this day I thank you for all the beautiful things you have done and yet to do. king of glory,aba father,majestic king, lion of the tribe of Judah, the I AM THAT I AM merciful king.may your name be exulted you live and reign forever. may your glory be seen. I PRAY YOUR WILL BE DONE! HAVE MERCY ON US OH LORD GOD OF HOST. HAVE MERCY VISIT EACH AND EVERYONE OF US AND TEACH UR WAYS AMEN!

  19. KEPT BY THE POWER OF God! Day by day. Come what may. Kept by the power of God!!! Jesus Christ is LORD of Lords forever! Jesus Loves u and everyone else Chris. Praise be to Jesus Christ. Amen! He’s EL SHADAI! #THELIONOFJUDAH!!!

  20. Chris may God above forgive you.Don’t you know that your mere existence is due to the grace of the Almighty God.You should read the bible to understand why God does certain things He does because He alone knows best.Shame on you.How can you write such blasphemous things?? I pray for wisdom for you.smh

    • ryt. I know he’s scared of hell deep inside of him coz he knows is real n true. He wish for someone to take him by the hand to Jesus Christ but i believe he fears for secretive reasons bcoz atheists are occultist. it’s practical satanism. sometimes when i look at the terrifying monsters in hell tormenting and mocking the victims who lived a life away from God thru Jesus during their time on earth it’s heartbreaking and sobbing meanwhile, they are the same demons who used them to practice evil while on earth.

      People must note that, once u find urself in the judgement line, it means u are definitely going to heaven but the level of ur good against ur bad will determine the number of crowns, the kind of magnificent mansion, and the kind of position u get in Heaven; this bcoz, u believed in Jesus Christ on earth n also did ask for forgiveness many times from the bottom of ur heart. ur bad will be reminded of u bcoz those are the sins u never really confessed from the bottom of ur heart!

      Sinners (non-believers/ evildoers) will not be judged after death bcoz they have already judged themselves by their deeds while here on this planet earth. so their souls are taken straight into hell fire by angels of darkness immediately they die. Souls drop in hell every 7 hours a day.

      Read whole verse of PSALMS 1 ”Evil doers will not take part in the judgement of the righteous!

      My fellow Christians, we are the soldiers of the cross, and we must not relent and back down in all trials bcos these things are allowed to test our faith and to release greater testimonies in our lives. For there is no testimony without a test. James; 1-4 down would kno u must count it all joy when trials and tribulations befall you bcoz it is for the Glory of God to be made known! If these things don’t happen, u won’t feel n believe the Power n existence of God

      Eg; Job [Better to Nothing to Best] Joseph [Sold-Prison-Palace] Sarah[Barren-mother of nations] King David[Dirty shepherd-warrior-King] Esther [Poor Virgin Orphan-Favored Queen-savior of her ple] etc

      May the Awesome Smile of Jesus Christ rest in your lives. Amen. #TheLionOfJudah!

  21. Oh, my God, how i Love USA! I’m in Love with u America?!!!

    We are the land of the free because of the Brave!

    A hero is not the man who has his name at the back of his jersey

    But the man who has his country flag at the arm of his uniform.

    R.I.P to all gallant American Soldiers who lost their lives at war

    So we can live free! Respect!


  22. Chris is not man enough! He’s scared of the Truth! And by the way it’s a lame excuse to say u don’t write on Islam bcoz majority of your readers are Christians. Don’t minority are as important too, that’s why they are in the parliament house too. Just dare that! only one unscrupulous article on Islam. And ISIS will be carrying ur corpse to Osu Cemetary. God is still watching n listening to u! Nonsensika wati? Chris paaa SHM! #Mercy!

    • This is the best comment from you so far, please keep it this way and stop writing about those confuse stuffs. I like that. Very well said.

      • lmaooooo amen to that my sister..first i´m reading something he/she and i actually get it..cos the other ones their…NONFA!!lmaoo

  23. Stop this unnecessary campaign, man. it will take you nowhere. if prayer doesnt work for u, it doesnt mean it doesnt work at all. other people think otherwise. so instead of trying desperately to get people off their faith, just try to trumpet wat works for u. if it doesnt work, your wordss wont change their belief. they will experience for themselves and decide. Peace

  24. Prayer Does work and I Believe it says the lord! God has showned me many ways of him answering my prayers he does answer prayers but have you seen with all your full heart I’m definitely going to keep you in prayer. Ask God with your whole heart to believe in the power prayer and you will see how the power of God really works with your whole heart! I prayed to God one night to show me a vision about my dad now my dad is not a Christian and he’s a hardhead but I got a vision and I heard my dad saying that he was going to be baptized and I has God for that and also my brother he’s a hardhead to. I also prayed that I lost $20 and I told Jesus” Lord I don’t know where I put those $20 and I’m not sure about ever find them but can you provide again and give me or find the $20 dollars in one morning she started saying there were $20 next to your car and I asked myself I didn’t drop them there I put them in my pocket and people were walking by and they could Have seen the $20 but nobody took it it was nicely folded in half and I prayed to God to answer me and he did God will always provide there’s power in prayer I truly believe with all my heart that was Jesus! But God answered my prayers and gave me a vision and I know my God is real and answers prayers you don’t believe in the power of prayer because you never seeked it with all your heart. The Bible says whatever you ask in my name I will do it! Mark 11:23-25 I tell you the truth you can say to this mountain may you be lifted up and thrown into the sea and it will happen but you must really believe it it will happen I have no doubt in your heart I tell you you can pray for anything and if you believe that you received it and it will be yours but when you’re praying first forgive anyone you are holding a grudge against so your father in heaven and will forgive your sins to.

    Have you ever receive Jesus Christ as your only Lord and Savior the one who died on the cross for your sins and He gave up his life for you because he loves you so much that he gave up his only life for you to live and be free if you haven’t just say this prayer to receive him as your only Lord and Savior and he’s alive not dead! Because when you receive him you’ll have the Holy Spirit which means Gods presence inside of you and have God living in you :). Being a Christian is being Christlike like Jesus and in a relationship with him he doesn’t want religion.

    How to recieve Jesus.

    1. admit your sinner (means you been rebelling against God)
    2. Be willing to turn from your sins repent (means ask for forgiveness and leave all the things that you been messing up on God or going against him)
    3. Believe that Jesus Christ died for you on the cross and rose from the dead.(you truly believe in your heart that he’s alive not dead and they died on the cross but he resurrected)
    4. Preapproval like this dear Lord Jesus I know that I’m a sinner and I ask for your forgiveness I believe you died for my sins and rose from the dead I turn for my sins and I turn from my sins and invite you to come into my heart and life. I want to trust and follow you as my Lord and Savior in Jesus name Amen.

    I don’t know if you’ve had a rough past but remember there’s a loving God who loves you so much and he’s going to answer your prayer believing him receive him as your only Lord and Savior and God will answer you and show you that you does answers prayers I really don’t know who you are but I just want to let you know that I love you as a human being why because Jesus Loved me. I used to be a drinker and smoker and I like doing that but one day I told you this I want to stop but I still kept doing it kind a like what you’re doing right now but I Took the first step I let go of the beer and the smoking and God did the rest you do your part and God will do his you both have to work together I’ve already been two years sober and by answering that prayer I know that God does answer prayers God bless you and remember God loves!

    Have a blessed day 🙂


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