
POETIC JUSTICE: Boy Who Recorded & Leaked His Banging Encounter with a Girl without Her Knowledge, Forced To Marry Her in Ghana


The evil that men do they say, lives after them – but in this case involving a young boy and a girl, they’ve had to actually stay with their evil deeds and its consequences till their dying day.

A young Voltarian boy (name withheld) who lives in Aflao recorded his girl friend (name withheld) whilst the two had fun in his apartment. In the 3 minutes bang video GhanaCelebrities.Com saw, the girl is seen sitting on top of the boy as things unfold.

Whilst she was busy ‘working,’ the boy, is seen pressing his phone – pretending he’s cutting a call or texting. Unknown to the girl, the boy was recording her. Unfortunately for the girl, her face is clearly seen but that of the boy is not.

Later, the video was leaked on social media. The source who spoke to GhanaCelebrities.Com, however, could not tell how the video leaked but it is now the topical issue in Aflao and its environs.

The girl’s family who saw the video, reported to the police who subsequently arrested the boy. The boy was compelled to perform the marriage rite of the girl. The interesting aspect of the whole story is that neither the boy nor the girl has a job.

According to the family, their decision, in their shrewd judgment, is the best for their daughter – because they can’t guarantee her chance of getting a suitor in the future. As to whether the family will further resort to the court, we are yet to ascertain that.

Indeed, the decision taken by the girl’s family is what we call in literature, POETIC JUSTICE: thus rewarding good with good and evil with evil. However, is the decision by the girl’s family the best for their daughter?

Is this guy not going to torture this girl instead of show her love? Would you have taken this decision as a parent if your daughter had gotten herself involved in such a scandal? GhanaCelebrities.Com is still relying on our Volta region source for more update on this story. Until then…MOTWUM!!



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4 thoughts on “POETIC JUSTICE: Boy Who Recorded & Leaked His Banging Encounter with a Girl without Her Knowledge, Forced To Marry Her in Ghana”

  1. In my own opinion, this boy obviously doesn’t command any respect both for himself n for the girl. Hence, love is far away from such a preposterous boy, depicting that the girl has been indirectly sold into obnoxious slavery n castigations, physically, emotionally n psychologically if they are bind by such marriage. The law shd punish the boy n the girls parents shd instill discipline into her n encourage her into some vocational training for a better future, there, God will send the ryt responsible man for her. All is not lost.


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