
Homosexuality is Natural | The Case for the Same Sex Oriented in Our Society-Ghanaians Must Accept the TRUTH

Homosexuality is Natural
Homosexuality is Natural

Of the many Western practices we oppose strongly in our country-Ghana, Homosexuality stands pretty much at the top of the list. The reaction towards it is often one of disgust, horror, and incredulity; and it is condemned both on sociological and religious grounds.

And why not; the west itself where the practice is believed to have originated has not totally embraced it. The level of acceptance varies from country to country, but even the United States- the ‘citadel’ of modern civilisation, reportedly recorded 1,572 hate crimes against homosexuals in 2011, figures supplied by the FBI.

So it’s not exactly a shocker that Ghanaians would be opposed to the practice, the problem here is that there has never been a rational discourse over it, and people’s objection to it is mainly on moral and religious grounds. It is what we have been indoctrinated with, and as far as we are concerned it is abnormal and unnatural.

Yet the question here is what is natural or normal? Who decides what these two abstract concepts represent?

To make a simplistic argument one could say that the fact that is exists in itself proves the ‘naturalness’ of it, but I guess that is not enough. The truth is every society arbitrarily decides what is natural or normal, and there is no universally accepted definition for these two concepts.

French theorist Michel Focault has an interesting stance on this issue, one that resonates through the centuries since his time. Focault questions the ‘social constructs’ of right sex and gender. According to him, there is no way to determine what is normal or natural, and that those are just what society has decided on. There is absolutely no way to determine that this form of sex is the ‘right’ one, and the other one ‘wrong’.

And we can rail against Focault’s mindset all we want, but he is absolutely right. As much as religious enthusiasts might like to pretend otherwise, the Bible or the Quran are not the supreme authority when it comes to matters pertaining to human society, thus objection to homosexuality on religious basis does not make it unnatural. This argument must be conducted on scientific evidence alone.

So what does science tell us; more than 1,500 species of animals on the planet engage in homosexual activities. Once again, as much as we like to pretend otherwise, we humans are just another species on a planet full of them, with the difference between the genetic make-up of man and ape being as little as 1%.

Incidentally, one of the animal species which engage in homosexual activity the most is the dwarf chimpanzee, one of man’s closest relatives. The entire species is describes as bisexual, with sex, hetero or otherwise, playing a major part in all activities of the species. Other animal groups that engage in homosexual behaviours include dolphins, apes, and crabs!

For an ‘unnatural’ activity, homosexuality is pretty wide spread in the animal kingdom. People often like to chalk it up to the unnatural urges of men and women that brought about the act, but we can tell that it is not limited to men. Also, same sex partnerships have been around for much longer than we care to admit, all the way back to Ancient Greece, the genesis of the modern civilisation that we so brazenly enjoy.

A study in the US shows 60% of women are physically attracted to other women. Obviously not all are homosexual, but some of those are lesbians, and another little chunk would sleep with a woman if given the opportunity.

Attaching a stigma to something does not make it unnatural, and there are a few instances in history where humanity has been proven to be wrong in our assumptions. The argument could be made that reproduction is the ultimate purpose of sex; but getting into that territory means we automatically negate oral sex and masturbation, yet a far greater percentage of the population indulge in those.

The argument here is that none of us is in the position to judge what is natural or not, since there is no universal definition for either. Society constructs ‘normalness’, but that does not make it the gospel truth.

Much of what makes life so much easier these days, the fruits of technology- airplanes, mobile phones, the laptop I’m typing this on- can be described as unnatural, yet it does not stop us from enjoying them.

As for the condemnation that we shower the homosexuals in our midst with, the stigma and constant judgement, that is not our call to make. If God really exists and would come to make his judgement on this earth one day, then it is his prerogative alone to punish those people, if that day ever comes. Until then, we should find better things to do with our lives that to constantly judge the choices of others- others whose choices are just as natural and legitimate as you believe yours to be.

PS: Much of this article was inspired by a similar article, which makes these points even better and can be found here

Now, if you have an argument that can stand, let’s here you…


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10 thoughts on “Homosexuality is Natural | The Case for the Same Sex Oriented in Our Society-Ghanaians Must Accept the TRUTH”

  1. stop shoving this gay agenda in our face. this website is fast becoming an agenda driven website. we don’t want any gay marriage in ghana accept it. YOU CANT FORCE PEOPLE TO DO WHAT THEY DON’T WANT.Stop this imbecility.

    • He’s definitely on a mission. ..I’m starting to suspect this negra of either bisexuality or a full blown gay man lol. Maybe he just tasted anal intercourse and he loved it so now every ghanaian has to jump in that bandwagon. What ppl fail to learn is that, more than half of these men who claim homosexuality today where abused almost the whole of their childhood, and where not naturally born gay. Exactly why Africans should avoid this.

      • The whole point of the article is that you shouldn’t be able to force other people to do or not to do whatever they want. Yet you are claiming that this article says the opposite of that. That is called a confirmation bias. Seeing some kind of homosexual agenda is paranoia, it is regarded as scientific fact that homosexuality is a natural variation of humanity, and that everyone’s sexuality can be measured on a kinsey scale, some people are highly straight, some are highly gay, but hardly anyone is totally straight or totally gay. I am straight, but I am not going to ignore science or be ignorant just because being ignorant is accepted as normal, or even a good thing.

  2. Personally I do not understand why what two adults decide to do with their lives should be a problem of anyone. Come on guys if people want to be gays let them be. If God will punish them later, we should allow God himself to decide. This should not be a fight. People should be allowed to do what they want with their lives after all it is theirs not ours

  3. Chris ur on a mission huh? Are u being paid or did anybody close to u just come out of the closet(matter of fact,if not u urself) and feels unaccepted? Well too bad cos it’s not happening. ..see, for that to happen in ghana, it’s gona take years and ppl loosing their lives, so get over it. After all ur in the uk where ur allowed to sleep with who u want, why are u soo bent on what ghanaians have refused to partake in? If u want to sleep with ur fellow man, go ahead and do it but don’t come for ghana with ur “I know it all attitude” shoving this unnatural abomination down ppl’s throat. U think ur voice matters soo much, that u keep posting these articles and violaaaa??? Smh give it up already Chris.

    • Well said. The demonic memebers also paid him off I believe. Oye Kwasia paa. Eye by force? Let him post a million article of this nature n Ghanaians are still gonna be us, wise n not foolish!

      • Very true konky I agree with u. I think this guy’s is a mission the devils manipulates weak people like him. Before they realise they are swept of their feet. Shame on u

        • Shame about the beliefs that you have, just because they are normal where you live. Where I live they are accepted and those with your mindsets are looked down on like you look down on homosexuals.


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