Readers Mail

Why Are Africans the Biggest Hypocrites? Is Christianity & Islam Not Just As Foreign as Lesbianism?



Hello Mr. Chris-Vincent,

In a world where people have rights and freedom by virtue of the fact that they are humans, including the freedom to choose their sexual partners—be it same sex or opposite, Africans (especially Ghanaians) are stuck in their ignorance and continue to deny people like myself a God given right to make a choice.

I am in my mid 30s living in Europe who has been with same sex partners since I was 18  and after ending my 6 years relationship with my partner from the Caribbean, I decided to find a Ghanaian as a partner. And this is when I begun hearing all manner of absurd excuses, the reason why I am writing this open letter.

Through a male friend of mine-Kojo, I met a young beautiful University student and traveled to Ghana to meet her. She is such a beautiful, caring and honest person but she lives in total fear—not that she has committed any offense but because she is a lesbian just like me and the several others in the world.

She has to hide what she is, her choice, her preference and her personality in order not to be hurt by her people. What sort of new age of oppression is this?

While in Ghana, I decided to talk to some people and also research on the web and Ghanaian papers the arguments against homosexuals in Ghana and why the people are so wicked towards same sex relationships.

Shockingly, most of the arguments I came across were centered around the fact that, lesbianism is not Africa, it is out there to destroy the Ghanaian culture and it is a western or foreign practice. I couldn’t stop my myself from disgracefully asking; so if people like my partner and myself cannot be recognized in Ghana because our actions are foreign and alien to Ghanaian culture/values, what about Christianity, Islam and the many foreign values/practices that have been fully embraced in Ghana?

This is ridiculous and beyond pathetic. What is the reasoning capability of those who make these arguments and continue to subject same sex couples to contempt and disregard in Ghana?

The average Ghanaian is more of a Christian than even the pope, yet they do not recognize that the Christianity they so much follow is also foreign, just like they claim lesbianism is foreign oriented.

I left Ghana last week pretty sad and will do all I can to bring my partner over here since her safety is not even guaranteed, while with her own people.

By the way, I am of Ghanaian descent.

From: Phyllis/ London


Editor’s Note:

It is sad and unconscionable that majority of Ghanaians still treat same sex couples with contempt, even in this era, day and age. The RIGHT to make a choice and be with whoever a person pleases (as long as the two are of sound mind and of age) should not be a qualified right or be subjected to any State, parental or societal control.

Subjecting homosexuals to contempt says a lot about our character, level of understanding, civilization and above all, tolerance. As the popular saying goes, to determine how civilized a society is, just look at how they treat the minority.



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39 thoughts on “Why Are Africans the Biggest Hypocrites? Is Christianity & Islam Not Just As Foreign as Lesbianism?”

  1. Ms Phyllis, thank you very much for this warm article. You cant imagine how I feel right now reading this. Ghanaians are wicked and backwards. As a Ghanaian lesbian, I face daily rejection, persecution and disrespect as if I owe my life to anyone. It is really sad and I wish you and your new partner well.

    @ChrisVincent21:disqus Your note below the article says a lot about you and this is why I always come here. Your are well educated and exposed. Not like the so many Ghanaians who condemn the choice of others.

  2. People make stupid arguments each day to justify their hate for same sex relationship with culture and religion being the backbone of such arguments. The sad part is, all the arguments are wrong too

    • Belief in a supreme being and love for one another (which is what all religions teach) has never been a foreign concept. Yes, ppl should have the right to choose and do whatever it is they want to do with their lives. However, calling ppl uncivilized, backwards or uncouth because they do not agree with your lifestyle is completely unfair, and only brews hatred. Help ppl understand your way of life without insulting their intelligence. You can only win ppl over with strong arguments based on facts. Insults are baseless and only brew anger and intolerance.

    • My dear don’t be so happy,lesbianism is a sin before God and men even if we go back to our forfathers religions lesbianism or homosexuality will still be a no way to go this is not,it will still be an abomination and there is nothing you can do about that no religion in this world except a satanist religion who encourage human being to behave against God laws will accept homosexuality going to church or to the mosque doesn’t prevent you from getting married and giving birth to children wich mean continuity of life,homosexuality is a crime that is destroying people and human ,two people of the same sex cannot give life so this pure destruction.What do you gain in being with your fellow woman?nothing you’re a woman she’s a woman there is nothing she can do for you and there is nothing you can do for her.You people are just looking for excuses to justify what nature itself can’t justify if you want continue with your life but i can assure you there is noting good in it wether you like it or nor homosexuality is a sin and you are just heading to hell if pussy leeking is more important to you that your soul safety them i’m sorry for you.

      • Here we go with the religious pothole arguments. So you mean
        everything religion accepts, it followers must accept and everything religion prohibits, it followers must also prohibit right? Then, religion-to be precise, Christianity ( I believe Islam too) accepts slavery—having slaves is acceptable in Christianity so must we accept that?.

        Again, religion (Islam) accepts stoning women and men to
        death. Once again, some religions glory attacks and killing of people who are not of that same religion.

        Importantly, all the religions accept the oppression of women,
        treat them as less human beings and subject them to all sort of contempt. Must we follow and accept these religions practices, teachings or expectations in this era, day and age?

        Unbelievable! What an argument…

        • Chris i wont say that,

          When one reads the bible. One has to note he different centuries and the different conditio.s people had lived in . Slavery existed not only in the middle east( where Christiianity originated) but also in other parts of theworld.

          I have one question: What is wrong if you quote the bible or another religious book.

      • The fact that someone was born with one leg, eye doesn’t mean it’s shd be normal. The only sin that irked God so much so that He had to destroy the entire town n it’s people is homosexulity. The devil resurfaces it in todays world so as to get more souls in hell. All you need is deliverance from a true man of God if u feel that way. Don’t be proud about it. It’s such a shame! Why do you think the late Mills refuted it when UK Cameroon threatened him to impose it on God’s country? Why did God create Adam and Adam or Eve and Eve? IT’S A SHAMEFUL ACT IN THE REAL SENSE OF THE WORD! SAD!

    • @AkosuaGhana: This question might be very personal but……

      When did you know that you like women?
      How did your parents react?

    • Don’t hide behind your computer and encourage lesbianism….its sickening and devilish and as Africans we will always frown upon it.

    • Akosua Landlord eeer shut up. U re the stupid one here coz, u are lost n confused. If ur mother had married ur grandmother, would u have been alive? That what, u n ur gay atheist Chris friend are winner than the Creator of the world who made his own loving laws? Go n sit somewhere. Wai. Oppro! Adanku!

    • Damn I’ve never seen you here gone that quiet on a topic. What could be the reason? Could it be that your guilty conscience is eating you up Akosua? Cos it’s taken you ages to hit back. Oh so you are a pussy sucker and you’re always here cussing Ghanaian celebs calling them ashawo. Girl you aren’t better than them ok. If you feel proud to be a less-bo-bo, they feel proud to be asha-wo-wo. So from now on Shoosh man… 😛

        • Always so defensive. Sweet heart, no one asked you to come out to the world. You chose to do that. I beg dont insult anyone for asking you questions. Learn a few things from Chris: instead of choosing to insult, pls learn to engage is intelligent dialogue. You’d be surprised how much you’d learn in the process.

          PS: I wouldnt be surprised if you insult me soon. That just happens to be your trademark. You

  3. If you are a christian go back to the word of GOD, if you are Muslim go back to the Holy Quran(peace be upon him)there’s no religion that preaches that homosexuality and lesbianism IS appropriate. unless u are an atheist…. but u should also remember that, its better to represent or stand for something than nothing at all therefore one should not condone and connive with things like this IT IS WRONG !!! I REPEAT IT IS WRONG !! the end IS near listen to MARY .K. BAXTER on youtube AND REPENT NOW! (its a choice)

    • My dear no religions in this world wether it’s african or not accepts homosexuality none wether it’s boudhism,vodou,or i don’t know what none in this world african are not hypocrites go in place where peple don’t know mohamed or Jesus you will see how they will threat you as a lesbian no need of religion to know that homosexuality is evil period.

      • Here we go with the religious pothole arguments. So you mean
        everything religion accepts, it followers must accept and everything religion prohibits, it followers must also prohibit right? Then, religion-to be precise Christianity ( I believe Islam too) accepts slavery—having slaves is acceptable in Christianity so must we accept that?.

        Again, religion (Islam) accepts stoning women and men to
        death. Once again, some religions glory attacks and killing of people who are not of that same religion.

        Importantly, all the religions accept the oppression of women,
        treat them as less human beings and subject them to all sort of contempt. Must we follow and accept these religions practices, teachings or expectations in this era, day and age?

        Unbelievable! What an argument…

        • Trush some arguments are just baselsss go do your research before u speak. Where do you stand??are you saying lesbianism is ok?? Huh chris-vincent??

        • My dear i don’t know for the others religion oh but for my own slavery,and all that you quoted is forbidden Jesus said there is no more slave or captive and also men should love and respect their wife so my dear wether you like it or not what ever my bible tells me to do i will do it and wathever it tells me do not do i won’t do it.The truth about homesexuality is that it cannot produice life,this thing is just useless,aimless, unfruitfull,it’s just a pure anti-life thing period and those claimed homosexuals nkow it,that why they’re trying to adopt kids their lifes is complicated in anyway ,they can’t have children,they are using non natural ways to have sex and all this is causing them health problems,no need of religion to say that what they’re doing is wrong even nature is against them so please spare us the drama anything that means to be is never complicated.

          • And what did Jesus say on Homosexuality? NOTHING…right?

            I think the below letter an American once wrote will point to you the many absurdities in the bible, including the issue of homosexuals…

            Dear Dr. Laura:

            Thank you for doing so much to educate people regarding God’s Law. I have learned a great deal from your show, and try to share that knowledge with as many people as I
            can. When someone tries to defend the homosexual lifestyle, for example, I simply remind them that Leviticus 18:22 clearly states it to be an abomination… End of debate.

            I do need some advice from you, however, regarding some other elements of God’s Laws and how to follow them.

            1. Leviticus 25:44 states that I may possess slaves, both male and female, provided they are purchased from neighboring nations. A friend of mine claims that this applies to Mexicans, but not Canadians. Can you clarify? Why can’t I own Canadians?

            2. I would like to sell my daughter into slavery, as sanctioned in Exodus 21:7. In this day and age, what do you think would be a fair price for her?

            3. I know that I am allowed no contact with a woman while she is in her period of menstrual uncleanliness – Lev.15: 19-24. The problem is how do I tell? I have tried asking, but most women take offense.

            4. When I burn a bull on the altar as a sacrifice, I know it creates a pleasing odor for the Lord – Lev.1:9. The problem is, my neighbors. They claim the odor is not pleasing to them. Should I smite them?

            5. I have a neighbor who insists on working on the Sabbath.Exodus 35:2. clearly states he should be put to death. Am I morally obligated to kill him myself, or should I ask the police to do it?

            6. A friend of mine feels that even though eating shellfish is an abomination – Lev. 11:10, it is a lesser abomination than homosexuality.I don’t agree. Can you settle this? Are there ‘degrees’ of abomination?

            7. Lev. 21:20 states that I may not approach the altar of God if I have a defect in my sight. I have to admit that I wear reading glasses. Does my vision have to be 20/20, or is there some wiggle- room here?

            8. Most of my male friends get their hair trimmed, including the hair around their temples, even though this is expressly forbidden by Lev. 19:27. How should they die?

            9. I know from Lev. 11:6-8 that touching the skin of a dead pig makes me unclean, but may I still play football if I wear gloves?

            10. My uncle has a farm. He violates Lev.19:19 by planting
            two different crops in the same field, as does his wife by wearing garments made of two different kinds of thread (cotton/polyester blend). He also tends to curse and blaspheme a lot. Is it really necessary that
            we go to all the trouble of getting the whole town together to stone them? Lev.24:10-16. Couldn’t we just burn them to death at a private family affair, like we do with people who sleep with their in-laws? (Lev. 20:14)

            I know you have studied these things extensively and thus enjoy considerable expertise in such matters, so I am confident you can help. Thank you again for reminding us that God’s word is eternal and

            Your adoring fan.

            James M. Kauffman, Ed.D. Professor Emeritus Dept. of Curriculum, Instruction, and Special Education University of Virginia…

          • Yawn…come back with a better argument. I am yet to hear of the so called professor emeritus you speak of. I attend UVA and his name is not on any faculty list

          • I thought i should stay out of this as ive grown tired of this conversation. but i’m a Christian and i feel the need to correct you on what you think the Christian religion deems right or wrong.

            First off, you notice how all your above stated verses used to support your arguments are from the books of Exodus and Leviticus? They are called Levitical (civil) laws and were specifically fashioned for the people of Israel at that time. know that there was no Christianity at the time also.Christians are required to follow God’s moral law.

            As for the topic of homosexuality, i don’t think It is in any one’s power to choose a partner for another. But i do not have to agree with your lifestyle. i only have to be tolerant, which is fine. As a christian, the bible teaches me in Romans 1 that sexual perversion is a sin. Fornication, extra-marital and pre-marital sex, sex with the same sex are all sinful in my eyes but i do not go public-shaming my friends who are having pre-marital sex and so in that same right, i can’t shame a homosexual even though i will not ever accept that lifestyle to be ideal. In a tolerant world, i will respect your views if you respect mine. And that is how a christian should live.

          • Jesus said you will leave your father and mother and you will get yourself a wife not a man but a wife ok?and for what you quote i can see that you don’t anything about faith and christianity all the books and verses you quoted are from the ancient testament and Jesus in the new testament have abolished all form of slavery, death penalty ,human or animal sacrifice all this have been abolished by Jesus who came to deliver humanity from death and misery no christian in this world is allowed to sacrifice an animal or human being to God,no stoning,no slavery is tolerated by our faith in Jesus but as for homosexuality there is nothing you can do Jesus have defined mariage and it’s between a man and woman even if he have abolished a lot of law coming from the ancient testament homosexuality as well as zoophily remains a seen as it a direct threat to human kind perpetution no life can come from same sex relation so no way to amend it this will be pure destructions.

          • What is the idiot quoting from the bible? He’s gay and an atheist. Forget it. Don’t waste your tym on this one who is so reluctant to repent from his satanic shameful ways. Kwasisem. Akosua Landlord, su supportu no fise birds of the same feathers…

        • is it all you have to say???you keep on repeating the same comments yes we believe in God and because no human being can do without him we are all submit to his laws wether you like it or not homosexuality is a sin period take it or leave it even nature is against it and before you come with we have to be modern let me tell you that homosexuality is older than the bible so if societies have band it since it’s for a good reason it is not good.

  4. Mmm don’t know what to say mpo, remember we ‘ve access to everything but not all things r good for us. Trust me I’ve been in ur situation before but I ‘ve found the light now by his grace. Lesbianism is an ungodly act, am not judging.

  5. The writer is just insecured . If you are a lesbian my friend just be chill and find your ground and leave those of us who don’t believe in your nonsense alone. Religion is a serious issue. Very soon people like you will be campaigning for humans to marry animals ,stones, pillows and what have you cos they have rights and feelings towards that. If your girlfriend is madly in love with you just invite her to a country where gay ism is acceptable. Some aeitists abhor lesbianism too and how about that.
    And secondly I even have issues with your type adopting little innocent ones. You will definitely have influence on their sexual preferences cos they grow up to you and see you as role models which otherwise they wouldn’t have chosen that path. Go fight your fight and leave Christianity alone. For your information there are some so called “Christians” who believe in your taste or choice.

  6. This world and the people that live in it have all been blinded,brainwashed and had fallen ashtray. Everyone have got to remember that we all were not born on those modern days when the Holy Bible and the Holy Qu’ran was written. I am a christian and I can guarantee you that so many and many, many secrets have been removed from the Holy Bible.why???. because whoever wrote the Holy Bible on those days had been trying to lead us away from the truth(Devil’s followers). People still do not believe homosexuality is an abomination because they never made an effort to read the truth in the Old Testament. Please read Leviticus 18:22, 20:13-14 or read the whole of Leviticus, then your eyes will open. Homosexuality is one of the greatest sin in the eyes of God. Any wrongdoing is a crime and sin in the eyes of God and that is why we were all given free-will to do whatever we want but guess what?, if you use your God given free-will to do Evil then God has kept a place for Evildoers and if you use your God given free-will to do Good, then God has kept a place for your Good deeds.


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