
Ghana is FOR SALE, Who Wants to Buy? | The Chinese, the Koreans or the Americans?

Ghana is for sale
Ghana is for sale

A country that cannot hold its economy together and provide for its own citizens to live in dignity as humans is not worth being labelled a nation. And such is the state of Ghana, with the hope of the citizens waking up tomorrow to a better state of affairs diminishing as each second passes…

The citizens have cried and continue to cry—but nothing seems to be getting better as the economic dances Azonto with its broken legs, while in free fall from the sky, uncaused by the actions of anybody—because no one even knows why things have turned out this way.

The leaders Ghanaians elected have disappointed us—from the lowest to the highest office of the land, every man in leadership comes up as confused as those we find in-between the gap.

The national currency-Cedi which largely dictates the direction of the economy has become valueless, with £1 measuring close to 6 cedis, when not long ago, a pound was equivalent to 2 cedis…

We’ve witnessed long nights of boring political talks, the promise of a total shake up “if you vote for me” has many times been heard with no accompanying shake up when those who make the promise are put in power.

Ghanaians have patiently waited for 4 years after another to come, hoping for the promised change to take effect—and each election has brought misery, dry pockets, unbearable hardship and unending struggles.

At this stage, anyone who entertains the slightest hope for a better Ghana to be achieved with Ghanaians as our leaders must be smoking in a thick cloud of confusion, probably high on some illegal product with no sense of reality.

Anyone who calls Ghana a failed State at this point must have been bought with several bags of the valueless cedi, which Ghanaians loath to have in their pockets as the cedi can’t purchase much of anything on the market.

Those who held Ghanaian citizenship with pride when they had access to alternative citizenships are giving up, renouncing their Ghanaian citizenship—as they try to flee from the unbearable economic and social hardship, more importantly, the disgrace.

I was not shocked when it emerged earlier today that about 817 Ghanaians renounced their Citizenship in the year 2013 as against 39 foreigners who applied to be Ghanaians. I can’t even understand those 39 foreigners who wanted to be Ghanaians, I bet 38 of them were researchers and the remaining person was in a state of confusion—took Guyana for Ghana.

Ghana has lost all it stood for, the energy the country once contained and the prospects of progress that overshadowed the country have all disappeared, paving way for “rule by jokers” and “leadership without accountability”.

Ghana has nothing worth a penny in value and the earliest we sell the empty land to the Chinese, the Americans or the South Koreans, the better… At least, the citizens will be given a bit of the cash from this transaction in a form of ‘New Hope’.

The truth is, Ghanaians do not ask for much—as they are ready to endure every pain as long as there is a certain feeling of hope, that things will get better somehow, some day. And our leaders cannot even provide this sense of hope.

Things have always been hard in Ghana but it is the sense of hope embedded in the inherent optimistic mindset of Ghanaians that has brought us this far—but today, it is all lost and we have nothing to keep the wheel moving.

The Chinese may be wearing tainted gowns when it comes to their style of governance but one thing is for sure, they can deliver when all hope is lost and they’ve strengthened their economy to become one of the biggest and most productive in the world. We can therefore sell or lease Ghana to them and I am confident they will deliver. Our leaders have failed us and things will get worse in the months to come.

The Americans may be busy with the numerous wars they are currently fighting or may genuinely not be interested in purchasing Ghana, even if offered to them on credit. But we can pitch Ghana to them as the West African country that was able to fly 3 million dollars cash to Brazil few weeks ago while its citizens do not have water, electricity or access to healthcare. Maybe, their long lost conscience will return and they will decide to take over—putting us all in chains as they work their magic to restore our failed State.

The South Koreans have worked hard over the years to stabilize their economy and have joined the global hi-tech economic competition, with their technological achievements standing tall in Asia. They are go getters and they may want to help us, as long as we are ready to re-examine our work ethics and give them the permission to imprison without trial the leaders (both in government and opposition) for the many years of deceit and torture.

If you have any hope that things will get better in Ghana with this same people running the country, then you are up for a shock. The opposition is not any better, we’ve heard all the promises and we’ve seen all the faces in office before…They did nothing great then and they will not do anything different when put back in power.

The best thing for us to do as Ghanaians is; put Ghana up for sale and let’s hope someone will buy our valueless country. I doubt anyone will be interested in purchasing such a headache though!


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25 thoughts on “Ghana is FOR SALE, Who Wants to Buy? | The Chinese, the Koreans or the Americans?”

  1. Ghana is one hell of a big joke being run by headless chickens who do not know what to do with the economy. It is sad being a Ghana and each day I wake up, I ask myself why? what happened to our dear country?

  2. Ghanaians, All we do is complain. To the writer, Why wont you make the change all you do is nag. The world is not doing well economically, its not only Ghana. USA UK and other countries are in serious debt. But Ghanaians will be depending on the goverment for every little thing. If you dont like it then make that change be a freedom fighter.

    • Linda ! Why cant u people speak the true or be sincere to yourself for once..Ghana’s economy is in shambles and instead of u to criticise or allow those who can offer constructive criticism to help put the rulers on their toe and be up and doing , u rather attack and discourage them…pls never compare Ghana and USA in term of their economy or living standard..

    • So you think writing or acknowledging the problem as the writer did is not the first step to change? This is what I just wrote about in my earlier comment. Ghanaians are too shallow minded. I am even ashamed of myself as a Ghanaian.

  3. Ghanians are hypocrite and when their ruling party is not in power that is when they cried hard and complain about the economy being hard! It’s all about greediness and laziness!! In America it’s the same thing but we fighting hard for our lives since Americans are not expecting Prez Obama to put money in our pocket so all I can say is that Ghanaians should get the shit straight and be responsible for themselves.

      • Thank you so much Lakesha. Its like the time and energy that Ghanaians use to complain, nag, gossip or criticize can be used for something beneficial for christ sake. Look at the disgracefull thing the supporters did in Brazil. Seeking asylum in Brazil while Brazil is worst than Ghana. People are suffering in Brazil and there is a large corruption over there. Even though the western world is better, we are still suffering here in Europe or US. The prices of petrol went up the bills keep increasing, unnecessary bills and tax. 200 people applying for one job. And Ghanaians think that they are the only country in the world suffering. Other countries to but you dont hear them complain.

        • I love you babe!! Well said even if they bring the whole of Ghana population in the State for country exchange they gonna mess this country and will always complain!! That’s why the rich will always be rich…peeps in the US haven’t recover yet for the economy that Prez Bush messed up but guess what they are rather hard working and don’t complain!!

          • are you Ghanaian sounds like you’ve eaten too many burgers. Check the # of Americans who get benefits from the American government, Call it welfare, disability, food stamps, etc etc
            Where in Ghana do they give any of these? You think you are safe in America don’t you? You will work until you are 64 and then may be you will still qualify for retirement pay that is if its available by then
            Do not look down on people who have no clue how to handle their problems thank God that you have something to eat and may God consider you that you are never in a position that some of the people in Ghana are in. then you will really complain

    • I am sure you are one of those NDC ewes that is why you are talking this way. How can you say that knowing how bad Ghana has become. Pure water is even 20 pesewas.

      • America is no way the same as Ghana. The economic is stable, the dollar is stable and prices of things don’t increase each day. How has America got fuel shortage. You must be crazy. Ah Ghanaians so so stupid

        • Never agree with a fool…you don’t know me so wtf you talking about!! Ghanaians are very lazy and they Tryna live large that’s why you think people are suffering…prices always increase here in the US but guess what we Americans don’t complain so try to get a life and think about your future generation…

    • I foresaw this and I foretold them that when these starts happening they will start blaming their leaders for this lo and behold it has started. I told them something about the youth and how God is gonner send punishment of hardship soon to the country ghana and until they….I wont even repeat what I have said already, Chris should pull up that comment and see if that’s not exactly what is unfolding with this article…I delivered the message n many might have taught she has gone mad but this is to prove that God’s words are not lies. If u have anyone to attack is yourselves and getting solution from the same God who has afflicted you for a reason. The leaders can’t stop God. Proudly South African! I’m gone.

    • Pls u too should stop being hypocryte and be sincere once cus there are no available job opportunity for those who have graduated and ready to work to do…let alone non graduate…i think u are not a ture citizen of Ghana and u do not live in Ghana…ur comments suck!

      • Learn to respect peoples opinions. Must she agree with you. Have you ever been to the States? Have you been to Harlem, Queens, Washington DC, Downtown LA or Philadelphia. if not then don’t say anything

  4. Buddy i really like this post and will say keep on with ur good work…Im a victim of Ghana’s economic depression..when i completed university i had no intention of traveling but the unemployment problem compelled me to flee from Ghana to canada ..i had to drop my degrere and pursue diploma in a college just to fix myself in their labour system……We have been manipulated by those money drunk leaders for a very long time and this is the time we all say no to their dubious and objectionable administration and relegate their wayward administration….i agree with u ,is better we sell Ghana…

    • Wtf you can’t tell me my comments sucks and yes like I said Ghanaians are very lazy and hypocrite!! When the opposition are not getting the money to benefits themselves they complain very hard as if they dying!! I don’t live in Gh but I do visit Gh and I read more on Gh. The county is full of illiteracy that’s why you think the people are struggling!! Enough said!! Life is so good…..don’t let them steal your joy!!

  5. Chris the problem with Ghanaians is they want change but they are not ready for it. Majority of the people living in that country cannot acknowledge that things are bad so what is the point? No one will want to buy Ghana not even the chinese because it is a waste land full of shallow minded people who cannot think. The people cannot think and the leaders cannot also think.

  6. Ehh Ghana is for sale? Who put it on sale? Shameful Article.
    Old Adisco Boy paa wey dey talk like you get air for your head inside?
    Ba you paa did you eat before writing this article? Charlie you sound like you were hungry whilst writing this article.
    Do you remember YENARA ASASI NI?
    This writer /blogger /owner of the web page needs to go ahead and change his nationality and become an American or British or whatever.
    There are many problems in every country okay? the last thing we need is to pull each other down. I want this Adisco Boy to give us ideas for each sector in Ghana that will yield positive growth.
    Even though we want to maintain truthfulness, positive criticism is a necessary form of communication that stimulates us to look beyond our mistakes and do better.
    All this talk with no solutions is cheap talk it is the same thing everyone is doing writing, paperwork, seminars etc.
    Old Adisco Boy I did not do Economics so I know nothing about how to solve the problem but since you have a Bachelors in Law and whatever maybe you should make suggestions on some of the policies and laws controlling trade or something.
    I beg use this page to mobilize us to bring ideas together for Ghana. If you think Ghana is for sale and you are mocking then you are pathetic.


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