Readers Mail

When an ELEPHANT Falls, All LESSER Animals Take a Shot | Janet Bandu Was Castro’s ‘Mistress and So What’?

Janet Bandu1
Janet Bandu

Dear Chris-Vincent,

It is just sad that Ghanaians won’t let a dead man rest. Who am I to judge and who are you to judge? He who is without sin should cast the first stone. I understand that Jane’s family is grieving. People grieve in different ways. If saying they would sue Castro does it for them, why not? They need to blame someone. That is normal. One thing they are failing to consider is Castro’s family. They are grieving too.

Jane’s family when interviewed, didn’t even know the name of the school she attended. They simply didn’t know her whereabouts. Good parenting never ends. She was 24 and so what?

Good parent keep their children grounded irrespective of how old they are. I am 25 going 26 and I swear to God that I shiver when my parents disapprove of my choices and decisions because you know why? What they put in me when I was younger is STILL in me.

I am in the States but my parents know where I am at any given point in time. Same cannot be said about Jane and her Parents. Why are they blaming others? They should blame their parenting skills. If they had put something good in Janet maybe things would have been different and she would still be alive.

It is alleged that Castro refused vehemently to go on the Jet Ski with her but she still insisted and got her way. The workers tried to call them back so she could put on a life jacket but they were already gone. So suing Castro or the resort is like a waste of time and legal fees.

They should grieve. And they are allowed to do that anyway they know how. They should at least respect their daughter and just keep quiet because the more they talk; the more attention is drawn to how bad they raised their child.

Also, Ghanaians are just silly and shameless and insensitive to dead people. Why do we live and die for scandals?

They did same to Ronnie Coaches, Fennec Okyere, Suzzy Williams, not to mention but a few. Why do we find pleasure in disgracing dead people? When would we learn to let the dead die with their secrets and troubles? Is it too hard to do?

When were we ever interested in Castro’s married life? When did we ever blog about his wife? Did we even know such a wife existed? Janet was his mistress and so what? I am not condoning or saying sleeping with another man’s wife is okay but we have said enough already!

Let sleeping dogs lie. Today is Castro and Jane’s turn, tomorrow shall be yours and mine. And only God knows what’s in our closets. As my mom always says “when an elephant falls, all lesser animals take a shot”.

Am done with ya’ll.

From: Roselinda / USA


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50 thoughts on “When an ELEPHANT Falls, All LESSER Animals Take a Shot | Janet Bandu Was Castro’s ‘Mistress and So What’?”

    • What is so great about this article? For her to insult the girl’s parent? come on i expected something better from you who’s all over the place hyping this girl. Did you read the whole article or just read the headlines?

      Good parent keep their children grounded irrespective of how old they
      are. I am 25 going 26 and I swear to God that I shiver when my parents
      disapprove of my choices and decisions because you know why? What they
      put in me when I was younger is STILL in me.

      Is this what you call good? so if your sister gets pregnant at at the age of 20 to 24 must people use this phrase on your parents? She could have said something else than to use the word good in that way she’s saying the girl’s parent are very irresponsible.

  1. Roselinda it is not your husband so you will say, if she was Castro’s mistress and so what. Do you know Castro’s wife and her son are also mourning and you think it is and so what? I pray that you dont marry for another woman to be sleeping with your husband. and you can say and so what.

    • I guess you read that “and so what?” Line only. Why aren’t I surprised? Word of advice @AkosuaGhana ; learn to read without prejudice and be well informed before you complain.

        • Its fact, I know the woman he was engaged to at the time (and has a daughter with). They were engaged, but then he went and had a secret wedding with a different woman.

      • The story is Castro married another girl besides her other serious g/f. At the end of the day the g/f remains an ex and wife is what is ordained by God so no matter what she’s still the wife and nothing can stop that. What God has put together let no man put asunder. It was a blessed union at church too.

      • hahaha if karma is a bitch at the end of the day who looses her life? Seriously wife is at least alive with a son. The law of karma works more when person is alive to witness and face his or her challenges.

        • and sm other gal chopped her husband’s under for a long time.he even dead wit her innit?Who is the widow n mourning now.double agony.ur man cheats on u big time n even dead with the supposed mistress leaving u a young widow wit à born one.wat cl be worse than this?i pity her tho

          • Jay, I rather be a young widow than disappear in the a middle the sea and end up being half eating by sea creature in a cozy companionship of my yellow mistress.

  2. Okay article but I beg ooo who Eva wrote this forgot dat every deed we do follows us where Eva we go even if u die,u will be a hypocrite not to tell it as it is if u feel no one shuld speak ill of the dead .than I guess God shuld for give us for our sins once we die. So there will be no hell pple are only speaking of Castro n jenets death simply cos it was not a riteful way to die for dat Matta a disgraceful one. Dats why I believe in life yes we all make mistakes but all I can say is make sure is sumting dat don’t hurt someone else’s feeling.

  3. Though I agree with you for some part. I think you are wrong about castro’s wife because I remember it was a big story when they got married. I also think it is a big deal that the girl was Castro’s mistress. Any woman with such mentality or attitude who comes near my husband will not be drowned, she will be cut into pieces and fried like kelewele. women are our own enemies following people’s husband should not be encouraged either the person is dead or alive

    • Am with you my sister, women can be very cruel. Am so surprised people don’t see that part but rather talking trash. My own declaration is that whoever comes around mine will have a strong bleeding issue for 50years and up!! Thats only if they will make it to that age.

  4. “I am in the States but my parents know where I am at any given point in time. Same cannot be said about Jane and her Parents. Why are they blaming others? They should blame their parenting skills. If they had put something good in Janet maybe things would have been different and she would still be alive.” Roselinda / USA

    The above quote by Roselinda is a proof of her hypocrisy. Okay, let me get this right: you are in the states where you have the freedom to lick Obama’s anus and yet your parents put you in a cage so Janet’s parents should have put her in a bottle? What do you mean they didn’t put any good in her? SHUT YOUR ASS UP KID!!! I know countless number of wayward kids whose parents are great Church leaders. You are doing the same thing you are accusing people of if not even worst. Perhaps you are not aware that you are indirectly insulting the parents, therefore I will not hesitate to tell you that you are one heck of a disrespectful hot mess, and your parents did not bring you up well like you want us to believe. Who the heck are you to tell someone how to raise their child? And which parent is stupid enough to babysit a 24 year old woman?! Who does that? Oh my bad, your parents do that.
    First of all: nobody (except the faketards) is interested in how well your parents brought you up. Secondly, you are all over the place: you are blaming everybody including Janet herself for what has happened because you claim she was the one who convinced Castro to go on the water. Thirdly, you don’t read the news often: cos if you did, you wouldn’t be asking us if we knew such a wife existed. Somebody, please tell this kid that their wedding pictures were published. And last but not least, we will all die but the manner in which we vacate this planet matters.

    • Had to come back again ,I hve always come here to read on all the news going on on Ghana but Neva bothered to comment until recently but come on pple why do pple throw insults around on pple when is not needed,you can simple tell these pple character or the type of comments they make no need to insult no one ,if you don’t agree say urs and off you go @MAAME YAA wany3 adi kraa .

    • Dear Maame Yaa,
      the insults on my character and my parents are not necessary. This is my opinion. And I respect that you don’t agree with it. That is why we are two different people. I must say that my article was in response to so many issues surrounding Castro’s disappearance and that of Janets’. I may not have all the facts and I am open to corrections and criticism.

      • But were your insults on Janet’s parents necessary? Don’t be a hypocrite. Those parents deserve respect love and support most esp at this tragic moments. You have no idea how it feels to lose a parent or child. Maame yaa said it all

        • My post was in response to an interview the parents of Janet granted Asempa fm. And if you listened to it, you would understand my point of view. Like I said, it is my opinion. And I haven’t insulted anybody. I made my point. I understand that Akosua and Maame Yaa might not like it they have every right to let me know. But my friends, there is a difference between constructive criticism and taking things personal. There is a line. And in this case, it is blurred. Too bad I don’t have it in me to sink down low to these kind of exchange. But this too shall pass.

          • You insulted them big time! You didn’t make any point, your piece was all over the place. Let me ask you: what exactly was your point? You are obviously not letting “sleeping dogs lie”.

          • You did insulted them accept it and stop the unnecessary argument. That was uncalled for, How would you feel if someone throw insults to your parents when you depart?

        • No matter what those parents don’t have to be insulted in that manner. I know their daughter messed up but this girl’s article is so gross damn. I will never go beyond boundaries to insult them.

      • What “something good” were you expecting them to put in her? Wait a minute: you went ahead to write a piece without gathering the needed facts? #yawning #tooboring

    • As for you dieh i dey believe you waaa hahaha when am not around you can handle some people well well.. Infact good one, i know the girl messed up a lot but who am i to disrespect the parents in such manner? Gosh that was so deep. My mom used to say obia ba eny3. Pastors kids are worse kraaaa.

    • I second on this. Is a total disrespectful, yesterday i thought you guys are the one throwing insults, so took time to read this morning. In my notation the Rosalinda girl went too far. The article would have been good if she had concentrated on the girl only.

  5. To whoever wrote this, in a nutshell what is your point? Are you for or against? You are all over the place and what’s up with your topic? Who is the elephant here and who is the lesser animal? Was Janet whatever that big? Or she being Castro’s side piece makes her big?

    • shut up for being an idiot. Did you read the whole time before this stupid accusation. you are an idiot can you even write ya owun?

    • Don’t mind that Rosalina or whatever her name is. She needs to come out with an apology letter for disrespecting the girl’s innocent parent. I am very against of the girl’s behavior but cant blame the parents in such manner. She’s a real confuse girl. The whole article doesn’t have a plain and logical passage between the intro, body and her silly conclusion. This is a total waste of time, the girl got out of hand and parents cant be blame for that. The parent did their best to sell waakye and provide her needs but the girl wanted more and now she got it.

  6. No one is disrespecting Castro, people are finding the story funny, due to all the malams coming out with various stories. And I think at the end of the day, it is radar the malams who are disrespecting Castro with stories about Castro and his connections to the spiritual world.

  7. @juicenet:disqus @tiffanybabe:disqus @maameamaleeward:disqus @lizagyapong:disqus @maame_yaa:disqus

    i am shocked at all your reactions to Roselinda’s article. what didn’t you like about it? why are you all pained? she was simply stating that the Parents of Janet should not blame Castro for the demise of their child. but they should also take the blame for not knowing the whereabouts of their child. i understand from that article that she Roselinda, was cautioning Ghanaians about taking advantage of peoples misfortunes and capitalizing on it.
    what apology letter do you want her to write? and to whom do you what her to address it to? you guys are the reason why people do not speak up. it is so typical for Ghanaians to react to certain things without reasoning or seeing the sense in it. i wish you folks could write an article like hers so we can evaluate your IQ levels.

    the truth hurts. and for the life of me, i don’t know what is WRONG with you people. your judgements are so spend your time on here just so you can criticize and insult anything and anyone just to prove what point?

    you guys need to chill and take it easy.

  8. Whoever wrote this junk is so heartless. Must you insult her parents? Why would you use your parents against janets? You don’t respect elders, the parents were always there for the dead girl. All along they thought she was in school not knowing she was with a man and whom do u blame for this? Her parents because she followed a married man? Come on your whole article is pointless.

  9. So what was the point for this article? am confuse here, first she started by sympathizing with the parents. Next is for her to disrespect them with their daughters wayward behavior. You are in the United state and so what? Who gives a fuck about your location is not like we in Ghana are lesser than any of you cheap ones abroad. Did your parents taught you to disrespect another woman in this manner? It was her life so mind your business. Who the hell are you to judge Mr. Bandu and his beloved wife? Are you insane? May God forgive you for

    • hey take a chill pill and calm it all the way down. Just becos you dont agree with what she said, doesnt give you the right to insult ghanaian women abroad

  10. It took me a day to understand this article. Wouldn’t call it good or bad. It would have been okay if you hadn’t insult her folks. Now i understand why some people are disagreeing with you on this. Never and ever compare your household principles to anyone. Who knows some of your siblings could do worse to put your parents down. We all not perfect as you mentioned but as a young girl you didn’t had any right to disrespect them. This is a critical situation for them now, they lost their beautiful angel and going through a lot already so watch your words the next time you send an article.

    • Maama, i do agree with you, she should not have attacked Janet’s parents in that manner. There is a proverb in akan language that is literarly translated as a person who has never given birth to a stubborn child thinks he/she has the best parenting skills in the world. Roselinda missed the point that Janet is a full grown woman of 20+. I also disagree with King K.Q, i do not think the article is great in anyway.


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