
Audio: Marine Goddess -‘Maame Water’ FINALLY Speaks on Castro’s Death | Says She Came for Castro & Ghanaians Should Not Be Worried…

Maame Water
Maame Water

I think certain people are taking the piss now—and they are making things seem Castro and Janet’s death is some joke. We have lost two people and instead of supporting their search with prayers, each day we receive a different audio…

This morning, GhanaCelebrities.Com received the below audio message purported to have come from the Marine Goddess (Maame Water) herself, saying, she came for Castro De Destroyer—and that Ghanaians should not be worried.

Buying into what the fake prophets and spiritualists are saying, this ‘Maame Water’ who is as fake as the word itself claims, she came for Castro because he agreed to marry her—despite the fact that Castro was already married.

Ghanaians believe in a lot of BS and I know some people believe this audio is authentic.

I didn’t know Maame Water had whatsapp because this was sent to us via whatsapp. Also, what network does this Marine Goddess use—don’t tell me MTN because it won’t work down there…

Interestingly, we can see from our search results that, people are actually searching ‘ I want to see Maame Water’. LOL

Maame Water Search on GC
Maame Water Search on GC

Anyway, listen to the audio below…Meanwhile, the bodies of Castro and Janet have still not been found.




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33 thoughts on “Audio: Marine Goddess -‘Maame Water’ FINALLY Speaks on Castro’s Death | Says She Came for Castro & Ghanaians Should Not Be Worried…”

  1. When there are few employment opportunities and little to do in a country like Ghana, the stage is set for fools who would take advantage of any situation to get some attention. But this is just bellow the belt. It is tasteless and very insulting to Ghanaians. I like that tries to keep us posted all the time but this is irrelevant and doesn’t deserve the effort it took to publish it. I am done with shallow minded people who capitalize on people’s misfortune.

  2. Ghana is full of useless people. So someone went online to search for Maame Water? How on the fuck did this person even own a computer?. And now Maame water speaks with Ghanaian accent? I am disappointed. I was expecting some different accent. Nonsense

  3. this is the most absurdity audio ve ever listen to..stupidity in the highest level of illiteracy…nkwasiasem nkoaaa..da next audio tape ll be castro has impregnated maame water..crap!!!!

  4. Smh this is just plain wrong naaa adzen??? Doesnt she have anything better to do??!! Is life in ghana so hard that it has resulted in this. Lol and as for those searching “I want to see maame water” hmm i pity their lifes..

  5. Some Ghanaian peeps are totally insane wtf is this!! Fake Maame water voice omg what’s wrong with some people! Ghanaians abuse everything and now they are abusing the death of someone’s life!! This’s all illiteracy cos Americans don’t do such foolish and silly act!! No body even came forward to say the Malaysian flight with the missing people are with marine spirit and now see the stupidity of somebody who claimed to be marine spirit!! Am proud am from Ghana but sometimes I will prefer my American status since some Ghanains ain’t serious omg Lawd have mercy!

    • Ghanaians can be stupid. Joking around when someone’s corpse is missing. Now i feel so sad for the two. God help them

  6. Who ever made this audio is very heartless , remember as much as everyone has a say in this you jst don’t hve no rite to tke it this far to make jokes out of it ,is not funny and not even scary why will u even play with such a name and say ur the marine god ,pple jokingly call evil spirits to dowel with thm all cos thy tink is fun to make a name of of someonces painful situation smh not funny at all

  7. Mtchewwwwww ahhh Ghanaians and a lady for that matter. Is this even worth that 57seconds audio she made? oh poor Ghana may God help us all.

      • Sndeytish do you even have a life besides GC? you always causing trouble. Get a real life like chatting with real humans than following people’s shadows. I have observed you all you do is to insult, who are you? You sound very frustrated will suggest you get some dick to calm your nerves. Most of your gibberish comments is not lady like at all. You must be a typical kumasi girl who just jumped off the boat. Your type mostly resides in the bronx and brooklyn. I live there and i know so much.

        • ROFTL man hahaha your words are harsh yo. Maybe she resides in ashtown because they are the trouble ones in Ghana. this is too funny what did she do? i always see her insulting everyone but never knew others were observing too. I swear she will cry when she reads this. The jamaicans in totttenham can’t even write half of this.

        • If u live there then u one of them then. U think u better than certain people? U not kurasinii boy. Gyimiii fuo. I have a y in y name stupid

  8. Absolute crap….I dont think this so call “maame water” is serious..let her go to the TV station with Castro and tell the world. Then we will believe her BS

  9. She hasn’t even got a sweet voice like maame water. You sit in your mud room and make unnecessary audio with that man-woman voice. Nonsense! Fire burn you!


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