While you may have many derogatory names for her, calling her all manner of names and making her the brunt of many irrelevant and ignorant jokes, to her parents, she is their little princess and they want her back home and safe!
Although Castro’s parents and family are also mourning their son and their hope slowly fading, many have also capitalized on this incident to have their moment in the sun and get popular ridding on this misfortune with many concocted and absurd stories, Janet’s family need to hold someone accountable and who is that person? Castro.
To them, Castro is the one who took their daughter to Ada which is the truth and so whether he is dead or alive, they want him to produce Janet!
“I will tell him [Castro] to look for my daughter for me,” mother of Janet Bandu told Myjoyonline.com’s Samuel Bruce on Wednesday at her residence.
Janet’s parents also insist they will take legal action against Peace Holiday Resort in Ada where the two were lodging prior to the jet ski accident that led to their disappearance.
If Castro is alive anywhere, I pray he finds Janet before he shows his face because if he is ever found, he must produce her or face the consequences. And he must produce her ALIVE!
Janet’s mother is a waakye seller and her father is a retired soldier from the Upper East Region and she is the last of five children.
Many people may consider their stand wrong but who should they hold responsible?
I understand their point of view completely. I remember when my cousin died while having a baby for a man who wasn’t married to her; the man had to traditionally marry her before she was buried. It is the tradition of most Ghanaian tribes.
Anyway, at this point, do you think any of them will be found alive—and should the family sue Peace Holiday Resort as well as Castro’s family?
How can u sue a dead person,and peace resort holiday?is she not a big gal? how can the people ask why she is coming with Castro isnt she their daughter? and if she was a God fearing person and respect her parent as others say then how come she went to a place like that and slept over with a married man without telling her parents where she was going? if the parent need money and good name for her they should rather say it and not to say they will sue them……twweeeaaaa mmmmttcchhheewww i wish Castro was my brother like what i will do to these old people eerrrrrrr
GOod one!!!
Very naive of you…dead people could be sued, especially him being a celeb mkes it more easy…well, i dont blame you..tht Ghana fr u..wen MJ died.. His doctor was sued..jus cos he shd hv stpd MJ frm goin on with the concert.buh then again…is MJ a small dude to not knw if he is fully fit or not…they hv all d ryts to sue the resort..for allowing the girl to even leave without a life jacket… My opinion abt this whole thing..they Both alive.. Probs missin on an island… Ma nigga chk ur files.. B4 sayin smetin naive abt sueing dead ple..
well, read efya jossy’s comment carefully and check your comment especially your example and tell me if you are making sense.
eiiiiiih this matter is getting out of hand. how can Castro produce Janet????, what kind of reasoning is this? i understand their pain but they should not forget that they are not the only one who have lost a love one. they should also consider the parents of Castro. As for the resort the government should take them on, something is basically wrong in the way the manage their safety procedure, how could they have allow Janet to use the jet without a life jacket?
Concur, who owns the resort? They should hold the resort responsible and not blame castro, their daughter went with him by her own freewill. I hope they can afford a good lawyer and sue the hell out of this resort. How can you operate a resort with no safety measures in place?
Suing the resort is a must due to negligence on their part,this is not the first story of drowning victims from that resort/lake apparently. So there’s some standard precautions the resort is not taking hence these tragedies. But for her parents to blame Castro or say Castro has to provide their daughter is absurd and stupid as it sounds. Are they for real??
Honey her parents must be blinded by grief because that statement they made to the press was very stupid. How can Castro or his parents produce your daughter? If they had trained her well she wouldn’t have left school to go out of town without informing her parents in the first place. Some parents can talk nonsense paaaa. Or don’t they know that castro parents are also morning the loss of their son. I still believe Gyan and co no something about it cause his statement did not convince me at all peace out
I agree they must be blinded with grief to make that statement and that’s why they should be excused for that. But as far as their daughter goes,it has nothing to do with training. she’s a 24 yr old woman,an adult for that matter hence no need for permission by her parents before she goes out. So can’t blame them or her for that either
Point taken
Charle 24 sef she be granny lol hahaha. My parents said good bye to me at the age of 17 and half to school. Ended up here but only God knows i was able to pass through all temptations. Thanx to the most high. 24 is not mama this mama that or dada or daddy that. Eish is a strong adulthood stage that requires a real clocking in and clocking out paa. I think She got out of hand after Peruvian, Brazilian and Malaysian hair was introduced. For a girl in such circumstances requires a rich papa to provide which castro the destroyer popped in to help. I feel so bad after seeing the innocent parents. They look like the type that will give the little that they earn for their baby girl but she didn’t want waakye money had to climb a different level. It hurts really bad but am still worried more about the wifey.
Infact lately dieh woy3 doctor ampah ahhh.. mami hi5 lol you said it all.. Miyagi the forever GC boss i salute you big time !!! Gyan dem hiding something we don’t know hmmm my instinct never fails me but if what am thinking is true then money strongly defines the root of all evil.
Very true
I tire of this issue nw, but yep some1 needs to scare the crap outta the hotel ppl.
She didn’t get ‘drowned’ in Castro, she got drowned in the lake. Therefore they should ask the Lake to produce her.
Lmao I swear this is a good one hahaha drown in Castro paaa…ur baaaaad
In my humble opinion i don’t think Castro is responsible for Janet’s death. First of all Janet is a fully grown 24 year old woman and can take decisions for herself. Furthermore this is an accident. These accidents do happen in Europe and The U.S.A. As for the resort I think Health and Safety Personnel should carry out a safety check to see if all health and safety regulations were being followed
I agree with some of the things you pointed out but at the same time, I also disagree with you for saying that Castro is not responsible for her death. He is responsible for her death. I will explain later.
U know what?me feri wo paaaa wai and I’ve been sharing ur thought since day one but wha duuuuu mean by ur last statement??lol how is that possible?? Just hurry up and bring ur butt here to explain hahaha
Honey, we don’t always have to agree on issue’s. Feel free and disagree with me but state the reason why you’re not on the same page with me. By the way, I’ll explain what I meant in few hours.
I was trying to use the legal system to prove why Castro is responsible for her death but, it looks like the girl’s age has downplayed the ramification the deceased might have face. Juicenet and Honey, sorry I was wrong. Anyway, the girl’s parents can still sought legal redress. They should be able to get some kind of settlement for negligence on part of the resort owners. Although, no amount of money can bring their daughter back to life but something is better than nothing.
Just yesterday you mentioned Castro was a hero for saving her now he’s responsible for her death how? Am confuse why do people keep changing their thoughts everyday?
Castro is still a HERO. But that doesn’t mean he is off the hook. Give me few hours to explain.
nnnnkwasiaaa sem these ppl r really annoying.the should go to the lake and ask for her life mmmmttttccchhheeewwww
Hahahahaha They are just sad. Sorry the Bandu’s. There’s nothing like suing in the country of Ghana wow.. Suing papa won’t make fun of them because their heart is already broken but is very sad.
In my opinion, the parents are obviously frustrated and need some answers as to what exactly took place that Sunday. Unfortunately, the two parties involved are the only true witnesses to what happened. We are all entitled to our opinions…but at the end of the day both families definitely need to seek professional legal advice.
I agree…legal advice is a good point here. I do believe somebody should be held responsible for this tragedy and it should be the resort owners
Are they forgetting that Castro jumped in to save their daughter’s life? I mean this is a very sad and unfortunate circumstance for both families but Castro didn’t have to jump in to save Janet but he did which is commendable because he put his own life at risk as well.
I do think however that their suing of the resort is somewhat justified because they should have been more proactive in trying to save the victims. Condolences to the families of the deceased.
Looking at the parents picture show’s they are the type that wouldn’t even hurt a fly but their child was the stubborn one who never listened to any advice. Maame kus3 wai is very sad but God will forever be your comforter.
Hmm its really sad. I pray God comforts both families. I think they just said this out of frustration its really sad to lose a child like this.
Hmmmm, my only question is have the parents even check to see if their daughters name is on the guest list before thinking about a lawsuit? ..
Sad but the parent must be kidding rite,I mean a child u can’t even control who said she didn’t even force herself on Castro to tke her along? Humble parent but look at how their daughter dress up and wears all this expensive weave I dnt tink the waakye money tkes care of dat and neither does the pension money. Girls of today want to be big girls wit jst a close of an eye,big tings,which will make thm do big tings
hahahahahahahahaha well said wow.. Ceecee you nailed it!!!
For the resort it needs to be close dne totally ,it’s sad most pple won’t agree but if pple can remember ushers step son .this is something similar ,they shuld sue thm but for Castro mata di my dear mr n miss bandu you allowed your child to be greedy and never appreciative of the little she had in life ,but rather go out dating other women’s husbands like my friend always say those who date married men sum will face their pay backs on earth others too wil carry it on to their children n their children’s children ,generational curse there is no way God will watch u walk free
Hi5 la.. that curse is very true, a bitch who used to do that is now facing triple triple of her past. Its just sad keke. Hubby has even refused to have kids with her. Married men dieh is a dangerous thingoooo. SOme women don’t get it at all.
Sis juicenet they tink thy won’t pay ooo hmm God is not stupid or alantah .even of the wife of these mean don’t believe in God for the fact dat u make thm sad and they jst refuse to comment or jst use the sound “hmmmmm” it will follow you where ever you go
Sory ooo small mistakes “if” “men”
Of cuz eishhh the Hmmm is more dangerous than declaration it self!
all i can say is.. obi adi3,yenfa no kwa!
How can a death person produce another dead person? this is stupid. They want to sue the resort for what? I think the resort should also sue Castro and Janet;s family for negative publicity. If they all wore live jacket or did not go into the estuary, the resort will not be having this bad publicity
Soon we will hear someone say they are going to sue Maame Water for kidnapping Castro and Janet
The girl is not under age i mean she more than 18years so what are they talking about?
When an ELEPAHNT falls, all LESSER animals take a shot.
It is just sad that Ghanaians wont let a dead man rest. Who am I to judge and who are you to judge? He who is without sin should by no means cast the first stone. I understand that Jane’s family is grieving. People grieve in different ways. If saying they would sue Castro does it for them, why not? They need to blame someone. That is normal. One thing they are failing to consider is Castro’s family. They are grieving too.
Jane’s Family when interviewed, didn’t even know the name of the school she attended. They simply didn’t know her whereabouts. Good parenting never ends. She was 24 and so what? A good parent keep their children grounded irrespective of how old they are. I am 25 going 26 and I swear to God that I shiver when my parents disapprove of my choices and decisions because you know why? What they put in me when I was younger is STILL in me.
I am in the states but my parents know where I am at any given point in time. Same cannot be said about Jane and her Parents. Why are they blaming? They should blame their parenting skills. If they had put something good in Janet maybe things would have been different and she would still be alive.
It is alleged that Castro refused vehemently to go on the jet ski with her but she still insisted and got her way. The workers tried to call them back so SHE could put on a life jacket but they were already gone. So suing Castro or the resort is like a waste of time and legal fees.
They should grieve. And they are allowed to do that anyway they know how. They should at least respect their daughter and just keep quiet because the more they talk, the more attention is drawn to how bad they raised their child.
Also, Ghanaians are just silly and shameless and insensitive to dead people. Why do we live and die for scandals? They did same to Ronnie Coaches, fennec, suzzy williams, not to mention but a few. Why do we find pleasure in disgracing dead people? When would we learn to let the dead die with their secrets and troubles? Is it too hard to do?
When were we ever interested in Castro’s married life? When did we ever blog about his wife? Did we even know such a wife existed? Janet was his mistress and so what? I am not condoning or saying sleeping with another mans wife is okay but we have said enough already!
Let sleeping dogs lie. Today is Castro and Jane’s turn, tomorrow shall be yours and mine. And only God knows what’s in our closets. As my mom always says “when an elephant falls, all lesser animals take a shot”.
Am done with ya’ll.
When an ELEPHANT dies, all LESSER animals take shots
It is just sad that Ghanaians wont let a dead man rest. Who am I to judge and who are you to judge? He who is without sin should by no means cast the first stone. I understand that Jane’s family is grieving. People grieve in different ways. If saying they would sue Castro does it for them, why not? They need to blame someone. That is normal. One thing they are failing to consider is Castro’s family. They are grieving too.
Jane’s Family when interviewed, didn’t even know the name of the school she attended. They simply didn’t know her whereabouts. Good parenting never ends. She was 24 and so what? A good parent keep their children grounded irrespective of how old they are. I am 25 going 26 and I swear to God that I shiver when my parents disapprove of my choices and decisions because you know why? What they put in me when I was younger is STILL in me.
I am in the states but my parents know where I am at any given point in time. Same cannot be said about Jane and her Parents. Why are they blaming? They should blame their parenting skills. If they had put something good in Janet maybe things would have been different and she would still be alive.
It is alleged that Castro refused vehemently to go on the jet ski with her but she still insisted and got her way. The workers tried to call them back so SHE could put on a life jacket but they were already gone. So suing Castro or the resort is like a waste of time and legal fees.
They should grieve. And they are allowed to do that anyway they know how. They should at least respect their daughter and just keep quiet because the more they talk, the more attention is drawn to how bad they raised their child.
Also, Ghanaians are just silly and shameless and insensitive to dead people. Why do we live and die for scandals? They did same to Ronnie Coaches, fennec, suzzy williams, not to mention but a few. Why do we find pleasure in disgracing dead people? When would we learn to let the dead die with their secrets and troubles? Is it too hard to do?
When were we ever interested in Castro’s married life? When did we ever blog about his wife? Did we even know such a wife existed? Janet was his mistress and so what? I am not condoning or saying sleeping with another mans wife is okay but we have said enough already!
Let sleeping dogs lie. Today is Castro and Jane’s turn, tomorrow shall be yours and mine. And only God knows what’s in our closets. As my mom always says “when an elephant falls, all lesser animals take a shot”.
Am done with ya’ll.
What was the point of your 20pages comments? did you wanted to insult the girl or sympathizing on her death/
It is just sad that Ghanaians wont let a dead man rest. Who am I to judge and who are you to judge? He who is without sin should by no means cast the first stone. I understand that Jane’s family is grieving. People grieve in different ways. If saying they would sue Castro does it for them, why not? They need to blame someone. That is normal. One thing they are failing to consider is Castro’s family. They are grieving too.
Jane’s Family when interviewed, didn’t even know the name of the school she attended. They simply didn’t know her whereabouts. Good parenting never ends. She was 24 and so what? A good parent keep their children grounded irrespective of how old they are. I am 25 going 26 and I swear to God that I shiver when my parents disapprove of my choices and decisions because you know why? What they put in me when I was younger is STILL in me.
I am in the states but my parents know where I am at any given point in time. Same cannot be said about Jane and her Parents. Why are they blaming? They should blame their parenting skills. If they had put something good in Janet maybe things would have been different and she would still be alive.
It is alleged that Castro refused vehemently to go on the jet ski with her but she still insisted and got her way. The workers tried to call them back so SHE could put on a life jacket but they were already gone. So suing Castro or the resort is like a waste of time and legal fees.
They should grieve. And they are allowed to do that anyway they know how. They should at least respect their daughter and just keep quiet because the more they talk, the more attention is drawn to how bad they raised their child.
Also, Ghanaians are just silly and shameless and insensitive to dead people. Why do we live and die for scandals? They did same to Ronnie Coaches, fennec, suzzy williams, not to mention but a few. Why do we find pleasure in disgracing dead people? When would we learn to let the dead die with their secrets and troubles? Is it too hard to do?
When were we ever interested in Castro’s married life? When did we ever blog about his wife? Did we even know such a wife existed? Janet was his mistress and so what? I am not condoning or saying sleeping with another mans wife is okay but we have said enough already!
Let sleeping dogs lie. Today is Castro and Jane’s turn, tomorrow shall be yours and mine. And only God knows what’s in our closets. As my mom always says “when an elephant falls, all lesser animals take a shot”.
Am done with ya’ll.
funny characters
The rate at which some people insult in here is becoming unberable. What is wrong with what the parent said? Are we not in a world of freedom of speech anymore?
I wish de parent of our lost sister will kip quiet, there is no point in this unnecessary talks. Peace resort does nt own de jetski. So u can’t sue dem cus dey did nt grant dem de jetski to provide live jacket, hold on ! Come to think of it Castro was in life jacket bt is no where to be found so what de use of life jacket in this situation. Mr&mrs BAndu where where u when u daughter had a chocolate colour arnd 2008 and became whitish in 2014, are u going to sue de cream company too for letting ur daughter to look like a marine goddess? Besides let all knw dat nobody saw what happen so all de talks on radio n even here on GC abt their disappearance is nt true. Dat is why asamoah and co can’t give us any meaningful explanation.