If there is one thing you can trust Ghanaians to do, it is to look for underlying reasons for any event, no matter how innocuous. People are always looking for the hand of the spiritual in whatever issue that happens in our physical world.
Therefore whenever any serious tragedy strikes, it does not take long for the conspiracy theorists to come out with their versions of what happened. No person of note can die a natural death in Ghana, and in Castro’s case it has not taken long for the theory surrounding his demise to come out, and this one links several past incidents, including Castro’s ‘death’, all to Black Stars captain Asamoah Gyan.
There is a post floating around on social media concerning this issue, this is the post in its entirety…
“A lil something to deliberate about…
After da world cup 2006 in Germany, Asamoah Gyan threw a big party at Infinity nyt club and b4 da party came to an end. ..Isaac Vorsah’s junior brother was confirmed dead through poisoning. ..
After da African cup in 2012… Asamoah Gyan was driving wit some frens to hang out and he knocked one guy down… da guy died and he sorted da family out. Da country took it as an accident.
After da world cup in south Africa… same Asamoah Gyan hanged out with som frens n wen they departed one guy was involved in an accident. ..
After Brazil world cup…Asamoah Gyan was said to b on a holiday with Castro n som people and now Castro and gf confirmed dead…”
The implication here is that Asamoah Gyan is somehow responsible for all these deaths, probably to fuel his wealth. As incredulous as it may seem that someone would spend their time to make this correlation, here we have it. The question now is; is it worth our time to examine it, or dismiss it for the nonsense it seems to be: truth, or superstition?
There is a saying in the language, ‘once is an incident, twice is a coincidence, three times is a pattern’ If three is a pattern, what is four? Looking at it from that angle, one must admit it seems curious that one person would be a common denominator at all these incidents.
Yet a cursory check at facts and the whole story begins to unravel. Isaac Vorsah’s brother died in 2010, and reports on the location of the party remain sketchy. I remember at the time of the story people even said Vorsah was the target of the food poisoning.
For the other two accidents Gyan is alleged to have been involved in, one can only classify those as hearsay. There is little information out there and statements like “he sorted out the family” are easy to make without corroboration.
Castro’s death is the latest tragic incident and we’ve already started assigning sinister motives. Gyan and Castro have been buddies forever and whilst you can never read the mind of another human, it seem somehow far-fetched to me that Asamoah Gyan can in any way be held responsible for what happened just because he was on the scene.
In a country like ours, still stuck in the medieval ages when it comes to these matters of spirituality, there is often a thin line between the truth and superstition. However one other thing I know is that if you search hard enough, you can find a pattern in just about anything.
Stories and accusations like these would always flow around when tragic incidents like these occur, it’s just how we are wired.
I am more concerned on what it says about us as a people that we are always looking for these superstitious explanations to events, rather than tackle the issues it raises in a rational and logical manner.
What do you think?
ghana fuor ankasa naaa p3 kasa dodo,any little thing they will shift it on someone..gyan was alrdy rich so the hell will he do tht for?he cn buy anything in this world!..ppl shd learn to face the truth and stop findn ways an means to blame others
Jaleousy go kill them leave him alone vultures God will judge you all.
Too many coincidences oo and his mother died in a mysterious car accident, i heard his brother baffour is good friends with some spiritualist at dansoman. I mean i wouldnt say hes an angel of death but if i was his friend and calculated ish and doesnt add up, i will distance myself from him a lil bit.
I hope you go trought the same things so people will also cast accusation at you why don’t you pity people a little bit his best friend is missing Asa is down if you can’t pray for the whole situation to better so shut up.
STFU its called free speech, i have the right to my opinion, this is a gossip blog not some pity party site, get lost.
You’re so stupid that you can’t even pity yourself becarefull every words you say against somebody will turn back at you,people are grieving and you’re here seeking attention with your heartless comments you’re nothing but a vulture who feeds on others persons pains and misfortunes you will eat your own guts,you evil persons.
hahaha you idiot, pity myself for what? Gtfoh with your nonsense, you ghanaians are full of baloney. People are grieving so people cant give their opinions about the situation? Fuck off
Do unto others that others will do unto you.
LA well said. 1+1 does not add up to 2 in this case, why is it that death occur around him when ever he comes back from a major game?????. Castro being his best friend or him being already “Rich” will not prevent a person with evil mind to sell his soul to the devil. when you sell your soul to the devil it selects people who are dear to you for sacrifice. I really think that something of that sort is what is happening. Asamoah D has some guilty piles to swallow.
Thank you, why is that all these tragedies happen around him and follow him? Not just once but three or four times?
ahahhahahaah oh Lord this scandal gave foods to all the pathetics,insignificant fools that have nothing to with theirs lives it’s easy to judge the others when nobody nkows your life what’s tells us you’re not a bench of witches and wizards???because only a witch can recognized another witch,people like never get sens until something bad happen to them,continue cursing yourself by insulting others people in their hardship.
It takes one to know one fool, since you fly with us at night. you have so much going on in your pathetic life but have time to defend someone who doesnt know you exist? How much does asamoah gyan pay you to be his spokesperson? Keep itmoving it moving, kid.
Ahhhahhaha at least me i’m trying to show some support and consern what is a very human and normal behaviour even when if you don’t know someone if you see him in trouble try to help or show him some sympathy this is the Godly,moral way,and God will reward me for that because this is what He expects from his children,you are here trashing nonsense on someone who doesn’t know you what do you gain from that,do you think you’re better than him,vampire!! ?i repeat it you’re nothing but a witch a wizard a vulture and a good for nothing vampire who like others people misfortune,Good for nothing,useless gossiper.
It takes one to know one mutherfucker, you are evil yourself, thats why you are being so defensive. kwasia what the fuck do you think you are doing on a gossip blog , if not gossiping? If you want to show concern, go on his social media account and have some pity party over there, stupid twat always acting like some mother teresa shit, fri wo ko.
Why are you so hurt if you know what you’re doing is right as you said you’re expressing your opinion and so i’m also expressing mine i’m not being defensive i have nothing to hide andif there is one evil person here it should be you who is seeing evil everywhere,quick to judge and accuse people i will insult you today and i will also insult you tomorrow,you’re a vulture,a wicked soul a he goat who have no maners your mother must have gave birth to you by her anus for you to be so stupid and heartless asshole,human waste i’m ready for people like you think you can gossip and talk anyhow i wil show you that you are not arrived yet.
God knows best n will be the ultimate Judge. Otherwise, PLZ WATCH ” Bitter Cash” on YouTube sent to me by a childhood friend…are Africans always this way?
Hum those who are quick to judge others are in fact the worse criminals,a sane mind will pity the whole situation only an evil,insane,heartless,bewitched soul like you can find the wickedness to accusse somebody who is suffering so much,and only a coward like you will hit a man who is already down,you’re nothing but a pig who likes feeding on others people shit.
Yeah maybe he is not the one doing it but some bad force is behind him so he needs to go for deliverance
To LA or whoever is talking here, I honestly do not see the reason why Asamoah Gyan should be the one to blame for Castro his best friends death. People need to stop this Spirit of blaming and think of how to be able to find the body’s, please let us respect how far their friendship has gone and give Asamoah Gyan that due respect to morn his best friend. Blaming and accusing Asamoah Gyan at this rough time is definitely not the right manner to treat him and needs to respect what he has done for our mother Ghana.
Asamoah Agya cannot be love for one minute and the next minute be and enemy. I believe we need to start appreciating him and support him to morn his friend, if he’s really at the bosom of the Lord.
Asamoah Gyan is a young guy who loves his friends and usually treats them like himself.
Please kindly let us join hands together in prayer and to have peaceful thoughts with his friend Castro at where ever they are. Remain blessed!
The truth is they were both adult and decided to go have some fun.Am sure this is not the first time they did this.I feel very very sorry for Asamoah cuz am sure He hasn’t slept in days ever since this incident took place.Its sickening for anyone to think He would have a hand in this but at the end of the day God knows Best.
Let’s pray for Asamoah too as He is about to face something he will never forget in his life.for the blames,He would get it cuz you can’t argue with the dead.
Lord have Mercy.
ok ooh. hope none of your relatives is his friend otherwise next time you comment on this you may be singing another tune.
Haters asamoah’s ennemies are enjoying poor you so pathetic.
Are saying saying these celebs don’t hv various kind of protection which requests for different sacrifice whether human or animals, etc depending on which god u serve? I’m not saying his guilty but we can’t rule out supernatural exist. Lord have mercy on us with the choices we make in life.
Well am not here to say things I don’t know neither do I ve evidence of what u are saying so I might as well stick to what I see or hear.The question you are asking me doesn’t make sense cuz I don’t live with them .
Lizram what ever happened this not the time to accuse anybdy it’s very cruel just put yourself in his shoes,as for the protection if i don’t see i don’t tell this the best way to avoid accusing innocent people.
Arame what is yr problem….seriously u r doing too much. Dam mm. Nobody is asking or begging u to believe.
Me doing too much??ok those who are talking trash on someone who is suffering are not doing “too much” they are not doing anything wrong look we’re not in a game here ok they are somethings people shouldn’t say period,if you think i’m doing to much let them go and try this nonsense on ghanaweb or ghanassoccernet who will see how people will destroy them,you want to insult somebody be prepared to insulted to end of conversation.
Arame you seem to be on all the blogs. you must be a gossip celebrity. what do you do for a living?
hahaha will come during my break to comment.. I miss GC so much lol
Its as if castro knew somtin lyk dat wil happen to him heard he played a song in Ga exactly lyk de way de accident happened. Who nos maybe he knew buh God nos best. De songs title is (she de do me.) According to a Ga friend its narrates al dat happen durin de accident.
Don’t add salt to injury. .. They were friends if not best.. Why are ghanaians like that … Always trying to create problems where there are none. .. I’ll keep saying it was an accident no matter what.. I’m even tired
Very well spoken Miss. James. All those paid of destroyers of Asamoah Gyan will drink water from Asamoah Gyan one day to know that they have eating their own evil deeds of lips!
They’re hungry!!!
Oooh no, it hasnt come to that. oh ghanafo) kasa dodo
trust Ghanaians to dig into everything.
In life what will be will be. It was waiting for him so no one should blame it on babyjet please.
Even though i dont believe Asamoah Gyan can do this to his own mother and friend. But I still have a lil reservation when it comes to these celebrities. some will do everything for money and fame. Some ordinary people even kill their own parents for black magic to get money how much more mere friends?
hahahah true lol
Nobody is blaming or accusing asamoah gyan for anything but the question needs to be asked, why tragedies keep happening or following him wherever he goes? Ghanaians are so hypocritical, they are thinking it in their heads but afraid to say it out loud for fear of being branded bad/nosey, i dont give a fck who agrees with me or not.
Bafour Gyan is rather married to the doughter of dis spiritualist called Nana Anthony
Go and ask him big mouth,mister colombo,gossiper go and ask him if you’re so concerned empty accusations are useless go and tell him tchrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I honestly do not see the reason why Asamoah Gyan should be the one to blame for Castro his best friends death. People need to stop this Spirit of blaming and think of how to be able to find the body’s, please let us respect how far their friendship has gone and give Asamoah Gyan that due respect to morn his best friend. Blaming and accusing Asamoah Gyan at this rough time is definitely not the right manner to treat him and needs to respect what he has done for our mother Ghana.
Asamoah Agya cannot be love for one minute and the next minute be and enemy. I believe we need to start appreciating him and support him to morn his friend, if he’s really at the bossom of the Lord.
Asamoah Gyan is a young guy who loves his friends and usually treats them like himself.
Please kindly let us join hands together in prayer and to have peaceful thoughts with his friend Castro at where ever they are. Remain blessed!
Thank you my Friend,you see how people are wicked out there no compassion at all always ready to burry people alive after that they call themselves child of God, asem!!
Oh boy, I can’t believe what some of you are saying here. Must everything be attributed to some kind of spiritual forces? No wonder in Ghana superstition rules supreme. I’m done with ya’ll.
This Asamoah Gyan accusation reminds me of a story I read few weeks ago about this Nigeria woman who was killed by her own family members because they believe she’s a witch. According to the family members, the lady killed her own mother and three of her siblings. However, when autopsy was performed on all the deceased it turned out that, there is a hereditary disease in that family. So genetically the unlucky one’s inherited that disease because it runs in their genes. The point I’m trying to make is that, an innocent woman was killed because of superstition. And in Asamoah Gyan’s case, it could be a coincidence that this sort of thing keep on happening around him. Or have we also thought that, maybe just maybe, Satan is trying to steal his joy by killing people he really loves and cares about? Sometimes you have to flip the coin and look at it both ways!!
Kasa poolofo)…gyes3 incident bi 3nsi, then u’ll see where all these non-fa info will generate from.
what a stupid analogy written by a thwart!
da world cup 2006 in Germany, Asamoah Gyan threw a big party at
Infinity nyt club and b4 da party came to an end. ..Isaac Vorsah’s
junior brother was confirmed dead through poisoning. ..
After da African cup in 2012… Asamoah Gyan was driving wit some frens
to hang out and he knocked one guy down… da guy died and he sorted da
family out. Da country took it as an accident.
After da world cup in south Africa… same Asamoah Gyan hanged out with
som frens n wen they departed one guy was involved in an accident. ..
After Brazil world cup…Asamoah Gyan was said to b on a holiday with Castro n som people and now Castro and gf confirmed dead…
After shamo quaye’s snake mystery death i did believed these footballers are using some form of magical powers in the game. Asamoah gyan’s black magic calls for blood around close friends and is so obvious. He participates a lot during tournaments. Our recent goals was asamoah so the spirit also demands for a payback. Am not surprised because he consulted some fetish priest to help him find his friend castro meaning he’s very familiar with demonic powers. This should make sense to Ghanaians. Even the circumstance surrounding his mothers death was something else. I think he needs to consult a powerful man of God for serious prayers. When the money is evil they love throwing it out without thinking and asamoah seems like the type.
you omitted the MYSTERIOUS death of his mum.
You’re talking trash about Asamoah Gyan! What concrete and Basic evidence do you have in this fabricated story you’re talking about on my fan?
“Asamoah gyan’s black magic calls for blood around close friends and is so obvious”.
Has Asamoah Gyan discussed any black magic that he owns with you?
Please back off and find something to eat to stop this paid off hunger fabrications. Asamoah Gyan is FULLY BLESSED and let me remind you today that, you will fall in your own pit for Asamoah Gyan to rescue you. Lack of knowledge!
Serwaa you need evidence before you believe right, jugde
Well, what I think you should leave Asamoah Gyan alone. All those crab stories are spirit of evil FABRICATIONS of the devil. Asamoah Gyan loves Castro and will continue to search for him in good faith. Back off and leave BABY JET alone!!!