
Reviewing the Reviewers: Entertainment Newspapers in Ghana | Read GhanaCelebrities.Com’s Rating



In this publication, GhanaCelebrities.Com does an objective ‘necropsy’ of all the traditional entertainment newspapers in Ghana – which are mostly reviewed by the traditional media – radio and television.

Our criteria for rating are based largely on: Content (stories), Package – quality of print, quality of paper, pictures, artistic design, front page and layout, Visibility/Coverage, Credibility, Reviews, and General ‘Noise’ in media circles. Read with an open mind.


Graphic Showbiz is the State’s (Ghana) owned entertainment print. Indeed, it is one of the product lines of the Graphic Group of Companies. Graphic Showbiz was introduced by the Graphic Group of Companies about 15 years ago. Nana Banyin Dadson is the Editor of Graphic Showbiz.

Strength: Graphic Showbiz is owned by the government and thus, can pride itself of perpetual existence. Indeed, it is the oldest entertainment newspaper currently in Ghana. Their package, with respect to: quality of print, quality of paper, pictures, front page and inside layout makes them nonpareil. Compared to their competitors, they are best in terms of market positioning.

Regards credibility, one can trust or rely 85% or more on stories – especially news stories, published by Graphic Showbiz. Hardly or rarely do they publish stories which turn out to be factually incorrect… Because of their credibility, Graphic Showbiz is the most respected entertainment newspaper in Ghana.

Graphic Showbiz has a nationwide coverage and for that reason, one can assume they print huge quantities per every edition. You can find Graphic Showbiz on most newsstands across the country. They are simply visible! Graphic Showbiz is read by both the old and the young.

Weakness: Most stories in Graphic Showbiz are not though provoking. Its beautiful package on the newsstand will attract you to buy, but, after flipping through from first to the last page, 70% of the stories in the paper are boring!

You rarely can get intriguing, informative, well-researched, and educative articles or features in Graphic Showbiz to read. Graphic Showbiz does not write about the core or critical issues about Ghana’s showbiz or creative art industry. Though it is an entertainment newspaper, it is not entertaining reading Graphic Showbiz most times!

Stories in Graphic Showbiz mostly don’t provoke discussions. Graphic Showbiz becomes loud and relevant in the entertainment industry only when they publish an exclusive story – until then, they are mostly dormant in the game!

Rating: GhanaCelebrities.Com rates Graphic Showbiz as Ghana’s number one best entertainment print, but, they have to work on their weaknesses to maintain their position else….


Flex newspaper is published by Flex Entertainment Ghana. The newspaper which started on a very humble note (financial challenges) 7 years ago, has proven that with determination, perseverance and focus, even the blind can pull a thread through the eye of a needle. Samuel Atuobi Baah is the Managing Editor of Flex Newspaper.

Strengths: Flex newspaper is best known for going for the news – they are go-getters! They are known for provocative, informative, educative and intriguing features, articles and news stories. No week passes by without Flex newspaper raising an issue worth discussing or reviewing.

Because of that, Flex newspaper is widely reviewed by radio entertainment programmes across the country. They tackle issues their competitors are not ready to go for. They raise issues that call for attention. They write about industrial issues. They write art and entertainment from the Ghanaian perspective.

Stories in Flex Newspaper have 80% credibility. When you read a copy of Flex Newspaper, at least 3 stories will provoke your mind – you may either get extremely excited or extremely annoyed. That is Flex Newspaper for you! Flex newspaper is the loudest entertainment print in Ghana and mostly read by the youth. They cover 7 regions out of the 10 regions of Ghana and are well embraced by the Regions and Districts.

Weakness: Their package still has a long way to go! The beauty of their front page is never consistent – you may see it nice this week, the next week it’s off-putting. Their inside layout is unsightly most times! Their paper used for printing is unfit. Flex Newspaper is not too visible on most newsstands. Flex Newspaper’s biggest weakness is their package!

Rating: GhanaCelebrities.Com rates Flex Newspaper, second, as Ghana’s best entertainment print, but, they have to work on their weaknesses IF they want to get to the first position.


Razz Newspaper is published by Table One. It’s currently the newest traditional entertainment newspaper in Ghana. Table One started publishing it last year – 2013 but for reasons best known to them, stopped, and bounced forward this year.

Indeed, when it came out last year, the name was Razzmatazz but on a second thought, they changed and shortened it to what is now known as Razz Newspaper. Arnold Asamoah-Baidoo is the Editor of Razz Newspaper.

Strengths: Razz Newspaper has come in as a promising newspaper with a good package. Their front page is always on point. Their front page alone can cause you to buy when you see it on any newsstand. Though a new print, Razz Newspaper is visible on a number of newsstands in the city. Credibility in their stories is 80%. Though very young, Razz Newspaper is buzzing and gets reviews but, at a steady pace.

Weakness: One does not readily know what Razz Newspaper wants to be known for – news stories, features or articles? One cannot tell which void in the industry they have come in to fill. Again, their paper used for printing is too light, especially the inside pages – they can make use of a better paper than what they are currently using. For now, they don’t have a wider coverage – across the country.

Rating: GhanaCelebrities.Com reserves our rating on Razz Newspaper for now, because, they just hit the market and are yet to find their foot. They have a long way to go.


By the others, we mean those newspapers that are not entertainment oriented but have entertainment pages or columns solely dedicated to the publication of stories about showbiz, entertainment or the creative arts industry.

They are: Daily Guide – Beat Waves and News One, The Mirror, The Times, Spectator – Agoro, Weekend Finder, The Ghanaian Times, The Moment, and the others. They are also doing equally well but GhanaCelebrities.Com does not consider them as main stream entertainment prints – hence our focus is not on them for this publication.

GhanaCelebrities.Com considers all the afore-rated entertainment newspapers BEST, but as always, there can be BEST out of the BESTS and that is precisely what we have done! Have you read any of the aforementioned entertainment newspapers in Ghana before? Share a though if you have any. Until then…MOTWUM!!


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1 thought on “Reviewing the Reviewers: Entertainment Newspapers in Ghana | Read GhanaCelebrities.Com’s Rating”

  1. I think handsdown Graphic showbiz & The mirror r the best E’news papers in Ghana. Idk abt the rest since I wasn’t even in Gh when they all came out.


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